Friday 20 December 1661

Lay long in bed, and then up, and so to the Wardrobe to dinner, and from thence out with Mr. Moore towards my house, and in our way met with Mr. Swan (my old acquaintance), and we to a tavern, where we had enough of his old simple religious talk, and he is still a coxcomb in these things as he ever was, and tells me he is setting out a book called “The unlawfull use of lawfull things;” but a very simple fellow he is, and so I leave him. So we drank and at last parted, and Mr. Moore and I into Cornhill, it being dark night, and in the street and on the Exchange discoursed about Dominion of the Sea, wherein I am lately so much concerned, and so I home and sat late up reading of Mr. Selden, and so to bed.

24 Annotations

First Reading

A. De Araujo  •  Link

"enough of his old simple religious talk"
I ain't puritan no more Mr Swan.

Ann Martin  •  Link

After yesterday's outburst to poor Elizabeth he stayed in bed as late as possible and then fled the house for the Wardrobe as quickly as possible - trying to stay out of her way? Has he actually said "sorry" to Elizabeth, I bet he hasn't, he's just wallowing in his own sorry state and drinking with the boys, notwithstanding he doesn't seem to like poor Mr Swan, better than returning home.

Bradford  •  Link

It will be interesting to see whether all Pepys's research into the Striking of Sails, Dominion of the Sea, and such, will prove any more useful or enduring than "fanatic and rogue" (as he is called elsewhere) Mr. Swan's quondam legal treatise.

john lauer  •  Link

"into Cornhill, it being dark night"
Would there have been at least some lamp light on such a spacious, rich street at this time, to explain its explicit mention here?

Robert Gertz  •  Link

"After yesterday's outburst to poor Elizabeth he stayed in bed as late as possible and then fled the house…”

I dunno…If Sam laid long in bed, it’s certain Beth was with him. Sounds like he spent the night in reconcilation mode and the morning in make up sex…

vicenzo  •  Link

"...into Cornhill, it being dark night..." 'twas one of those loverly moonless lit nights. It be either rainy [which he does not say] or the moon be not awake yet.
re: night on the sofa: It seems that the upward mobile couple be copying the Royals and be having separate closets for good nights rest and strife free: it be cold too, no doubt,
leads to so many speculations. If he be honest about his words I think he would mention his rewards too. The Male of the species of course never admits that he is not the master of the situation. I think there would be more of a spring in his step, if all be forgiven. Staying bed awhile would be because he waited 'til the sun warmed the air abit.

David Stanford  •  Link

"into Cornhill, it being dark night", yes, there would have been light, which is why he went that particular way, being a dark night meant he needed to get into a street which was well lit.

Grahamt  •  Link

Winter Solstice:
Today in London the sun rises (though we may not see it) at 8:08 and sets at 15:48, a mere 7hours 40 mins of daylight. In Pepys' day there was no organised street lighting and on an overcast, perhaps moonless night, a link boy to light the way would be the only way to venture out early or late. A few days ago we saw him out and about 3 hours before sunrise, but today he lies long in bed. Who can blame him for staying in a warm bed on a cold, dark winters morn?
We forget, with modern city lighting, that people used to be ruled much more by the seasons than we are. They worked long hours in summer and short in Winter. Much more so in the country than in the city, but there would still be a marked difference in the number of people around town in the evening. The inns and taverns would be welcome oases of light and heat in the cold, dark desert of a 17th century London winter's night. Even busy thoroughfares like Cornhill would be unlit.
Home - Work - tavern - home is the pattern of the last few days: none of the strolls across town, walks in the meadows or rides in the countryside that characterised his summer. Even the morning drafts seem to be less frequent.

Roger Arbor  •  Link

"enough of his old simple religious talk … coxcomb”. Strange comparison this, a coxcomb is a ‘conceited man’ and yet Swan seems a simple (i.e. convinced) Christian man.

