Wednesday 30 January 1660/61
(Fast day). The first time that this day hath been yet observed: and Mr. Mills made a most excellent sermon, upon “Lord forgive us our former iniquities;” speaking excellently of the justice of God in punishing men for the sins of their ancestors.
Home, and John Goods comes, and after dinner I did pay him 30l. for my Lady, and after that Sir W. Pen and I into Moorfields and had a brave talk, it being a most pleasant day, and besides much discourse did please ourselves to see young Davis and Whitton, two of our clerks, going by us in the field, who we observe to take much pleasure together, and I did most often see them at play together.
Back to the Old James in Bishopsgate Street, where Sir W. Batten and Sir Wm. Rider met him about business of the Trinity House. So I went home, and there understand that my mother is come home well from Brampton, and had a letter from my brother John, a very ingenious one, and he therein begs to have leave to come to town at the Coronacion.
Then to my Lady Batten’s; where my wife and she are lately come back again from being abroad, and seeing of Cromwell, Ireton, and Bradshaw hanged and buried at Tyburn. Then I home.
53 Annotations
First Reading
Emilio • Link
Cromwell, Ireton, and Bradshaw
As dirk mentioned yesterday, the heads of these three, minus their 'loathsome trunks', will be displayed on pikes above Westminster Hall for years to come.
Evelyn has another interesting account of the events today:
30 Was the first Solemn Fast & day of humiliation to deplore the sinns which so long had provoked God against this Afflicted Church & people: orderd by Parliament to be annualy celebrated, to expiate the Gilt of the Execrable Murder of the late King Char: I . . . This day ( the stupendious, & inscrutable Judgements of God) were the Carkasses of that arch-rebell Cromewell, Bradshaw the Judge who condemn’d his Majestie & Ireton, sonn in law to the Usurper, draged out of their superbe Tombs (in Westminster amongst the Kings), to Tyburne, & hanged on the Gallows there from 9 in the morning til 6 at night, & and then buried under that fatal & ignominious Monument, in a deepe pitt: Thousands of people (who had seene them in all their pride & pompous insults) being spectators: looke back at November 22: 1658, & be astonish’d - And God, & honor the King, but meddle not with them who are given to change.
From two years earlier:
22 [Nov 1658.] To Lond, to visite my Bro: & the next day saw the superb Funerall of the Protectors:
[22] He was carried from Somerset-house in a velvet bed of state drawn by six horses houss’d with the same: The Pall held-up by his new Lords: Oliver lying in Effigie in royal robes, & Crown’d with a Crown, scepter, & Mund, like a King: The Pendants, & Guidons were carried by the Officers of the Army, The Imperial banners, Atchivements &c by the Heraulds in their Coates, a rich caparizon’d Horse all embroidred over with gold: a Knight of honour arm’d Cap a p? & after all his Guards, Souldiers & innumerable Mourners: In this equipage they proceeded to Westminster met fantasiaV1 &c: but it was the joyfullest funeral that ever I saw, for there was none but Cried, but dogs, which the souldiers hooted away with a barbarous noise; drinking, & taking Tabacco in the streetes as they went:…
Quite a contrast indeed. If even the royalist Evelyn had such a solemn experience at Cromwell’s funeral, I can see why so many (even our Sam) keep pictures of the Lord Protector even after the changes of the last couple years. [Small spoiler] Years from now, Sam will even mention a curious story that Cromwell’s head might not even be the one on display, but a previous king’s that he had had moved to his own tomb.
dirk • Link
"punishing men for the sins of their ancestors"
If you come to think of it, it's quite a curious notion that you should be punished for something you haven't done. If my Biblical knowledge is worth anything, there's a passage somewhere in the Old Testament which states that the father's sins will be visited on their children up to the seventh generation!
dirk • Link
"a letter from my brother John, a very ingenious one"
ingenious - Clearly the word must have a meaning different from today's usage. What would be the modern equivalent?
