2 Annotations

First Reading

fimm  •  Link

According to the diary (Wednesday 4th April 1660) this gentleman has a wooden leg.

Paul Brewster  •  Link

According to the L&M companion, Col. George was one of four Thompson brothers. "Presbyterian merchants prominent in the service of the Commonwealth. Col. George (with his wooden leg -- he had been wounded in action in 1644), elected M.P. for Southwark in 1645, was a Councillor of State, 1651-53, 1659-1660, an Admiralty Commissioner, 1652, and an Admiralty and Navy Commissioner 1659, 1660. Under suspicion for disaffection in 1661, he made his peace with the Government and was put on the Brooke House Committee in 1668

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.



  • Dec