Friday 9 August 1661

To the office, where word is brought me by a son-in-law of Mr. Pierces; the purser, that his father is a dying and that he desires that I would come to him before he dies. So I rose from the table and went, where I found him not so ill as I thought that he had been ill. So I did promise to be a friend to his wife and family if he should die, which was all he desired of me, but I do believe he will recover.

Back again to the office, where I found Sir G. Carteret had a day or two ago invited some of the officers to dinner to-day at Deptford. So at noon, when I heard that he was a-coming, I went out, because I would see whether he would send to me or no to go with them; but he did not, which do a little trouble me till I see how it comes to pass. Although in other things I am glad of it because of my going again to-day to the Privy Seal.

I dined at home, and having dined news is brought by Mr. Hater that his wife is now falling into labour, so he is come for my wife, who presently went with him.

I to White Hall, where, after four o’clock, comes my Lord Privy Seal, and so we went up to his chamber over the gate at White Hall, where he asked me what deputacon I had from My Lord. I told him none; but that I am sworn my Lord’s deputy by both of the Secretarys, which did satisfy him. So he caused Mr. Moore to read over all the bills as is the manner, and all ended very well. So that I see the Lyon is not so fierce as he is painted.

That being done Mons. Eschar (who all this afternoon had been waiting at the Privy Seal for the Warrant for 5,000l. for my Lord of Sandwich’s preparation for Portugal) and I took some wine with us and went to visit la belle Pierce, who we find very big with child, and a pretty lady, one Mrs. Clifford, with her, where we staid and were extraordinary merry. From thence I took coach to my father’s, where I found him come home this day from Brampton (as I expected) very well, and after some discourse about business and it being very late I took coach again home, where I hear by my wife that Mrs. Hater is not yet delivered, but continues in her pains.

So to bed.

29 Annotations

First Reading

Bradford  •  Link

"So I did promise to be a friend to his wife and family if he should die, which was all he desired of me, but I do believe he will recover."

Wouldn't you think Sam by this time would know enough about Life to realize that such an over-the-top promise almost guarantees the speedy demise of Mr. Pierce and the enslavement of himself henceforth? At least it would if I did it.

Mr. Whore, Mons. Eschar, and now Mr. and Mrs. Hater. I think we all know that pair.

vicente  •  Link

It's nice the way he notes that he not in the loop, just on the skirts. 'Tis what happens when one leaves the leader[office] for private reasons, Opportunities [free dinner and other goodies?] always come when leased expected. May be, he be told about the diving bell[june 19th], if he went.
He is chuffed as he is sworn No 1 deputy to Sandwich, It be hard to be a juggling of 3 bosses ; Sandwich, 2 Wills, & Sir George keeping him on his toes.

A. Hamilton  •  Link

La comedie humaine?

Nearb births, near deaths, pregnant situations(How does he stand with Sir George, the condigtion of Mrs. Pierce)& happy deliveries (Lord Privy Seal's approval).

Paul Chapin  •  Link

A strange word. Evidently an alternate spelling of "deputation"; Google yields 5 instances besides this entry by Sam, all from the 17th or late 16th century. Unlike modern usage, the term appears to refer to a formal document naming person A (Sam) the deputy of person B (my Lord Sandwich). Lacking such a document, Sam had to rely on the testimony of others to prove his bona fides. I can't confirm this inference from any source available to me, however. I wonder if someone with access to the OED could check on this and tell us more?

Mary  •  Link


L&M give the latter reading.

OED sense 2b: a document conveying details of the appointment of one person to act for another; a commission. First cited in 1628. This diary occurrence is not cited.

PHE  •  Link

"... comes my Lord Privy Seal, and so we went up to his chamber over the gate at White Hall"
Yesterday evening, good programme on Whitehall Palace on Channel 4 (or ITV?) in which the gate was discussed in some detail and described as such a masterpiece (commissioned by Henry VIII), that no future monarchs (up to when palace burnt in 1798) dared alter it.

Robert Gertz  •  Link

Nice of Beth to tend to Sam's clerk's wife and Sam to allow it without a grumble. Our girl seems a very capable twenty-one year old.

Nigel Pond  •  Link

Isn't the "-con" ending/spelling similar to the "-cion" ending/spelling used in Spanish where English would use "-tion"?

niamh  •  Link

does anyone else think it must be unusual that a childless woman was called to assist in childbirth.

Mary  •  Link

The childless assistant.

Elizabeth is not being expected to play the midwife. Labour can last for many hours, even for several days; she's there to be a comfort and support to her friend during the hours of waiting for the actual birth. With nightfall, and no issue yet, she returns home.
The birth itself is likely to be managed by a local 'wise woman' who has acquired her experience on the hoof, so to speak.

vicente  •  Link

Whelping is also one way one gets a preparation [simulation to ] for the real thing. One 'as to start somewhere? No "re susy annies". No laudenaum, not even Gin, which at this time had not come into vogue.

vicente  •  Link

"deputacon" Deputo, latin to prune,to estimate, a long way to deputise or deputy:
ME depute [Ofr deputer] In France Italy Member of Legislatures.
many synonyms. Many English words came direct from latin with minor misspellings of 'on' to 'ion"
another source beside Sam
And further it is aggreed that the said commyssyon and also the wrytyng of deputacon of the same shalbe registred in the Citie register.…

vicente  •  Link

more on deput-deputo : to count, estimate/ prune, cut off.
deputation is the part cut off. A deputation is a slip cut off to represent the whole. (Latin, deputo.).

deputy - 1406, "one given the full power of an officer without holding the office," from Anglo-Fr. depute, n. use of pp. of M.Fr. deputer "appoint, assign," from L.L. deputare "to destine, allot," from L. deputare "consider as," from de- "away" + putare "to think, count, [not found in most dictionaries of the popular sort.]consider," lit. "to cut."…
de ;prep: down from, from, about, concerning, on the account of:
puto [modern] v.t. puto putare putavi, putum : to think [not mentioned often], prune,
not puteo putere to stink;
puter , putris, putre: decaying
leading, i hope not to 'com puter'
with stink: 'tis wonderful that 'com' always follows with the abl: com putris. sorry i'm so putrid?