Emilio • Link
Some quite different readings from L&M today, & a clarification
'Sir W. Pen and I into Moorfields and had a brave talk': this is actually a "rare walk", which makes more sense in connection with the fine day.
'I did most often see them at play together': "see them at PLAYS together", which does rather change Sam's meaning. Perhaps they were among the ones who spotted Sam a week ago.
'Sir W. Batten and Sir Wm. Rider met him': "He" is Penn, who according to the L&M footnote "with Rider was an elder brother of Trinity House; Batten was Deputy-Master".
Glyn • Link
Ingenious, I imagine, in being written in very good Latin rather than English - isn't he at College? As for sins of the fathers, isn't that the whole basis for the Christian belief in "Original Sin" i.e. even new-born babies aren't totally innocent.
The Bishop • Link
So were there three or four corpses hanged? Only one of the accounts has mentioned Thomas Pride.
Emilio • Link
Just three
L&M had a footnote earlier that Thomas Pride's body "seems to have escaped the fate of the others", citing M. Noble, Lives of the English Regicides (1798). They didn't have any further details, so I didn't retype it.
For the record, the exhumations began on the 26th, and the three bodies were moved to the Red Lion Inn on the 28th, which is the first day Sam mentions them.
language hat • Link
A difficult word, used often in "wrong" senses (pertaining to "ingenuous"); the OED divides the meanings up as follows (I give only a few quotes):
I Senses proper to this word.
†1 Having high intellectual capacity; able, talented, possessed of genius. Obs. in general sense.
1594 Shaks. Rich. III, iii. i. 155 Oh ‘tis a perillous Boy, Bold, quicke, ingenious, forward, capable.
†b Of an action, composition, etc.: Showing cleverness, talent, or genius. Obs. in general sense: see 3 b.
†2 Intelligent, discerning, sensible. Obs.
1661 Fuller Worthies (1840) III. 201 Especially if some ingenious gentlemen would encourage the industrious gardeners by letting ground on reasonable rates unto them.
3 Having an aptitude for invention or construction; clever at contriving or making things; skilful. This (with 3 b) is the current use. Now usually somewhat light or sometimes even depreciative, expressing aptitude for curious device rather than solid inventiveness or skill.
1668-9 Marvell Corr. Wks. 1872-5 II. 245 Every one will be as ingenious as he can to his own profit.
b Of things, actions, etc.: Showing cleverness of invention or construction; skilfully or curiously contrived or made.
II Used by confusion for ingenuous or L. ingenuus.
†4 Having or showing a noble disposition, high-minded; honest, candid, open, frank, ingenuous.
c.1680 Beveridge Serm. (1729) I. 527 Our Lord having heard this ingenious confession.
†5 Well born or bred. Obs.
1638 F. Junius Paint. of Ancients 286 Neither will any man who hath but a drop of ingenious bloud in his breast, trifle away both his art and time.
†6 Of employment, education, etc.: Befitting a well-born person; ‘liberal’. Obs.
1596 Shaks. Tam. Shr. i. i. 9 A course of Learning, and ingenious studies.
john lauer • Link
"[Jack and Tom] take much pleasure together, and I did most often see them at play together" -- I (almost) hesitate to inquire why this is noteworthy, or what is implied. Just buddies?
mary • Link
... a very ingenious one...
If this letter was, as surmised, written in Latin, then Pepys' comment possibly indicates that not only was it written in good Latin, but also that it took a suitable (perhaps wittily chosen) classical author for the model of its style.
Roger Arbor • Link
Cromwell et al... still, IMHO, 'right', where the Royalists 'wrong'. Reminds me of a saying learnt at school about the Civil War and its aftermath: "Parliamentarians, repulsive but right... Royalists, attractive but wrong". Is it a spoiler to say that, by the time of James II, it'll all end in tears?
Xjy • Link
sins of the fathers
Nothing known of genetic inheritance or psychological formation, just observation that similar traits run in families, very brutally stated.