Am I getting just a whiff of contempt of a worldly man for one whose motivations Pepys cannot understand — or is he secretly convicted and is contemptuous as a defence?

Mary  •  Link

Street lighting.

There were ordinances in force that obliged householders to hang out a candle or a lantern from dusk until 9 o'clock in the evening, but this duty seems to have been honoured as much in the breach as in the performance.

Martin  •  Link

Winter solstice:
As England did not adopt the Gregorian calendar until 1752, I believe the solstice has actually already gone by at this point. The adjustment in 1752 was a leap forward of 11 days, so the soltice in 1661 presumably took place on or about the 10th.

A. De Araujo  •  Link

Winter solstice:
The shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere since the days of the dinossaurs.

Glyn  •  Link

"a lantern from dusk until 9 o'clock in the evening”

Following on from Mary, the reason it was specifically 9 o’clock rather than any other time was because that was when the curfew bells were rung so that the City Gates were closed and the London apprentices finished working for the day. So householders didn’t need to refer to clocks to know when 9 o’clock was. (However, if they ignored the regulation anyway, it hardly makes much difference.)

A. De Araujo  •  Link

"winter solstice"
my mistake.

Terry F  •  Link

Corporation Act

(1661, December 20. 13 Charles II, st. 2., c. 1. 5 S. R. 321. The whole reprinted in G. and H. 594-600.)

WHEREAS questions are likely to arise concerning the validity of elections of magistrates and other officers and members in corporations, as well in respect of removing some as placing others, during the late troubles, contrary to the true intent and meaning of their charters and liberties; and to the end that the succession in such corporations may be most probably perpetuated in the hands of persons well affected to His Majesty and the established government, it being too well known that notwithstanding all His Majesty's endeavours and unparalleled indulgence in pardoning all that is past, nevertheless many evil spirits are still working: ....…

The Corporation Act of 1661 is an Act of the Parliament of England (13 Cha. II. St. 2 c. 1). It belongs to the general category of test acts, designed for the express purpose of restricting public offices in England to members of the Church of England.…

Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

The King present, both Houses of Parliament meeting in Lords, there are announced the Bills passed.

"1. An Act for the well-governing and regulating Corporations."

"2. An Act for Prevention of Vexations and Oppressions by Arrests, and Delays in Suits of Law."

The Royal Assent to these Bills severally was pronounced, by the Clerk of the Parliaments, in these Words,

"Le Roy le veult."

"3. An Act for granting to the King's Majesty Twelve Hundred and Threescore Thousand Pounds, to be assessed and levied by an Assessment of Seventy Thousand Pounds by the Month, for Eighteen Months."

The Royal Assent to this Bill was pronounced in these Words.

"Le Roy, remerciant Ses bons Subjects, accepte leur Benevolence, et ainsi le veult."

and 5 private bills, followed by The King's Speech and adjournment until 7 January next.…

Bill  •  Link

"he is still a coxcomb"

COXCOMB, a conceited Fool, a Fop
---An Universal Etymological English Dictionary. N. Bailey, 1675.

Sasha Clarkson  •  Link

Although, in 1661, the Winter Solstice was on the 11th December in the Julian Calendar, because the sun is close to perihelion at this time of year, an astronomical day is longer than 24 hours: therefore the sun rises a little later each day until about 10 days after the solstice at this latitude.

Chris Squire UK  •  Link

OED has:

‘coxcomb . . 3. a. A fool, simpleton (obs.); now, a foolish, conceited, showy person, vain of his accomplishments, appearance, or dress; a fop; ‘a superficial pretender to knowledge or accomplishments’ (Johnson).
. . 1667 S. Pepys Diary 13 Feb. (1974) VIII. 59 A vain coxcomb..he is, though he sings and composes so well.’

I think ‘A fool, simpleton’ is the meaning here.

Third Reading

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

The Terrys have told you about the passing of the Corporations Act today.

