
An official at the Exchequer.

1 Annotation

First Reading

Michael Robinson  •  Link

Per L&M Companion:

(d. 1675) A wealthy and senior colleague of Pepys in the Exchequer; M.P. for Ludgershall Jan.-Apr. 1659. He was a clerk from the early 1640's to Sir. R. Pye; auditor in 1650 to the Commission for Composition and Sequestration and from 1653-5 co-Treasurer; Secretary to the Treasury Commissioners 1654-60. He may well have been the Westminster magistrate of those names who conducted Pepys' marriage ceremony in Jan. 1655. In 1660 he lost all his posts except that of deputy to Pye but became secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1661, and to the Customs Commissioners in 1671. Later in the year he retired because of ill health.

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Chart showing the number of references in each month of the diary’s entries.