7 Annotations

First Reading

Paul Brewster  •  Link

Ann Harrison, the daughter of John Harrison, was born in London in 1625. At the age of nineteen she married the diplomat, Sir Richard Fanshawe. Over the next few years she gave birth to 14 live children and had six miscarriages.

Ann shared her husband's royalist opinions and went with him on royal service to France, Ireland and Spain. They supported Charles I during the Civil War and Sir Richard Fanshawe was captured at the Battle of Worcester.

The couple went into exile but returned at the Restoration. Fanshawe served Charles II in Portugal (1662-63) and Spain (1664-66).

Anne Fanshawe died in 1680. Her autobiography, Memoirs, completed in 1676, were first published in 1829.

From: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co…

Paul Brewster  •  Link

Here's Anne description on the arrivl of the King from her Memoirs:
Upon the King's restoration, the Duke of York, then made Admiral, appointed ships to carry over the company and servants of the King, who were very great. His Highness appointed for my husband and his family a third-rate frigate, called the Speedwell; but his Majesty commanded my husband to wait on him in his own ship. We had by the States' order sent on board to the King's most eminent servants, great store of provisions: for our family we had sent on board the Speedwell a tierce of claret, a hogshead of Rhenish wine, six dozen of fowls, a dozen of gammons of bacon, a great basket of bread, and six sheep, two dozen of neats' tongues, and a great box of sweetmeats. Thus taking our leaves of those obliging persons we had conversed with in the Hague, we went on board upon the 23rd of May, about two o'clock in the afternoon. The King embarked at four of the clock, upon which we set sail, the shore being covered with people, and shouts from all places of a good voyage, which was seconded with many volleys of shot interchanged: so favourable was the wind, that the ships' wherries went from ship to ship to visit their friends all night long. But who can sufficiently express the joy and gallantry of that voyage, to see so many great ships, the best in the world, to hear the trumpets and all other music, to see near a hundred brave ships sail before the wind with vast cloths and streamers, the neatness and cleanness of the ships, the strength and jollity of the mariners, the gallantry of the commanders, the vast plenty of all sorts of provisions; but above all, the glorious majesties of the King and his two brothers, were so beyond man's expectation and expression! The sea was calm, the moon shone at full, and the sun suffered not a cloud to hinder his prospect of the best sight, by whose light, and the merciful bounty of God, he was set safely on shore at Dover in Kent, upon the 25th [Footnote: Probably a mistake for the 26th] of May, 1660.

So great were the acclamations and numbers of people, that it reached like one street from Dover to Whitehall: we lay that night at Dover, and the next day we went in Sir Arnold Braem's [Footnote: Of a Dutch family settled at Bridge, in Kent. The house at Dover, in which Lady Fanshawe lay, was built by Jacob Braem, and is, or was in Hasted's time, the Custom-house. The family is now extinct.] coach towards London, where on Sunday night we came to a house in the Savoy. My niece, Fanshawe, then lay in the Strand, where I stood to see the King's entry with his brothers; surely the most pompous show that ever was, for the hearts of all men in this kingdom moved at his will.

The next day I went with other ladies of the family to congratulate his Majesty's happy arrival, who received me with great grace, and promised me future favours to my husband and self. His Majesty gave my husband his picture, set with small diamonds, when he was a child: it is a great rarity, because there never was but one.

Second Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

In 1665 the English ambassador to Madrid was Sir Richard Fanshawe. His wife, Anne, wrote an incredible memoir years later. She documents the earliest recipe for a dairy-based icecream written around 1665, with the name "icy cream". The ingredients (below) include flavorings: orange blossom water, mace, and ambergris (a waxy substance produced in the gut of whales).

Since she was living in Spain, maybe icrecream is a Spanish invention?

To make Icy Cream:

"Take three pints of the best cream, boyle it with a blade of Mace, or else perfume it with orang flower water or Amber-Greece, sweeten the Cream, with sugar let it stand till it is quite cold, then put it into Boxes, ether of Silver or tinn then take, Ice chopped into small peeces and putt it into a tub and set the Boxes in the Ice covering them all over, and let them stand in the Ice two hours, and the Cream Will come to be Ice in the Boxes, then turn them out into a salvar with some of the same Seasoned Cream, so sarve it up at the Table."

In those days, cooks were just beginning to understand freezing theory, uncertain about how much ice was necessary, how much salt was needed to mix with the ice, and how keep the salt out of the ice cream. Having made the icecream, how could they store and drain it, all big problems before refrigeration. Flavor seems to have come in second to freezing.

I understand that if you follow her recipe you will end up with a lump of iced cream, unlike anything you would consider eating.

For more information about the early history of icecream, see https://englishhistoryauthors.blo…

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Britain's National Archives has Lady Anne Fanshawe's memoires and recipe book in their gift shop:

In the mid-17th century, England was divided by Civil War, but inside the home domestic life continued as it always had done. Lady Ann Fanshawe's 'receipt book' was a treasured and entirely feminine response to the upheavals of war, which left few doctors to be found.

Using Ann's receipt book and the memoirs she wrote for her surviving son, Lucy Moore follows her through this turbulent time as she leaves home, marries, bears - and buries - children and seeks to hold her family together.

"Lady Fanshawe's Receipt Book" brilliantly illuminates the life and times of an English woman's Civil War.

Manufacturer/Publisher: Atlantic
Binding: Paperback
Author: Lucy Moore

SKU: 9781782398127

She was an incredible force of nature.

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.