Wednesday 17 April 1661

By land and saw the arches, which are now almost done and are very fine, and I saw the picture of the ships and other things this morning, set up before the East Indy House, which are well done. So to the office, and that being done I went to dinner with Sir W. Batten, and then home to my workmen, and saw them go on with great content to me. Then comes Mr. Allen of Chatham, and I took him to the Mitre and there did drink with him, and did get of him the song that pleased me so well there the other day, “Of Shitten come Shites the beginning of love.”

His daughters are to come to town to-morrow, but I know not whether I shall see them or no. That done I went to the Dolphin by appointment and there I met Sir Wms. both and Mr. Castle, and did eat a barrel of oysters and two lobsters, which I did give them, and were very merry.

Here we had great talk of Mr. Warren’s being knighted by the King, and Sir W. B. seemed to be very much incensed against him.

So home.

21 Annotations

First Reading

Josh  •  Link

"Of Shitten come Shites the beginning of love."---This elegant sentiment is part of “A Ballad of Old of Proverbs,” which Brian Barr dug up for us on 11 April,…
and look for the poesy.

Much more memorable than the miserable Presbyterian sermon text of April 14th, “Christ loved you and therefore let us love one another.”

Pauline  •  Link

"Of Shitten come Shites the beginning of love."
I do hope the Sunnis see it that way.

Paul Brewster  •  Link

Sir W. B.
L&M set it as Sir W. Batten. I wonder why Wheatley abbreviates.

Vicente  •  Link

twos a common expression as kid in Geordy land "...Of Shitten come Shites..." but used in the most Saxon meaning, In the present tense that is.[house of Privy was its intention]

Mary  •  Link

Of Shitten come Shites.

I wonder how this line managed to evade Wheatley's bowdlerizing pen?

Lawrence  •  Link

The expression "By land"? does that mean as opposed to, by water? i.e. the river.

Lawrence  •  Link

Per L&M. The pictures S.P saw set up at the east Indy House were executed on a wooden superstructure built over the top of the windows.
The East India House was orinally the town house of lord Craven. on the s. side Leadenhall st.

dirk  •  Link

"Of Shitten come Shites"

In 1611, Cotgrave published "A dictionarie of the French and English tongues" - see earlier background reference:…

This book also contained numerous contemporary (French) proverbs (in Cotgrave's 17th c. translation). A number of them are "on the same level" as the one mentioned by Sam in today's entry.…

Vicente  •  Link

"By Land" to be used by the American Patriots later. Otherwise the Tems be too rough and dirty.Sam must keep his best bib and tucker clean for the "up and coming show " at Wesminster. The Art show seems to go over well with him. "...I saw the picture of the ships and other things this morning nice site..."
lou from proverbs interesting .

Rich Merne  •  Link

Scatology rules!! I wonder what would Jonathan Swift have to say, the subject being 'not unfamiliar' to him.

Wim van der Meij  •  Link

The arches in the first line are also being erected in honour of the coronation.

Emilio  •  Link

More on the arches

These are part of the spectacle for the coronation and were erected by the City. According to an L&M footnote, they are 90-100 ft tall, cost more than £10,000, and have elaborate pictures painted on them. The first arch is in Leadenhall St. and depicts ‘Monarchy and Rebellion’; second, by the Exchange, has a naval theme; third is a ‘Temple of Concord’ at Cheapside Cross; and the last portrays a ‘Garden of Plenty’ in Fleet St. The procession from the Tower to Whitehall on the day before the coronation will stop at each one for a welcoming ceremony.

And this will be just the prelude to the event—stay tuned as we see what the big event itself will be like.

JWB  •  Link

From RL Steverson's essay: "...and preserved till nearly forty the headlong gusto of a boy. So, to come rightly at the spirit in which the Diary was written, we must recall a class of sentiments which with most of us are over and done before the age of twelve..."

Lawrence  •  Link

Nice one Vince, and you can even listen to the pronunciation too.

Pedro  •  Link

17th April

Allin on his way home from Constantinople reaches Zante in mizzling weather, where they were to water and enquire of English ships to go home under convoy.

“…went ashore and walked up a huge hill and viewed the castle and the valley, which is spacious and very fruitful, all green with either grass or corn, and where the olive trees are under are the current grapes, it a very pleasant place and well tilled, not a spot of ground lost. And at our return from walking the merchants met us at the chapel, where wine was plentiful and pistachios and within hour mutton, lamb, veal, hens and pigeons, enough to serve the whole company, being in all with the sailors near thirty.”

(The Journals of Sir Thomas Allin edited by RC Anderson)

Second Reading

Bill  •  Link

"His daughters are to come to town to-morrow"

Mr, Allen's daughters were mentioned on April 9 with links to the encyclopedia.

Kyle in San Diego  •  Link

Has anyone been able to track down the lyrics to that song 'of shitten comes shites?'

Third Reading

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