Sunday 15 December 1661
(Lord’s day). To church in the morning, where our young Reader begun the first day to read. Sir W. Pen dined with me and we were merry. Again to church and so home, and all alone read till bedtime, and so to prayers and to bed.
I have been troubled this day about a difference between my wife and her maid Nell, who is a simple slut, and I am afeard we shall find her a cross-grained wench. I am now full of study about writing something about our making of strangers strike to us at sea; and so am altogether reading Selden and Grotius, and such other authors to that purpose.
25 Annotations
First Reading
RexLeo • Link
"...a difference between my wife and her maid Nell..."
For a young girl, Liz surprisngly rules with iron fist her domestic kingdom. No chance of survival if you have difference with her.
slut -> dirty, slovenly
cross-grained-> stubborn
daniel • Link
"who is a simple slut, and I am afeard we shall find her a cross-grained wench."
the tone of this reprobation seems very harsh to me. Would these words have had a more matter-of-fact feeling in the seventeenth century?
Stolzi • Link…
\Slut\, n. [OE. slutte; cf. OD. slodde a slut, Icel.
sl["o]ttr a heavy, loglike fellow, slota to droop.]
1. An untidy woman; a slattern.
Sluts are good enough to make a sloven's porridge.
--Old Proverb.
2. A servant girl; a drudge. [Obs.]
Our little girl Susan is a most admirable slut, and
pleases us mightly, doing more service than both the
others. --Pepys.
Bradford • Link
In the next century, when "city dramas" of a more realistic cast came into fashion, one could imagine the Pepyses' domestic difficulties put on the boards: "The Cross-Grained Wench" sounds promising. But then, the servant problem is with ye always.
vicenzo • Link
For the cross grained one, ya needs a ripsaw to cut down the wench to size.
vicenzo • Link
"la difference". My guess is that said slut was up late, and failed to get the fires aburning, 'tis why Sam this week staid a bed awhile , awaitin' til his breathin' out of the white mist had disappeared.
Mary • Link
Elizabeth's iron fist?
We're not looking at a 19th Century 'Upstairs, Downstairs' domestic setting here. Servants live closely cheek-by-jowl with the family and Elizabeth must depend on congenial servants for company very often, especially in the evenings. Hardly surprising that she's not prepared to put up with the company of a cross-grained wench.
Australian Susan • Link
Servants in household
The term 'family' was still being used at this time to include servants, not just blood or marriage related family. And, of course, we have recently had the example of blood-related family becoming a servant with Pall's position in Sam's household/family. Elizabeth certainly needs company as her husband seems to be out and about without her so often. Sam using the term 'slut' in no way impugns the girl's morals: merely her appearance and/or cleaning.
"Reader" refers to trained lay assistant to the incumbent in the Parish, licenced to read Morning and Evening Prayer and maybe Preach.
LCrichton • Link
'writing something about our making of strangers strike to us at sea'
This sounds like an interesting research project for Sam; assume he has been asked to look into this by the office.
Douglas Robertson • Link
"assume he has been asked to look into this by the office."
No, it was his idea: see the entry for Nov. 29:
"So home, calling at Paul’s Churchyard for a “Mare Clausum,” [by Selden] having it in my mind to write a little matter, what I can gather, about the business of striking sayle, and present it to the Duke, which I now think will be a good way to make myself known."
Philip • Link
"For the cross grained one, ya needs a ripsaw to cut down the wench to size."
No. A ripsaw is for cutting with the grain, not across it. A crosscut saw is for cutting across the grain.
Glyn • Link
From the same entry that Douglas Robertson quotes: "but I could say nothing to it, which I was sorry for.”…
He is busily turning his weakness into a strength by researching the matter. A lesser person would have just been glad at getting away without their ignorance being exposed.
This is of more than academic interest: Captain Holmes is currently being criticised for doing the wrong thing (see November entries).
JWB • Link
Let's get all these people in order now...