Pedro.  •  Link


As Catherine would understand in her Romance language;
Deputar... to delegate

dirk  •  Link

Evelyn's diary for today:

"I tried severall experiments on the Sensitive plant & humilis, which contracted with the least touch of the Sunn, thro a burning Glasse, though it rises & opens onely, when it shines on it: also with "aqua fortis"; but it did not with its fume, nor touch'd with Spirit of Sulphur: I first saw the famous Queen-pine brought from Barbados presented to his Majestie, but the first that were ever seene here in England, were those sent to Cromwell, foure-yeares since: I dined at Mr. Palmers at Grays-Inn, whose curiosity excelled in Clocks & Pendules, especialy one, that had innumerable motions, & plaied 9 or 10 Tunes on the bells very finely; some of them set in parts, which was very harmonious. It was wound up but once in a quarter: he had also good Telescopes, & Mathematical Instruments, choice Pictures & other Curiosities: Thence we went to that famous Montebank, Jo: Punteus."

vicente  •  Link

A contact for J Evelyn : also ref to the above from diary mar 7 60 :…
message found: "...To save webspace I have had to remove the texts of Sylva (1664) and other books by Evelyn from the website. If you wish to read these texts please contact me by the email on the Home Page...."




Pedro.  •  Link

Contact for J.Evelyn from Vincente above.

Many Thanks.(

vicente  •  Link

nao faz mal; fem..male , neuter 'tis confusing for this saxon, ye Luisitanians drop the sex as it is P.C. incorrect to have m/f actor/actress? etc. etc..

vicente  •  Link

Re: trees from Bermuda: check out Tor Quey,[Devon], the Gulf Stream made it possible at one time to enjoy the frond of palm.

Second Reading

Bill  •  Link

"his father is a dying"

Mr. Pierce did not die at this time, and is mentioned in the Diary on September 18th, 1665.
---Wheatley, 1899.

Bill  •  Link

"we went up to his chamber over the gate at White Hall"

The Signet and Privy Seal office was situated in what is now Whitehall Yard, a little north of the site of the United Service Institution.
---Wheatley, 1899.

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"So he caused Mr. Moore to read over all the bills "

The privy seal bills authorizing the issue of instruments under the Great Seal.
(L&M notes)

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"I took some wine with us and went to visit la belle Pierce"

Elizabeth, wife of James Pearse, naval surgeon. Her good looks always impressed Pepys, though he was later horrified to discover that she used paint:… To James Yonge, another naval surgeon, who saw her in 1678, she was 'a miracle of her sex', looking not a day over 20 despite having had 19 children. He wrote of her complexion as 'florid and pure red without paint, so smooth and plump...': Journal (ed. Poynter), p. 156. (L&M note)

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

"Re: trees from Bermuda: check out Tor Quey,[Devon], the Gulf Stream made it possible at one time to enjoy the frond of palm."

Torquay is my home town, Vicente -- and it still sports palm trees -- and cacti, out of doors.

Berry Head shields Brixham, Paignton and Torquay from the worst of the arctic blast that frequently blows down the Channel. Tor Bay has long been a safe harbor for fleets -- and William of Orange's invasion 25 years after the Diary.

The then-tiny village of Torquay even gets a mention in the Diary -- but Pepys refers to it as Dartmouth, which must have been the closest port worthy of notice. Torquay's boats still used the beach.…

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

From Sandwich's log, somewhere in the Med., heading towards Lisbon:

August 9. Friday. In the morning the Hind ketch came in to me from Alicante, and brought me letters from the Governor there, and one from the King of Spain himself.

Copied from
The Journal of Edward Mountagu,
First Earl of Sandwich
Admiral and General-at-Sea 1659 - 1665

Edited by RC Anderson
Printed for the Navy Records Society

Section III - Mediterranean 1661/62


Alicante, Spain -…
Diego Sanz de La Moza was the Governor of Alicante; no bio available.
Alfonso VI, King of Spain -- our Portuguese annotator Pedro always calls him "Afonso" --…

Hoff  •  Link

"I took some wine with us and went to visit la belle Pierce, who we find very big with child, and a pretty lady, one Mrs. Clifford, with her, where we staid and were extraordinary merry."
Not just merry, but "extraordinary merry"! La belle Pierce is not only agelessly beautiful, she also seems to be a lot of fun and ALWAYS ready to party hearty, even when (as today) she is heavily gravid (and presumably she is drinking wine anyway; how people would tut-tut today!).

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

"It be hard to be a juggling of 3 bosses: Sandwich, 2 Wills, & Sir George keeping him on his toes."

Not to mention James, Duke of York and his Navy Secretary, Mr. Coventry.

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