Wednesday 24 April 1661

Waked in the morning with my head in a sad taking through the last night’s drink, which I am very sorry for; so rose and went out with Mr. Creed to drink our morning draft, which he did give me in chocolate to settle my stomach. And after that I to my wife, who lay with Mrs. Frankelyn at the next door to Mrs. Hunt’s.

And they were ready, and so I took them up in a coach, and carried the ladies to Paul’s, and there set her down, and so my wife and I home, and I to the office.

That being done my wife and I went to dinner to Sir W. Batten, and all our talk about the happy conclusion of these last solemnities.

After dinner home, and advised with my wife about ordering things in my house, and then she went away to my father’s to lie, and I staid with my workmen, who do please me very well with their work.

At night, set myself to write down these three days’ diary, and while I am about it, I hear the noise of the chambers, and other things of the fire-works, which are now playing upon the Thames before the King; and I wish myself with them, being sorry not to see them.

So to bed.

33 Annotations

First Reading

A. De Araujo  •  Link

"to drink our morning draft,which he did give me in chocolate to settle my stomach" what is this? beer and chocolate? doesn't sound inviting,let alone to settle the stomach!

Vicente  •  Link

Aked waked oh! well, Water drinkers don't write good verse[any way] {so I was taught by my Latin master on my pew translating Horace} "...Waked in the morning with my head in a sad taking through the last night's drink, which I am very sorry for;…”
“Nulla placere diu nec vivere carmina possunt quae scribere aquae potoribus.”
Horice, Epistulae, I, 19, 2
No poems please nor live for long which are written by drinkers of water…

dirk  •  Link

"which he did give me in chocolate"

I read this to mean "in the form of" a chocolate drink.

Vicente  •  Link

"...and advised with my wife about ordering things in my house, and then she went away to my father's to lie, and I staid with my workmen, who do please me very well with their work…”
“advised with” advise from French ‘avis’ - omen in Latin
but the “with” makes me think of latin brain washing, [suadere[urge, recommend] with dative or censere [many shades of meanings,]with the dative]issueing of instructions maybe? details? [Don’t spend too much etc., etc.].I do not think it was in the same meaning as to-day it smells of more negative content, “do or else?”
Was she mad or just did not like the B***** mess and noise. As for the Project, Foreingners or not, he appears to well pleased.

Mary  •  Link

...advised with my wife...

'Advise with' = 'take counsel together'
Sam and Elizabeth are simply discussing the work, exchanging opinions and presumably reaching agreement; no mention of 'high words'.

Kevin Sheerstone  •  Link

Vicente: "advised", smells of more negative content ...

I'm not so sure this word hasn't retained at least a little of its negative association to this day. I have yet to receive a letter beginning "Please be advised" that imparted anything but bad news.

Mary  •  Link

... in chocolate..

Dirk is right. Compare other expressions such as those expressing forms of payment: in coin of the realm, in small change, etc. The 'in' qualifies the form of the morning draught.

Pepys doesn't comment on how well or not he appreciated this recommendation. L&M Companion notes that chocolate was a fairly heavy drink at this time as it was rich in cocoa-butter (not yet extracted for the manufacture of chocolate confectionery) and was also often further enriched by the addition of eggs, sack or spices. No mention of sugar or other sweetener being added, which is a little surprising in view of the great bitterness of pure chocolate.

Ruben  •  Link

has been discussed a year ago. See "background information".

May be SP's "morning draft" were most of the time a "break-fast" drink, not necessarily beer, like in today's case.
Chocolate in those days was bitter, but a taste for sweets was just developing. (prices for sugar cane were a little high).
Coffee continues to be bitter and it does not make a difference to a lot of people.
Tea (in my opinion) is better whitout sugar .
The common ground: caffeine.

JWB  •  Link

Chocolate in your cups
The Aztec word means bitter drink. The Spanish court added sugar and vanilla and this the form that became world beater. Chocolate does go with beer, not as well as with red wine, but then what does? Here in Cincinnati, we put it in our Chili.

language hat  •  Link

"Chocolate does go with beer, not as well as with red wine"
I hope you don't waste anything better than Bulgarian plonk on that combination.

giovanna  •  Link

The aztecs drank their "chocolate" made with water and a small amount of very hot peppercorn. It is extremely good, better than the milk and sugar variety that has developed in europe.