Ruben • Link
Jeremiah 31,32
"..."I will watch over them to build and to plant", declares the Lord.
"In those days they will not say again, "The fathers have eaten sour grapes, And the children teeth are set on edge"
"But every one will die for his own iniquity..." etc, etc.
It means that at the end of time no one will be blamed for crimes that others commited.
But in the meantime the idea was intended to threat people: if you commit a crime, you will pay and your children too.
Stan • Link
(Fast day). The first time that this day hath been yet observed...
after dinner I did pay him 30L.
So did Sam not observe the fast then?
Paul L • Link
"Royalists, attractive but wrong"
I think this is from the utterly brilliant 1066 And All That
M.Stolzenbach • Link
Stan asks about Pepys eating dinner upon a fast day.
Eating less, or eating fish instead of meat, might be looked upon as satisfying the requirement.
There seems to be an error in the quote from Evelyn's diary, either his own, or an error in transcription or scanning. It says "And God, & honor the King" where one would expect the Scriptural quote from I Peter 2:17: "Fear God, honor the King."
mary • Link
1066 and all that.
The Roundheads were right but repulsive, the Royalists wrong but wromantic, as I recall. Sellar and Yeatman.
David A. Smith • Link
"wrong but wromantic"
Mary, you're correct, to which Sellar and Yeatman add, "Charles I was a Cavalier King and therefore had a small pointed beard, long flowing curls, and a large, flat, flowing hat and *gay attire*. The Roundheads, on the other hand, were clean-shaven and wore tall, conical hats, and *sombre garments*. Under these circumstances a Civil War was inevitable."
David A. Smith • Link
"1066 and Sam Pepys"
While I have the volume open, here are Sellar and Yeatman on Sam (pp 72-73):
"Among the famous characters of this period were Samuel Pepys, who is memorable for keeping a Dairy and going to bed a great deal, and his wife Evelyn, who kept another memorable Dairy, but did not go to bed in it."
And no, I didn't make any typing mistakes in the preceding ....
dirk • Link
"sins of the fathers"
Ruben, may I counter with Exodus 20:5
""...I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me" (sorry, not the seventh generation - my memory was wrong there).
Calvin commented on this (no, I'm not a Calvinist - this is merely for the argument's sake):
"...if it be not agreeable to our judgment that God should repay every one according to his deserts, and yet that He at the same time requires the sins of their fathers of the children, we should remember that His judgments are a great depth; and, therefore, if anything in His dealings is incomprehensible to us, we must bow to it with sobriety and reverence."
[Commentary on Pentateuch]
Ruben • Link
"sins of the fathers"
this hereditary sins are found in many places throughout the Bible: in Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Kings, etc. You have to see the Bible as a changing proyect. In Prophets time, mores changed and so were the interpretation of the old words.
That is the reason I cited Jeremiah and not the Exodus, that was, then as now very old stuff.
To confirm what I just said see a later Prophet: EZEKIEL 18:
“Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, “What do you mean by using this proverb concerning the land of Israel saying, The fathers eat the sour grapes, but the children’s teeth are set on edge”?
“As I live,” declares the Lord God, “you are surely not going to use this proverb in Israel any more.”…
…”he has a son who has observed all his father’s sins which he commited, and observing does not do likewise….he will not die for his father’s iniquity, he will surely live.”
And later (27):”Again, when a wicked man turns away from his wickedness which he has committed and practices justice, he will save his life.”
(32)”For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies” declares the Lord God.
I am sure everyone knew very well the Bible in Pepys times.
Repenting and turning into a royalist may came as an appropiate solution for many who commited political sins.
Ruben • Link
"Lord forgive us our former iniquities;" wrote SP.
This is exactly what you will ask after reading the Prophets.
