dave davis
Encyclopedia topics
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Annotations and comments
dave davis has posted one annotation/comment since 25 September 2013.
Daily entries from the 17th century London diary
dave davis has written a summary for this topic:
dave davis has posted one annotation/comment since 25 September 2013.
Second Reading
About Monday 24 September 1660
dave davis • Link
Being an autodidact with serious study habits (that include the 17th-18th centuries) I ask you to bend your thoughts from cheerful complacency and acceptance. Please consider that men in Pepys time were skilled hypocrites and sexists, that their coarseness is even rather distasteful.
Better to read poetry, history, and In my opinion, it's better to read a Rochester or a Donne, to find other interests. Try to find realism. For example, move on to Sean O'Casey. Listen to Mozart.