Charles II attended, so a joint session was called, and the Speaker of the Commons made him welcome:
"May it please Your Most Excellent Majesty,

The last Time the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Commons House of Parliament, had the Honour to wait upon You in this Place, Your Majesty was graciously pleased to congratulate with them, for the glorious Meeting of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons of England, in this Your full, free, and legal Parliament.

Great Sir, It is our present Comfort, and will be our future Glory, that God hath made us instrumental for the Repairs of those Breaches which the worst of Times had made upon the best of Governments: The late great Eclipse in our Horizon, occasioned by the Interposition of the Earth, is now vanished; the Stars in our Firmament are now full of Light; the Light of our Moon is become like the Light of the Sun; and the Light of our Sun is Sevenfold.

A Man that sees the River of Thames at a high Water, and observes how much it sinks in a few Hours, would think it running quite away; but, by the secret Providence of GOD, we see that when the Ebb is at the lowest, the Tide of a rising Water is nearest the Return.

Your Majesty was likewise graciously pleased to speak something to us on Your own Behalf; and did vouchsase to say, You would ask something for Yourself; withal declaring some Uneasiness in Your Condition, by reason of some crying Debts which daily called for Satisfaction.

Great Sir, I am not able to express, at the Hearing of those Words, with what a Sympathy the whole Body of the Parliament was presently affected. The Circulation of the Blood, of which our Naturalists do tell us, was never so sensibly demonstrated as by this Experiment. Before Your Majesty's Words were all fallen from Your Lips, You might have seen us blush: All our Blood came into our Faces; from thence it hasted down without Obstruction to every Part of the Body; and, after a due Consulting of the several Parts, it was found necessary to breathe a Vein.

We cannot forget how much our Treasure hath been exhausted; but we remember also, 'twas by usurping and tyrannical Powers; and therefore we are easily persuaded to be at some more Expence to keep them out.

The Merchant tells us, 'tis good Policy, in a troubled Sea, to lose some Part of our Cargo, thereby to save the rest.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link


With Your Majesty's Leave, we have been bold to look into the present State of Affairs; and find those great Sums that have been heretofore advanced upon us were raised most of them in bad Times, and for ill Purposes, to keep Your Majesty out of this Your Kingdom; and when Your Majesty returned Home from Your Banishment,
You found the Naval Storehouse unfurnished, which will not easily be supplied.
The unsettled Humours, and unquiet Spirits, that are amongst us, do necessitate a costly Guard for Your Royal Person:
The Honourable Accessions of Dunkirk, Tangier, and Jamaica, do at present require a great Supply;
but, we have Reason to believe, in Time to come, will repay this Nation their Principal with good Interest.

Your Majesty hath sent a Royal Fleet upon a happy Errand, to bring Your Royal Consort hither: And is there any Englishman will stick to pay the Wages of those Mariners, whose Ships do bring so good a Freight?

Upon all these Considerations, Your loyal Commons were in Pain, until, like prudent Husbands, they had redeemed the Nation from all its Public Debts. And that Your Majesty may at once have a full Measure of their Duty and Affection to Yourself, and that Your Neighbours Abroad, as well as the discontented Commonwealth's Men with all their complicated Interests here at Home, may see the happy Correspondence that is between our Head and all the Members of this Body Politic; we have unanimously given Your Majesty 1,260,000l.s; which Sum we desire may be levied in 18 Months, by Six Quarterly Payments, after the Rate of 70,000l.s per Mensem, to begin the 25th of this December; in order whereunto, we humbly pray Your Majesty's Royal Assent unto this Bill."

Then the Clerk of the Parliaments went to the Speaker, and received the Bill of Assessments of him, and brought it to the Table.
... [see Terry Foreman above]

To these Bills the Royal Assent was pronounced, in these Words,
"Soit fait come il est desiré."

After this, His Majesty was pleased to make this Speech:
"Mr. Speaker, and you Gentlemen of the House of Commons,
You have made Me this Day a great and a noble Present; a Present that I have received Benefit from already, before you presented it: For, trust Me, the Benefit is not small, which I and you both have already, from the Reputation of this Present, from the Alacrity and Affection you have so unanimously expressed in this Affair.