Hic retearius • Link
"1066 and All That"
Mary, Paul and David: you have resurrected episodes of roaring, insane, schoolboy hilarity buried lo these 50 years! Sellar and Yeatman, oh blessed be Your Names; how well You understood history, particularly Caesar and his doings in Gaul, and so eased, for a few blessed moments, the pressure on us grubby little urchins!
Harry • Link
"1066 and All That"
Sellar taught me English literature for two years. Generally a very down-to-earth, unfunny, man,once ot twice a year he would have the whole class in stitches with an unexpected and hilarious aside.
Conrad Z. Risher • Link
//Midrash On
Exodus 20:5, et al. Another interpretation of this is that it is designed to prevent or alleviate defeatism. If you are impoverished because your father was jailed for a crime, for example, you should not bemoan your lot or beseech the Lord for special help, for He has already said it might happen; you must, instead, endeavour to overcome your unfortunate situation in life. This adds the point that just because you are paying for a sin doesn't mean you committed one, which idea has its own value.
// end Midrash
Jylaen • Link
I was a child in the USA in the 1960's and my mother was Roman Catholic. She would often refer to my brother and I as 'Roundheads' when we were being naughty. It wasn't until college that I learned what the term meant: she had no idea why she used it.
Glyn • Link
where my wife and she are lately come back again from being abroad, and seeing of Cromwell, Ireton, and Bradshaw hanged and buried at Tyburn.
Does this mean that the women had some spare time, and decided that this would be an enjoyable day out???
dirk • Link
"where my wife and she are lately come back again from being"
Not unlikely... A spectacle of this kind was bound to draw spectators - men and women alike.
vincent • Link
Glyn: Not only was the boss of the house enjoying traipsing around the places of pleasure. There was no one to keep tabs on the mistress, as I'm sure he said leaving to whet his whistle, he may have told 'herself' that he was partaking of vitals at .... especialy now he has a few extra coppers in in his purse.
There are many occasions in the past, she was else where, not waiting for the hungary man demanding a 3 course meal, he has mentioned just getting some moustrap and bread. [ Be nice if some one would tabulate the times he was out at other places imbibing and and indulging in some speciallity of the house.]
dirk • Link
Glyn - "Be nice if some one would tabulate..."
There exists a searchable "database of the meals of Samuel Pepys" on the web:…
Michael Robinson • Link
"(Fast day). The first time that this day hath been yet observed: ..."
A form of common prayer, to be used upon the thirtieth of January, being the anniversary-day appointed by act of Parliament for fasting and humiliation, to implore the mercy of God, that neither the guilt of that sacred, and innocent bloud, nor those other sinns by which God was provoked to deliver up both us, and our King, into the hands of cruel and unreasonable men, may at any time hereafter be visited upon us, or our posterity. Published by His Majestie’s direction.
London : printed by John Bill, printer to the King’s most Excellent Majesty, 1661.
[64] p. ; 4⁰. Wing (2nd ed., 1994), C4113
Second Reading
Terry Foreman • Link
“Lord forgive us our former iniquities;”
L&M say this is a loose recollection of Psalm 79.8, which the KJV renders "O remember not against us former iniquities: let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us: for we are brought very low. "
Bill • Link
"had a letter from my brother John, a very ingenious one"
INGENIOUS, quick-witted, full of Wit or Invention.
---An Universal Etymological English Dictionary. N. Bailey, 1675.
Tonyel • Link
The coffin in which was the body of Cromwell was a very rich thing, very full of gilded hinges and nails.
It seems strange, if the whole purpose of this charade was to humiliate the memory of Cromwell, that they left him (or most of him) in his fancy coffin. Surely, a pine box would have been more fitting for the puritan?
Chris Squire UK • Link
Oliver's head ‘ . . was buried In March 1960 in the anti-chapel of Sidney Sussex, Cambridge . . its presence recorded by an inscribed tablet . . ’…
Sasha Clarkson • Link
Interesting Tonyel - I believe that there was very little pine in England in those days: conifer plantations came in subsequent centuries! :)
Terry Foreman • Link
"my brother John...begs to have leave to come to town at the Coronacion."
