I was a surgeon before retirement; I understand what bladder calculi are. I have removed them; I've also removed gallbladders for gallstones.
This isn't so much an annotation, as an attempt at a correction. For the past decade or so, many authors, who should know better, have referred to the operation that Sam had as being for 'gallstones'.
I did read this somewhere, probably in a biography of a contemporary, but I cannot now find the original.
Second Reading
About Bladder and kidney stones
Korhomme • Link
I was a surgeon before retirement; I understand what bladder calculi are. I have removed them; I've also removed gallbladders for gallstones.
This isn't so much an annotation, as an attempt at a correction. For the past decade or so, many authors, who should know better, have referred to the operation that Sam had as being for 'gallstones'.
I did read this somewhere, probably in a biography of a contemporary, but I cannot now find the original.
Can anyone help?