4 Annotations

First Reading

Terry F  •  Link

"The Society of Jesus (Latin: Societas Iesu (S.J.)) is a Christian religious order of the Catholic Church in direct service to the Pope. Its members, known as Jesuits since the Protestant Reformation, have been called "Soldiers of Christ", first, and "Footsoldiers of the Pope", second, in part because the Society's founder, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, was a soldier before he became a priest."

Terry F  •  Link

"The Society of Jesus is a religious order founded by Saint Ignatius Loyola. Designated by him "The Company of Jesus" to indicate its true leader and its soldier spirit, the title was Latinized into 'Societas Jesu' in the Bull of Paul III approving its formation and the first formula of its Institute ('Regimini militantis ecclesia', 27 Sept., 1540). The term 'Jesuit' (of fifteenth-century origin, meaning one who used too frequently or appropriated the name of Jesus), was first applied to the society in reproach (1544-52), and was never employed by its founder, though members and friends of the society in time accepted the name in its good sense." http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/1…

Pedro  •  Link

The Jesuits.

Anyone interested in a discussion on the Jesuits check the BBC Radio 4 site below and listen to the archive broardcast…


Second Reading

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