L&M: According to the diary, his request does not appear to have been granted. Penn's son William (later the Quaker leader, now an undergraduate at Oxford) seems to have been luckier:…
Terry Foreman • Link
"(Fast day). The first time that this day hath been yet observed"
L&M: A form of service was drawn up in 1662 and incorporated in the Prayer Book. It was not removed until 1859.
Terry Foreman • Link
"Then to my Lady Batten’s; where my wife and she are lately come back again from being abroad, and seeing of Cromwell, Ireton, and Bradshaw hanged and buried at Tyburn."
L&M: The shrouded and embalmed corpses of the regicides were hanged in public from morning until sundown, then cut down, the heads removed and the 'loathsome trunks' buried under the gallows. Descriptions in Evelyn; Rugge, i, f.154v.
Third Reading
San Diego Sarah • Link
"The coffin in which was the body of Cromwell was a very rich thing, very full of gilded hinges and nails.
"It seems strange, if the whole purpose of this charade was to humiliate the memory of Cromwell, that they left him (or most of him) in his fancy coffin. Surely, a pine box would have been more fitting for the puritan?"
Emilio probably provided us with the answer. In Cromwell's state funeral Everlyn reports that "[22] He was carried from Somerset-house in a velvet bed of state ..."
So it sounds as if Cromwell was buried in his glorious casket, then dug up and he and his casket were taken to Tyburn. It would have been a way of exposing to people the error in their thinking that Cromwell was anything like a humble Puritan -- he was buried as a false king. All part of the Stuart narrative and deprogramming campaign.
San Diego Sarah • Link
"... did please ourselves to see young Davis and Whitton, two of our clerks, going by us in the field, who we observe to take much pleasure together, and I did most often see them at play together."
I detect a touch of wishfullness here. The good old days of being free and able to run around on Tower Hill, playing football or roughhousing. Sigh.
Now Pepys strolls at a leisurely rate with Adm. Penn who is recuperating from a long attack of (probably) gout.
That's what happens when you turn 28 and get a Government position; you have to act like a grownup and think of your image.
San Diego Sarah • Link
"Home, and John Goods comes, and after dinner I did pay him 30l. for my Lady, ..."
I think this was to reimburse Goods for paying the overnight accounts for Lady Sandwich and party of 8 plus coach and horses at Chatham.
"So we took coach, and I went into the coach, and went through the town, without making stop at our inn, but left J. Goods to pay the reckoning."…
Pepys was left in charge by My Lord, and Pepys will be reimbursed by the Adm. in due time, with luck.
San Diego Sarah • Link
"... So I went home, and there understand that my mother is come home well from Brampton, ..."
No mention of any domestic details from Pepys, but presumably his aunt recovered, and Pall will now be relieved of caring for her father and come back to Seething Lane.
San Diego Sarah • Link
"(Fast day). The first time that this day hath been yet observed: and Mr. Mills made a most excellent sermon, upon “Lord forgive us our former iniquities;” speaking excellently of the justice of God in punishing men for the sins of their ancestors."
This was an excellent sermon because Rev. Mills explained a way of looking at current events through the teachings of the Bible. He provided leadership to his confused flock.
The flock were all in recovery from hours-long sermons threatening hell fire and the second coming and personal responsibility for everything -- but the Church of England's more compassionate message was not fully developed yet.
Young preachers in particular didn't have the experience or the memory of how to provide leadership in a concise and less flamboyant manner. So they mumbled their way through some platitudes in "dull" sermons, and according to Josselin, the parishioners sometimes stayed home in protest. The parishioners probably turned out today because it would be noted by someone if they didn't show up -- and given the rising of last month and the number of people detained in prison right now, they didn't want their name on the wrong list.
