from L&M Companion: Of Brampton. In his will (Jan. 1666) he is described as a yeoman. As the executor of his Uncle Robert's estate, Pepys must see to it that every little parcel of it in property around Brampton is properly appraised and some sold so that the proceeds can be distributed to the heirs.
2 Annotations
First Reading
Pauline • Link
from L&M Companion
Of Brampton. In his will (Jan. 1666) he is described as a yeoman.
Second Reading
San Diego Sarah • Link
✹ Pauline on 21 Jul 2004:
from L&M Companion: Of Brampton. In his will (Jan. 1666) he is described as a yeoman. As the executor of his Uncle Robert's estate, Pepys must see to it that every little parcel of it in property around Brampton is properly appraised and some sold so that the proceeds can be distributed to the heirs.