Annotations and comments

Archie Toppin has posted two annotations/comments since 25 October 2023.

The most recent first…


Third Reading

About Monday 28 January 1660/61

Archie Toppin  •  Link

My mid terrace 3 bedrooms, two public rooms house in Glasgow was built in 1926. All the rooms except the maid’s bedroom had a fireplace and to the side of each chimney breast a ‘press’. Each press has a full size door (with a lock) behind which is a full height shallow cupboard with shelves. In the 1960’s it was the fashion to remove the doors and facings and wallpaper over them. Those that remained were used in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s to store books, video cassettes etc…. The trend now is to restore the hidden presses, plywood covered doors and staircase bannisters to their original condition. What goes around comes around!

About Wednesday 24 October 1660

Archie Toppin  •  Link

In Scotland we still use ‘skylight’ for a window on the pitched roof of a house for obvious reasons. Skylights are becoming more common here as householders extend their living space into their attics.