Today the Rev. Ralph says:
30. A Fast to lament the Kings death. preached from. Jerem: 17.v.9.
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
I think their sermons' premises illustrate that Mr. Mills was old enough to remember how to be a CofE preacher, and the Rev. Ralph lives in the heart of Puritan country and is struggling to bridge the divide.
LKvM • Link
" . . . that it took a suitable (perhaps wittily chosen) classical author for the model of its style." Perhaps Sam's rusticated brother John was clever enough to choose the form of the banished Ovid's "Epistulae ex Ponto."
Re Tonyel's reference to a "pine box," Tonyel must be a Southern US bro.
San Diego Sarah • Link
rusticated meaning: verb
1. go to, live in, or spend time in the country.
2. fashion (masonry) in large blocks with sunk joints and a roughened surface: "the stable block was built of rusticated stone"
Does Cambridge University qualify as "rusticated" -- definition #1?
I think several fellows of the Royal Society would challenge you to a duel over that chacterization!
徽柔 • Link
"very full of gilded hinges and nails" sounds luxurious.Do 17th century nobilities bury their deads with sumptuous funerary goods?St. Peter would scorn this.
Christopher Boondoc • Link
It's clear in the Bible that we do not pay for the sins of our forefathers, or anyone else. However, there are earthly consequences that are "visited on" the children for several generations. Likewise, the blessings of the fathers are given to their children and grand children. Think of it this way: if you throw your life away to drugs and crime, your children will bear the consequence of those decisions, like a curse. If you walk upright and honest, have a good reputation, are successful, that blessing will give your descendants and advantage. It's the way the world works, not the workings of a vengeful God.
San Diego Sarah • Link
"Do 17th century nobilities bury their deads with sumptuous funerary goods?"
Apparently Cromwell's family and "courtiers" thought that's how a everything-but-in-name-a-king was buried.
Charles I had a much less ceremonial exit, which Charles II decided not to change although he promoted him as the first and only Anglican saint.
As in all things, he who pays decides.
徽柔 • Link
Thank you for the information. I doubt Cromwell himself would appreciate the gilded hinges and nails and the lavish funeral.He was a puritan ,after all.
San Diego Sarah • Link
"Puritan" can be a misleading catch-all description, 徽柔.
This "Puritan" Parliament and his family buried him with the pomp and tribute required for their leader, with the status of King.
Many Ambassadors attended his Westminster Abbey funeral, which was modelled after the ceremony for James I and VI and a magnificent affair, and they reported back to other heads of state on the status of England as a functioning nation based on its ability to do that.
The family and couriers must have decided that a simple wooden coffin would have sent the wrong diplomatic message to France and Spain in particular.
The elderly Cromwell liked practical jokes, swearing, good food, parties and alcohol, and dressed his daughters in the finest cloth, and he negotiated wealthy and prestigeous marriages for them with the established nobility.
Yes, he believed Puritan things, namely that his success in battle meant that God was on his side and he was therefore in the right.
Unlike his Presbyterian Parliament, he was tolerant of Church of England and Jewish beliefs, but drew the line for other non-conformists like the Ranters, Quakers and Fifth Monarchists.
As a young man Cromwell probably was a devout, rigid Presbyterian who liked to live in lovely houses, but as The Protector, he -- and his family -- adapted to what was expedient. By 1650 his policies and attitudes had to be international as well as national -- and even his nation was not all Presbyterian, never mind Puritan.
In other words, he matured like we all do. Things were no longer so black-and-white; shades of grey were embraced.
The coffin therefore speaks to more things than just religion. Cromwell would have understood that, and appreciated the gratitude and symbology it represented.
San Diego Sarah • Link
On the subject of the funeral of Oliver Cromwell, I found this article from the Cromwell Association. Specific reference to the funeral starts half way through, but his "coronation"/inaugeration gives it conext. His inauguration came after months of debate about his taking the title of "king" -- he finally decided he had more power as Lord Protector.