1)"difference between my wife and her maid Nell,"
2"...our making of strangers strike to us at sea"
Clement • Link
Holmes' infraction of permitting a Swedish ambassador to pass without striking sail is footnoted in the Nov 12th entry:…
JonTom Kittredge • Link
Servants in household
I think you make a good point Susan. It seems like in general the class lines between servant and master were more fluid than they became later. I think that we can see this in SP's own career.He began as a sort of upper-servant in the household of his cousin Montagu (interesting that the Montagus don't seem embarrassed by their tradesman cousins). SP is now well on his way to being a prominent civil servant, though he still does errands for Sandwich/Montagu seems to sometimes eat with the servants in the Sandwich household when the Lord and Lady of the house aren't available.
vicenzo • Link
I be no carpenter, having failed the test at aged 10:"A crosscut saw is for cutting across the grain." If ya cannot do then preach otherwise leech: that a be me:
Robert Gertz • Link
I picture Sam buttoned up in his 'closet' trying to read Selden and Grotius and write out his careful notes on past custom regarding the striking of sail while occasionally hearing crashes, followed by the sounds of our Beth hollering at Nell in French and English while Nell gives it (at least the English) right back...
A desparate attempt to flee for the safety of the office across the way is blocked by a raging Beth, who demands immediate support.
Hmmn...Well, it's not like Nell is a beauty.
LCrichton • Link
Thanks to Douglas and Glyn.
Second Reading
Tim • Link
With servants sharing the bedroom during winter (See above, some entries ago) and with much of the housework involving the mistress as well as the servant, for compatible relationships between all in the household would have been essential for a smooth runing - It was only in Victorian times that servants and mistresses became separate beings
Bill • Link
Well, let's not forget that when Sam's sister came into his house, she came more as a servant than family. And he wanted it that way. " sister Pall’s coming to live with me if she would come and be as a servant"…
Terry Foreman • Link
"I am now full of study about writing something about our making of strangers strike to us at sea; and so am altogether reading Selden and Grotius, and such other authors to that purpose."
For this controversy, see… The Dutch case had been stated in Hugo Grotius' Mare Liberum (published in 1609), to which Selden's Mare Clausum (1635) had been a reply. Pepys did not retain a copy of the Grotius. (L&M note)
Third Reading
San Diego Sarah • Link
Diary of Ralph Josselin (Private Collection)
15.12.1661 (Tuesday 15 December 1661)
document 70013290
Dec: 15. God good to us in manifold mercies,
my daughter Jane abroad again hearing the word,
the winter yet open.
persons wonderfully profane and neglecting of gods worship.
the lord in much mercy recover the spirits of men to a due regard of his own things.
The local Puritans can read the writing on the wall -- how much longer will the Rev. Ralph be their Minister? Perhaps they have been mistaken in putting their trust in him.
Even daughter Jane is going to other services to judge her father's message, but Josselin senses a turn-around for some reason.
And winter is yet open? -- Pepys, 50-odd miles away, thinks it's here, and perhaps that's what Rev. Ralph means. Weather is very local in England.
San Diego Sarah • Link
From Sandwich's log, at anchor in Tangier Bay:
December 15, Sunday.
This morning Mr. Myles came om board me and I acquainted him with all that Mr. Rolt has told me and had discourse with him further.
Copied from
The Journal of Edward Mountagu,
First Earl of Sandwich
Admiral and General-at-Sea 1659 - 1665
Edited by RC Anderson
Printed for the Navy Records Society
Section III - Mediterranean 1661/62
Mr. Myles -- a local merchant understood the nuances of the news from Portugal in ways English sea captains never would -- oh, to have a transcript!…
Mr. Rolt -- I think this was Capt. [EDWARD?] Rolt of the frigate Martin…
Scube • Link
Wonder if Sam ever finished his report on "striking at sea." And, if so, whether it survives.
San Diego Sarah • Link
Scube -- Bill says if he did, it didn't survive -- but he probably didn't as a couple of people had beaten him to it.…