Ruben  •  Link

I heard that the Aztecs used chocolate as a hallucinogenic.

Pedro.  •  Link

"set myself to write down these three days' diary,”

The most annotated entry in the Diary so far, I believe, is 4 February 1660 with 74 entries. The last two days have been some of the best yet, but only have 24 and 35. Is everyone setting themselves to write, or like Sam, have we had too much “brave moonshine”

Vicente  •  Link

Mary: Very few wives at this time, had the luxury of being called "She who must be obeyed" Look at how our Sam runs a round doing his thing, leaving the little wifey to fend for herself while all this hoopla is going on. Just my tort?
He was laying down the rules of the new improved living arrangements. It is known that she was not the best of organisers of help and feeding of [his majesty] Sam.
Of course there are exceptions, e.g. Annie [nee Hide] was said to wear the pants [leaving James his cod piece of course] while jimmy [James bro: of CII] had fun entertaining the boys for brecky.

Susan  •  Link

Don't forget - this is Sam's diary! We do not know what Mrs P is getting up to or with whom during all the time she is away from Sam.

Vicente  •  Link


Vicente  •  Link

Looking around for chocolate and beer, came up, that People speak of beer having a malted chocolate Aroma.
Aroma: Roast malt or grain aroma, often coffee-like or chocolate-like, should be evident. Hop aroma moderate to low. Fruity esters, and diacetyl, are moderate to none.…
we have Young's Double Chocolate Stout!…
How does our Three Threads/Chocolate Porter taste? The word "Chocolate" in the name comes from the chocolate malt that we employ in the brewing of our beers.
Porter is for the Porters' of Lundon's hour off from deliveries.…
another additive, is to add a jigger of rum {Jamaican} to a pint of Guinness, removes all humurs past, and present.

Pauline  •  Link

'what Mrs P is getting up to or with whom '
Evidence is that Elizabeth had her own schedule for enjoying the coronation. The plan appears to be to meet Sam at Mrs. Frankelyn's this morning.

Perhaps Sam has been in a position to get near the heart of the ceremony and Elizgbeth was willing (or preferred) to go the social route. Sam's access is a little forbidding:

"And with much ado, by the favour of Mr. Cooper, his man, did get up into a great scaffold across the North end of the Abbey, where with a great deal of patience I sat from past 4 till 11 before the King came in."

Women are more delicate in their "patience" when considering this kind of opportunity.

upper_left_hand_corner  •  Link

Ruben -- no caffeine in chocolate,
just similar xanthine alkaloids. Besides the more dominant Theobromine ("food of the gods"), the other alkaloid is actually a mirror image of caffeine and has a very different effect-- no jitters. Same active substance as that of yerba mate', actually.

Vincent/Vicente, a counterpart to your quote of Horice (Horace?) from a spanish drinking song, intentionally mispelled in drunken pronunciation:

Bever, Bever, Bever es um gran placer;
el agua es pa ba~narse, y pa losh patosh que nadam bien

To drink (3x) is a great pleasure;
water is for bathing and for ducks that swim well.

I wish I could find the rest of the lyrics ...

Mary  •  Link

Advise with

OED sense 7: to take counsel with, to consider in company, to hold a consultation.

1638, Healey: ' who, distrusting his friends and familiars, in serious matters adviseth with his servants.'

No-one is suggesting that Elizabeth is calling the tune; they are just talking the matter over together. If Sam had been carrying a difficult point against Elizabeth, we should probably have heard about it in explicit detail.

Pedro.  •  Link

"We do not know what Mrs P is getting up to or with whom during all the time she is away from Sam."

From the Diary so far we can see that Sam is the organiser, and with his attention to detail, if and when she is up to something I'm sure we will hear in explicit detail!

Ruben  •  Link

thank you for your remark about the chocolate.
After learning today from you I fill obliged to make a big disgression in your honor:
Pobrecitos los borrachos
que estan en el campo santo,
que estan en el campo santo,
que Dios los tenga en la gloria por haber bebido tanto.

