Annotations and comments

jimmigee has posted 41 annotations/comments since 12 April 2017.

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Third Reading

About Friday 11 December 1668

jimmigee  •  Link

Here in midwestern USA I would not use "fortnight" unless it was at a meeting of the Daughters of the British Empire or something similar.

About Sunday 2 August 1668

jimmigee  •  Link

Occasionally contributing but mostly lurking daily for the past 8 yrs, I thank you, Phil, Terry, SDS and the others who have added so much.

About Monday 25 May 1668

jimmigee  •  Link

"odd to refer to one's wife as 'mother' (would freak me out if husband did so"
The recent V.P. in the USA habitually referred to his wife as "Mother."

About Thursday 11 July 1667

jimmigee  •  Link

I confess that I cringe when I read about these experiments on live animals.
Yes, I understand that they often furthered scientific knowledge.

Second Reading

About Friday 10 May 1667

jimmigee  •  Link

"drove hard towards Clerkenwell,1 thinking to have overtaken my Lady Newcastle, whom I saw before us in her coach, with 100 boys and girls running looking upon her but I could not"
Yes, thinking about today's celebrities pursued by the paparazzi.

And yes, thank you Phil for providing my daily lesson for many years.

About Wednesday 24 October 1666

jimmigee  •  Link

"gin became vastly more popular, particularly in its baser forms, when it was more likely to be flavored with turpentine, rather than the juniper of later London gins."
Ewww--not in my cocktail book.

About Saturday 12 May 1666

jimmigee  •  Link

I also would have liked to have read later entries.
The plague seems to be up and down, similar to what we are experiencing this year of the pandemic.

About Saturday 21 October 1665

jimmigee  •  Link

Fortunately, there is no campaign to kill dogs (or cats) during the current COVID19 pandemic. Actually sales and adoptions of dogs have soared as we cope with lockdowns and being cooped up in our homes.

About Saturday 19 August 1665

jimmigee  •  Link

"Is'nt he just one of those characters we would all love to meet?"
Yes, but I wouldn't want to try to keep up with him!

About Sunday 7 May 1665

jimmigee  •  Link

"only librarians obsess over copyright in these days . . ."
Those of us who have written biographies, histories, etc. need be aware of copyright laws and "fair use" when dealing with sources including photographs.