Wednesday 13 June 1660

To my Lord’s and thence to the Treasurer’s of the Navy, with Mr. Creed and Pierce the Purser to Rawlinson’s, whither my uncle Wight came, and I spent 12s. upon them. So to Mr. Crew’s, where I blotted a new carpet1 that was hired, but got it out again with fair water.

By water with my Lord in a boat to Westminster, and to the Admiralty, now in a new place.

After business done there to the Rhenish wine-house with Mr. Blackburne, Creed, and Wivell.

So to my Lord’s lodging and to my father’s, and to bed.

18 Annotations

First Reading

Colin Gravois  •  Link

It is heartening to see that with all the official toing and froing, Sam is finally able to sandwich in (no pun intended) a visit to his old digs at the Rhenish wine-house with some of his pals. No doubt he savored the moment after being away for so long, but what is the madame doing all this time, not many mentions?

vincent  •  Link

from another diary on this day did say Wednesday 13 June 1660

A time wherein great armies are on foot, and yet an actual cessation of fighting in all Europe, except some thing between the Moscovite and Pole. the Turk and the Transilvanian, after this calm perhaps some very sudden storm
and Mr J. Evelyn did say "....I was all this weeke too & fro at Court, about businesse...." earlier in the monthe did say (4 th june) "...not as yet presenting myselfe to his majestie by reason of the infinite concourse of people: It is indeed intollerable, as well as unexpressable, the greedinesse of all sorts, men, women & children to see his majesty & kisse his hands, inso much as he has scarce leasure to Eate for some dayes, coming as they did from all parts of the Nation:..." finally got a private audience via James(The Duke no less )'..I was carried to his Majestie when he was alone, & very few noble-men with him, and kissed his hands, being very gratiouly receivd: ...'

mw  •  Link

Vincent: your post raises a curio,
Some time ago Pepys suffered from being very tired. His sleep pattern was mightily disturbed. Upon waking Pepys was not sure of which day it as. What interested me was the way that sensation has happened to me once but now I glance at my watch and all is solved!

Diary writing as part of our common culture is not common. Did dairy writing form a different social function in the same way that my watch solved another of Pepys' dilemmas?

Can anyone build my picture of the social mileu and the role of diary writing in the time of Pepys?

vincent  •  Link

At that age of 27 one does do 18 hr days: I get the feeling that the Atmosphere is very highly charged: so many things to do: Every body getting the proverbial paper towel out ;so many Irons to keep warm: He's barely able to note down the who and when, not the how and the why and the what: which he is one of the few master's of succinct to the point commentaries not "_bl****_" essays of waffle;
As to Making notations and commentary by using the hi tech notetaking of de jour he can keep abreast of the doings: Looking back on those days of scrambling, The diary format would have been tremendous aid, there by not completely relying on a dubious memory for the days activities:
Just an uneducated guess: from beneath the scupper:

Henk  •  Link

blotted a new carpet (1) "carpet on the table

These are still a common sight in most Dutch households, as seen over here:

Alan Bedford  •  Link

In order to see what Henk means, click on 'Smyrna', which is listed under 'Tafelkleden' on the left part of the page. The Dutch definitely use classic rug patterns on tablecloths!

Retearivs  •  Link


"tafelkleed", rather like "table dress".

Thanks, Henk and Alan!

Daniel Baker  •  Link

The Admiralty got moved to a new place? Where was it before? Is this when it moved to the spot on the western side of Whitehall between Charing Cross and Horse Guards, where I find it on my 1790s map? (See…)

Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Where is what

"To my Lord’s and thence to the Treasurer’s of the Navy"

L&M note His office was then in Leadenhall Street.

"to the Admiralty, now in a new place."

L&M note it had moved from Derby House in Cannon Row, Westminster(where it had been since January 1655), to Whitehall Palace, on the Duke of York's taking office as Lord High Admiral.

Bill  •  Link

"fair water"

A very common expression through the 19th century but surviving only as a technical term in the 20th. It seems to mean clear, pure water. A little disconcerting to think about the alternative.

Dick Wilson  •  Link

It is hard to tell from these sketchy notes, but is Pepys living in his own home, or are he and Elizabeth sleeping at his father’s house? If so, why?

Chris Squire UK  •  Link

‘fair adj. . . III. Free from blemish or disfigurement.
. . 8.b. Of water: Clean, pure. Now rare . .
c1340 Cursor M. (Fairf.) 20212 Ho..wasshed hir bodi in faire water.
. . 1727 A. Hamilton New Acct. E. Indies II. xxxvi. 43 A Dish of Rice boiled in fair Water . . ‘ [OED]

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"To my Lord’s and thence to the Treasurer’s of the Navy"

L&M note His office was then in Leadenhall Street. Pepts will later refer to 'the Admiralty chamber', which seems to be part of the government complex in Westminster.…

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

"Pepys living in his own home, or are he and Elizabeth sleeping at his father’s house?"

He probably answered that on 11 June, the day after he was reunited with Elizabeth:
"So to Mr. Crew’s and saw my Lord at supper, and then home, and went to see Mrs. Turner, and so to bed."…

Jane Pepys Turner also lives in Axe Yard, so that's just a note about popping in to see a neighbor. Nothing really time consuming. And he hasn't mentioned where he's sleeping since then.

Terry Foreman  •  Link

House of Commons today

Proclamation against Profaneness.
A MESSAGE from the Lords, by * * and Dr. Child, Masters of Chancery;The Lords desire the Concurrence of this House with them in a Petition to his Majesty, for publishing his Majesty's Proclamation concerning debauched Persons thorough the Nation; and for requiring the several Ministers to read the same in their several Congregations:- And therewith delivered a Petition; which was read.Ordered, That this House doth concur with the Lords in the said Petition.The Messengers being called in again, Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer;The House have considered of your Message; and read the Petition which you brought from the Lords; and do concur with the Lords therein.The Tenor of the Petition is as followeth;To the King's most Excellent Majesty:The humble Petition of the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled.
¶The Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, do bless God, that he hath put it into your Majesty's Heart to issue out the Proclamation, lately made against vicious, debauched, and profane Persons; and do humbly thank your Majesty for your pious Care therein expressed, for discountenancing and suppressing the said debauched Persons, and the Vices therein mentioned: And, that the same may take the more Effect, they do humbly pray your Majesty, that you would be graciously pleased to issue out Proclamations by the Advice of both your Houses of Parliament, that each Minister, in each Parish and Chapel within this your Realm of England, and Dominion of Wales, and the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, shall and may, once in a Month, for Six Months, next following, in their respective Congregations, read the said Proclamation concerning the said debauched Persons; and may then press the observing of the Duties therein enjoined, and the avoiding of the Vices therein forbidden.…

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

"The Admiralty got moved to a new place? Where was it before? Is this when it moved to the spot on the western side of Whitehall between Charing Cross and Horse Guards, where I find it on my 1790s map?"

In the 17th century people generally had their offices in their homes. James, Duke of York, became the Lord High Admiral, so the Admiralty Office moved to Whitehall.

Before it was whereever the holder of the office lived or wanted it to be.

By the 18th century things had become too big and complicated for this casual approach, so they set up Admiralty Offices. Sorry -- I don't know where they were in 1790.

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