My Lords and Gentlemen, I do thank you with all My Heart for it; and I will not enlarge those Thanks further, than by telling you, That I do not come more willingly this Day to pass this Bill, than I will do to pass any other Bills which you shall provide for the Ease, Benefit, and Security of My People; and I do verily believe that you and I shall never be deceived or disappointed in the Expectation we have of each other."

His Majesty withdrew, and the Commons went to their House, and the Lords Adjourned until January 7.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

The Commons were much more productive today. Apart from seeing Charles II sign bills, they discussed:

Supply Bill.
ORDERED, That Mr. Comptroller, Mr. Cofferer, the Lord Angier, the Lord Bruce, the Lord Richardson, Sir Roger Bradshaigh, and Mr. William Sandys, do wait upon his Majesty, with the Desires of this House, that his Majesty will be pleased to pass the Bill for granting to his Majesty Twelve hundred and Threescore thousand Pounds, to be levied by an Assessment of Seventy thousand Pounds a Month, for Eighteen Months.

Vexatious Arrests, &c.
An ingrossed Bill, sent from the Lords, for preventing of Vexations and Oppressions by Arrests, and of Delays in Suits of Law, was this Day read the Third time.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth assent thereunto: And that the same do pass: And Mr. Solicitor General is to return the same to the Lords.

Confirming Ministers.
The ingrossed Bill for confirming the Act for Ministers, was this Day read the Third time:
And, upon Debate thereof, several Amendments were, upon the Question, agreed unto; and, accordingly, made at the Clerk's Table:

But, before any further Progress could be made therein;
Sir John Eyton, Usher of the Black Rod, brought this Message;
Message to attend the King.
"Mr. Speaker,
The King commands this House to attend his Majesty forthwith, in the House of Peers."
Whereupon Mr. Speaker, accompanied with all the Members of this House, immediately went up to the House of Lords, to attend his Majesty's Pleasure.

And Mr. Speaker, having presented to his Majesty the Bill for the Twelve hundred thousand Pounds, made an elegant Speech.
And, upon his Return, made Report, that the King's Majesty made a gracious Speech in Answer thereunto; wherein his Majesty was pleased to give very hearty Thanks to this House, for their great Present; and declared, that he had received the Benefit of it before he had it; the Reputation thereof having given his Majesty Credit, both at Home and Abroad: And that his Majesty was not more willing to give his Royal Assent to That Bill, than he should be to pass any Bills whatsoever, which this House should present unto him, for his People's Good.

Resolved, upon the Question, That all Committees which were adjourned to a particular Day, after this Recess, do meet accordingly: And that all other Committees be revived; and do meet in the several Places appointed, on the Seventh of January next, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon: And that the Service of this Order upon the Parties or Witnesses concerned be good Notice.

Confirming Ministers.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the further Debate of the Bill for confirming the Act for Ministers be adjourned till the 8th of January next; and then proceeded in, the first publick Business.

And then the House adjourned till the 7th of January next, at Eight of the Clock.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

From Sandwich's log, at anchor in Tangier Bay:

December 20, Friday.
About noon the Newcastle sailed to the eastward with 7 or 8 merchantmen whom he was to convoy to Leghorn and then to repair to Toulon to clean and victual.
The Yarmouth also went to haste hither 4 or 5 merchantmen that are in Gibraltar Bay waiting convoy to England.

Copied from
The Journal of Edward Mountagu,
First Earl of Sandwich
Admiral and General-at-Sea 1659 - 1665

Edited by RC Anderson
Printed for the Navy Records Society

Section III - Mediterranean 1661/62


The Newcastle frigate…
Leghorn, Italy…
Toulon, France…
"to clean and victual" probably means to have it's keel cleaned, and then to pick up supplies.
The Yarmouth…
Gibraltar Bay…

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