3 Annotations

First Reading

Terry F  •  Link

Priscilla Holden - Neighbor of Thomas Pepys, Samuel's brother, in early 1664; wife of Joseph Holden, haberdasher. (L&M)

Second Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Monday 17 August 1663
... and so my brother being come in I went forth to Mrs. Holden’s, to whom I formerly spoke about a girle to come to me instead of a boy, ...
This day at Mrs. Holden’s I found my new low crowned beaver according to the present fashion made, and will be sent home to-morrow.


Sunday 13 March 1663/64 (Lord’s day).
... and then to my brother, who lies in bed talking idle. He could only say that he knew me, and then fell to other discourse, and his face like a dying man, which Mrs. Turner, who was here, and others conclude he is. ... and seeing a nurse there of Mrs. Holden’s choosing, I left them,

Tuesday 15 March 1663/64
I to my brother again, where Madam Turner and her company, and Mrs. Croxton, my wife, and Mrs. Holding.

Wednesday 16 March 1663/64
to my brother’s to look after things, and saw the coffin brought; and by and by Mrs. Holden came and saw him nailed up.

Friday 18 March 1663/64
... and so to my brother’s again: whither, though invited, as the custom is, at one or two o’clock, they came not till four or five. But at last one after another they come, many more than I bid: and my reckoning that I bid was one hundred and twenty; but I believe there was nearer one hundred and fifty. Their service was six biscuits apiece, and what they pleased of burnt claret. My cosen Joyce Norton kept the wine and cakes above; and did give out to them that served, who had white gloves given them. But above all, I am beholden to Mrs. Holden, who was most kind, and did take mighty pains not only in getting the house and every thing else ready, but this day in going up and down to see, the house filled and served, in order to mine, and their great content, I think; the men sitting by themselves in some rooms, and women by themselves in others, very close, but yet room enough.

Sunday 2 December 1666
After sitting long, till the church was done, the Parson comes, and then we to christen the child. I was Godfather, and Mrs. Holder (her husband, a good man, I know well), and a pretty lady, that waits, it seems, on my Lady Bath, at White Hall, her name, Mrs. Noble, were Godmothers. After the christening comes in the wine and the sweetmeats, and then to prate and tattle, and then very good company they were, and I among them.

Third Reading

Meg H  •  Link

Beholden to Mrs Holden..

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.




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