"By the later years of the Protectorate, the opening of Parliament had become almost indistinguishable from its traditional form.
A similar trend was evident in the 2 ceremonies that marked Cromwell’s inauguration as Lord Protector.
Whereas in the first, in December 1653, he wore ‘a black suit and cloake’, and took an oath in the Court of Chancery, sitting on a ‘chair of state’, Laura Knoppers has written that ‘the second Cromwellian inauguration appropriated and revised monarchical forms, transforming a sacred rite into a civil ceremony’.
For this ceremony, in June 1657, ‘a large place’ was ‘raised and prepared at the upper end of Westminster Hall’, ‘in the midst’ of which, ‘under the great window, a rich cloth of estate [was] set up, and under it a chair of state’ – Edward I’s coronation chair – ‘placed upon an ascent of two degrees’. Cromwell was invested with ‘a robe of purple velvet, lined with ermine, being the habit anciently used at the solemn investiture of princes’, together with a Bible, a sword and ‘a scepter, being of massie gold’.
Venetian Resident Francesco Giavarina observed that in receiving these ‘royal ornaments’, Cromwell ‘lacked nothing but the crown to appear a veritable king’.37
37 Calendar of State Papers Venetian (1657-9), p. 82 (Giavarina to the Doge and Senate, 3/13 July 1657).
That missing crown finally appeared posthumously in Cromwell’s state funeral, based on that of James VI and I in 1625.38
38 Knoppers, Constructing Cromwell, pp. 133-6; Sharpe, Image Wars, pp. 520-1.
His effigy was ‘vested with royal robes, a scepter in one hand, a globe in the other, and a crown on the head’.39
39 Mercurius Politicus, 443 (18-25 November 1658), p. 30.
Venetian Resident Francesco Giavarina reported that ‘the effigy of the late Protector … was borne on a car, wearing a crown on its head and holding the sceptre and orb in its hands, with every other token of royalty’.40
40 Calendar of State Papers Venetian (1657-9), p. 269 (Giavarina to the Doge and Senate, 26 November/6 December 1658).
San Diego Sarah • Link
In Knoppers’ words, ‘the Cromwellian funeral procession’ drew ‘upon the full visual resources of monarchical ceremony … Ceremony, effigy, and funeral hearse clearly imitated previous monarchical forms’.
How should we interpret this evidence? Was it a case of Cromwell being willing to meet monarchy half-way? Can we discern symptoms of Cromwell’s continuing lack of hostility towards monarchy per se?
Or are we seeing a clever Cromwellian compromise that was intended to underline his acceptance of traditional forms and so broaden support for his regime?
Or was he seeking to live up to contemporary expectations about the kind of trappings that should attend a head of state, whether republican or royal? ...
Perhaps characteristically of Cromwell, it may well have been a complex blend of all of these things. As so often with Cromwell, a ‘both … and’ approach generally proves more fruitful than an ‘either … or’ one.
We can see the multi-layered quality of Cromwell’s thinking and his political behavior: his capacity to kill several birds with one stone and to fulfill several objectives through the same action. To adapt his own words, no man rises so high as he who knows how to pursue several agendas simultaneously."
EXCERPT FROM: The Monarchical Republic of Oliver Cromwell (Cromwell Day Address 2015)
by Dr. David L Smith, Fellow and Director of Studies in History at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He was a Trustee of the Cromwell Association from 2012 to 2015.…
"His effigy was ‘vested with royal robes, a scepter in one hand, a globe in the other, and a crown on the head’." -- i.e. the casket was closed, but in royal tradition a wooden statue of Cromwell lay on top -- presented as a king.
This was a full-blown state funeral -- there was nothing "Puritan" about it beyond a presumably Presbyterian minister conducting the ceremony, since they did not recognize bishops.
I wonder what happened to that effigy and the make-believe orb, scepter and crown -- the real things had been melted down to help pay for the civil wars. And Charles II had new ones made, which continue to be used today.