Beber, beber, beber es un gran placer
el agua es para las ranas
y pa' los peces que nadan bien.

"sorry for the drunken, they are in the cemetery, let God keep them in his Glory, cause they had drank so much."
The other part you translated.
for more like this see :…

Nix  •  Link

"Waked in the morning with my head in a sad taking" --

Samuel's conscientious and skillful construction of the narrative shows up here. Though he is composing the three days' entries while nursing a bitter hangover, his ebullient relation of the two days of pomp and partying convey the immediate joy and and boisteriousness of it with no foreshadowing of today's suffering. It would be very hard to relate the tale in that state without interpolating some suggestion of the pain to come.

Emilio  •  Link

Was Sam hung over?

Do we think he was still hung over by that night? Perhaps he wasn't--with drinking several glasses of water I can get rid of a hangover by the late afternoon. Pure water was difficult to come by at the time, but on the other hand they must have had some way to rehydrate. Otherwise, life could have easily been a permanent hangover.

Kevin Peter  •  Link

I hope that Sam didn't ruin his nice coronation clothing by "spewing" all over it!

Todd Bernhardt  •  Link

re: spewing

Kevin, I was wondering the same thing ... maybe he got the velvet coat off before he began to erupt.

But oh! the smell ... his breath was probably improved after his morning chocolate, but I'm sure his garments still stunk. No mention of washing (but, then, there very rarely is...)

Second Reading

Bill  •  Link

"I hear the noise of the chambers"

Chamber, a species of great gun.
---Diary and correspondence of Samuel Pepys, the diary deciphered by J. Smith. 1854.

GrannieAnnie  •  Link

"After dinner home, and advised with my wife about ordering things in my house,"
Small point but he advises his wife about ordering things in his house, not "in our house."

As I recall, back then the wife had no property rights. Though there were some cases in America where the widow had some rights to do business and make property decisions, perhaps in England also? For example when Richard Warren (a Mayflower Pilgrim) died in the early 1600s, his wife was permitted by the court to make business and property decisions.

Mary K  •  Link

"my house"

Is it worth repeating that neither Samuel nor his wife has any property rights in this house? It is simply the 'company' accommodation, allotted by the Navy Office, that goes with his current job.

Louise Hudson  •  Link

I'm afraid that it was a sign of the times for a man to call his residence "my house." Everything a married couple had belonged to the husband and it had nothing to do with property rights. He was king of his castle and if he sheltered his wife (or other relatives) it was out of the "goodness" of his heart. Women had almost no legal rights to anything, not even the house she shared with her husband.

Chris Squire UK  •  Link

‘taking n. . . 4. a. Condition, situation, state, plight (in unfavourable sense). Only in phr. in, †at (a) taking , often with defining adj. Obs. exc. Sc.
. . 1592 J. Lyly Midas i. ii, These boyes be droonk! I would not be in your takings.
. . 1663 S. Pepys Diary 12 Jan. (1971) IV. 13 The poor boy was in a pitiful taking and pickle.
. . 1837 J. W. Carlyle Lett. (1883) I. 65 We are all in sad taking with influenza.’ [OED]

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

At least one Frenchman was happy about Charles II's coronation:

"The merchant, poet, and bibliophile Pierre de Cardonnel (1614–1667), born in Caen, Normandy, to an established Protestant family of traders, gained influential allies at court in France and England by leveraging his financial success and diverse literary interests. Among Cardonnel’s published writings are extended poems, originally written in French and translated later into Latin and English, celebrating the coronation and foreign policies of Charles II.

"Cardonnel’s network illustrates how written material managed to circulate between Protestants and Catholics across disparate regions, and he is considered an important vector in the early reception of the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes."…

MartinVT  •  Link

"advised with my wife about ordering things in my house"

OK, he says "my house" rather than "our house", but he does, apparently, consult with her, and perhaps turns over some purchasing responsibility to her. This project of having "a pair of stairs" built has obviously expanded to included further renovations and furnishings for the house, whoever's it is.

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