Scott Christmas
Annotations and comments
Scott Christmas has posted three annotations/comments since 31 October 2023.
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Daily entries from the 17th century London diary
Scott Christmas has posted three annotations/comments since 31 October 2023.
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Third Reading
About Wednesday 1 January 1661/62
Scott Christmas • Link
"Turns out William Jr. would prefer to look at maps with Pepys (and Wayneman), so they leave Elizabeth and Margaret "Pegg" Penn at the theater."
I read this entry differently. Sam and Penn Sr head to Westminster. Sam realizes there's a play and goes back home. There, he sends his servant to invite the young Penns to the theater later.
Then Penn Jr comes over (maybe this was part of the invitation too) and he and Sam go shopping. They come back home, Jr goes home to grab his sister, and the two return for a lunch of oysters. After lunch, all 4 of them go to the play as planned that morning. After the play, home to supper and cards, and the discovery of the lost sword.
About Thursday 19 December 1661
Scott Christmas • Link
Given that Sam called her a "whore" for having mismatched ribbons, I think it's safe to assume that he must've seen it as something emblematic of prostitutes. Maybe ladies of the night tended to wear lots of colors to attract customers? Or maybe they were too poor to be worried about whether their ribbons matched?
About Thursday 1 November 1660
Scott Christmas • Link
"Dined with us two or three more country gentle men; among the rest Mr. Christmas, my old school-fellow, with whom I had much talk."
Hmm, looks like my ancestor was friends with old Sam!