3 Annotations

First Reading

Pedro  •  Link


"a fleet was sent from England under the Earl of Marlborough with a regiment of soldiers under Sir Abraham Shipman. (To take Bombay as part of the Marriage Treaty). This, however, was only the beginning of troubles. The Portuguese Viceroy refused to believe that Bombay was to be given up, and cast doubts upon the papers presented by the Earl. Then after a lot of useless palaver the Admiral left Sir Abraham Shipman and the troops on the small island of Angediva, near Goa, and sailed home for fresh orders. Over a year passed before the fresh orders came, and when they came Sir Abraham Shipman and most of his troops were dead. It was a ghastly tragedy."

for description of early life in Bombay see...A History of the Church of England in India...


Pedro  •  Link

Shipman in India.

Where Shipman and many men died, the island of Angediva, is mentioned by Camões, the great Portuguese poet, in “The Lusíads” an epic poem. Part of this poem describes the return journey from Calicut to Lisbon of Vasco da Gama and his fleet after they concluded their epoch-making prowess of discovering a sea route from Europe to India via the Cape of Good Hope. It mentions "The Isle of Love", being Angediva.

It is interesting that our friend Sir Richard Fanshawe was one of the very few Englishmen that had a great command of the Portuguese language. He translated the epic Portuguese poem “Os Lusíads” into English, and it was published in London in 1655.


Pedro  •  Link


Childs…The Army of Charles II

“Sir Abraham Shipman and Sir Gervase Lucas, two impoverished cavaliers, were only too glad to take up the outlandish office of governor of Bombay as they were without any other means of support.

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.