
The overlays that highlight 17th century London features are approximate and derived from Wenceslaus Hollar’s maps:

Open location in Google Maps: 51.521749, -0.116463


This appears to have been at the location of modern-day Cockpit Yard, north of modern-day Theobald’s Road, west of Gray’s Inn Road, north of Holborn Library. More from here about Cockpit Yard:

In a widening at the far end of this Yard was the cockpit commonly known as the Gray’s Inn Cockpit. It had a pointed conical roof and in structure was not unlike a theatre with seating around a central arena. The Gray’s Inn venue was one of the most frequented in the whole of London, attracting nobility from far and wide and many a handsome bet, even by today’s standards, were placed on the duelling birds.

1 Annotation

Second Reading

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.