Thursday 26 September 1661

At the office all the morning, so dined at home, and then abroad with my wife by coach to the Theatre to shew her “King and no King,” it being very well done. And so by coach, though hard to get it, being rainy, home. So to my chamber to write letters and the journal for these six last days past.

11 Annotations

First Reading

Louis  •  Link

Shakespeare may not pass muster, but Fletcher (this time assisted by Beaumont, c. 1611) seems to please every time.

daniel  •  Link


Sam seems only to have a conflict of conscience when seeing Shakespeare pieces. hmmmm...........

Todd Bernhardt  •  Link

re: conscience

Or, when he sees plays by himself...?

David Ross McIrvine  •  Link


Stephan P. Flores has an article,

""I am Arbaces, we all fellow subjects": the political appeal of Beaumont and Fletcher's 'A King and No King' on the restoration stage."

on the appeal of this play to Restoration audiences.…

gerry  •  Link

Of late, Sam's life is deja view all over again. The other day road works at Charing Cross, today a hard time getting a cab in the rain. This could be straight out of Manhattan Diary.

Kevin Peter  •  Link

We can certainly see that Sam will sometimes wait quite a few days before writing in his journal about the previous ones. Six days is quite a bit of writing to do.

I seem the recall that he mentions making notes about what he is going to write, so as to not forget.

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Count of Egmont [Justus Verus d'Egmont] to Sandwich
Written from: Antwerp
Date: 26 September 1661
Shelfmark: MS. Carte 223, fol(s). 236-237
Document type: Holograph

Reminds the Earl of the honour enjoyed by the writer in making his Lordship's acquaintance, when at Paris.

Recommends to his Lordship's favour the writer's son Justus d'Egmont, who will mention some affairs on which his advice is much desired.

Carte Calendar Volume 32, June - December 1661
Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
Edward Edwards, 2005
Shelfmark: MS. Carte Calendar 32
Extent: 464 pages…


Justus van (Verus ab) Egmont (Flemish, 1601–1674)
Examples of his work……
Justus van Egmont or Joost van Egmont (1601 – 8 January 1674) was a painter and a tapestry designer during the 17th century.
After training in Antwerp with Gaspar van den Hoecke and working with Anthony van Dyck, van Egmont also worked in Peter Paul Rubens' workshop.
He moved to France in 1628 where he was a court painter for the House of Orléans.
In France he helped to found the Académie de peinture et de sculpture.
He later returned to Flanders where he worked in Antwerp and Brussels.
He is mainly known for his portrait paintings, although he also painted some history subjects, and produced designs for five different tapestry series. ...

The artist's success allowed him to amass a fortune which he invested into real estate in Antwerp and its surrounding areas.
Starting from 1650 he signed some paintings and documents with 'Justus Verus d’Egmont'. This reflected his aspiration to be recognized as an aristocrat (just like his illustrious masters van Dyck and Rubens) based on his claim to be a descendant of the famous house of Egmont.
He made several applications to get his claim to a noble title officially sanctioned but it is not clear whether or not he succeeded. [THIS LETTER INDICATES HE WAS SUCCESSFUL - SDS]
When he died in 1674, his social status allowed him to be buried in Antwerp's prestigious St. James' Church where Rubens was also buried.
His estate included a large collection of artworks of Flemish as well as foreign artists such as Pourbus, Rubens, Salviati, Holbein, Tintoretto, Brueghel and Vredeman de Vries.…

So Sandwich is buying tapestries for Hinchingbrooke?

LKvM  •  Link

To me the comma in this passage
". . . by coach, though hard to get it, being rainy, home."
should be moved as follows:
". . . by coach, though hard to get, it being rainy, home."

RLB  •  Link

@San Diego Sarah: your source must have its references mixed up, because Justus and the count are two different persons.

The count of Egmont at this point was Lodewijk Filips, who is not very interesting.

Justus van Egmont, /suo ipso dictu/ "Verus", was a painter who was in no way related to the nobleman who got his head chopped off and thereby inspired a Beethoven overture, but who was himself rather more notable than his contemporary count.

Interestingly, Pepys *could* have met either of them, but probably didn't. Both lived in Flanders, rather than around The Hague; but both of them would have travelled, as Sam did.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Thanks RLB for the clarification -- my source was Wiki, but I won't fault them. It was me jumping to a conclusion. I think my confusion will continue to another annotation a bit later on.

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