Tuesday 14 July 1663
Up a little late, last night recovering my sleepiness for the night before, which was lost, and so to my office to put papers and things to right, and making up my journal from Wednesday last to this day.
All the morning at my office doing of business; at noon Mr. Hunt came to me, and he and I to the Exchange, and a Coffee House, and drank there, and thence to my house to dinner, whither my uncle Thomas came, and he tells me that he is going down to Wisbech, there to try what he can recover of my uncle Day’s estate, and seems to have good arguments for what he do go about, in which I wish him good speed. I made him almost foxed, the poor man having but a bad head, and not used I believe nowadays to drink much wine. So after dinner, they being gone, I to my office, and so home to bed.
This day I hear the judges, according to order yesterday, did bring into the Lords’ House their reasons of their judgment in the business between my Lord Bristoll and the Chancellor; and the Lords do concur with the Judges that the articles are not treason, nor regularly brought into the House, and so voted that a Committee should be chosen to examine them; but nothing to be done therein till the next sitting of this Parliament (which is like to be adjourned in a day or two), and in the mean time the two Lords to, remain without prejudice done to either of them.
25 Annotations
First Reading
TerryF • Link
Not just to amaze Gaston Jean Baptiste Comte de Cominges -
Resolutions concerning the E. of Bristol's Charge against the E. of Clarendon
From: 'House of Lords Journal Volume 11: 14 July 1663', Journal of the House of Lords: volume 11: 1660-1666, pp. 559-60. URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/… Date accessed: 14 July 2006.
Aqua • Link
"...he tells me that he is going down to Wisbech, ..." Kings Lynn and Wisbech, be due north, so one goes up north, Up to London Town but always down to the country to see the yokels.
The on and in , to and from, thee shall bring and take.
TerryF • Link
Of course the Lords do amaze French ambassador Cominges -
Jeannine, thanks very much for providing "A French Perspective on the Chancellor-Bristoll exchanges" yesterday, showing us how wide, in cultural terms, the *English* channel is in Pepys's day
Aqua • Link
Concur with TF. shows a smattering of that greek word demo*. For the Sun king is shown a word that he unfamiliar with dah! liberty.This shows the power of purse strings. In spite of Droughts and little free gold of the New world, the Sun King still has control of his purse. While C
Rex II is beholden in part to them there city fellers, but as pointed out by Bristoll, REX is getting some subsidies from his good neighbour, to help with lost of perceived income from the Dowry of Catrina, along with a take of giving out land grants and other perks to people like Morgan to pilfer,and handing out Titles for those that suscribe to Rex's best health. The Sale of that pirates nest the other side of South Foreland, is helping Rex to loosen the power of those upstarts of the city and the long benches in Paliament House. Charles and his predecessors had to give up lots of perks and give privilege to the Barons [Dukes, Earls etc.], in order that he could enjoy the beauties of the land. If he was not free with his incomes, Charles could have lost it all again. One must always keep the rowdy power seekers well fed.
The top 10 percent of the driven ones must be kept satisfied so that do not need to stir up the unsatisfied ones.
Pedro • Link
“he is going down to Wisbech, there to try what he can recover of my uncle Day’s estate, and seems to have good arguments for what he do go about, in which I wish him good speed”
Thomas, beware of the "Breedlings" of the Fens. They were a people apart, among whom other Englishmen rarely ventured.
For a history of the Fens…
A. Hamilton • Link
Ditto. See my late posting for Monday 13 July. M. le Comte displays a such dramatic lack of understanding of what he sees, and such confidence that his astonishment will be shared at the French court, that one begins to understand why today the British still have royalty and the French do not. It all begins with the purse strings, I think.
A. Hamilton • Link
It all begins with the purse strings, I think.
Sorry, Aqua (May I call you Wat for short?) I agree wholly with what you said, but didn't read it before I wrote.
Robert Gertz • Link
I think some of the gulf and Louis' ('I am the state') position can be traced to the Hundred Years' War. France was half-occupied and continually devastated and humilated while the state was weak under, expecting the shrewd Charles V, a series of equally weak, even, with Charles VI, sometimes mad kings. A strong king and undivided, tightly controlled state keeps the enemy (England) out, a lesson learned at bitter cost. Possibly if Henri IV had lived things might have taken a better direction, though I've seen no evidence he was for a strong Parliamentary-type system.
Sadly the same lesson seems to be being learned in the Russian Federation.
Bob T • Link
so one goes up north
In Artic Canada, at least in the places where I have lived, one goes "down north", because that's the way the rivers flow. Maybe this has some bearing on going "down" or "up" to various locations, besides their geographical locations. Sam goes "down" to Greenwich, and "down" to Woolwich, and perhaps "up" to Hampton Court.
graybo • Link
"making up my journal from Wednesday last to this day"
I wonder if Sam takes the opportunity to self-edit his memory before committing it to paper?
JWB • Link
yellow yesterday
Pedro's link above notes fen men called "yellow bellies".
bardi • Link
And in NEW England, one goes Down East.
(Up North is Canada.)
TerryF • Link
“making up my journal from Wednesday last to this day”
graybo, thanks for the reminder --
No wonder last Friday's Journal's account of the E. of Bristol's articles of impeachment against the E. of Clarendon were so odd.
Aqua • Link
up and down, it makes sense to follow the river water, Wisbech be down stream from Hinchenbrooke as the ouze, ouses its way down pass the draining of the Fens [the Bedford Level]
Fen men, History of independance from the spoilers of the marshes. [Dutch inspired] They used stilts to go from pimple to pimple. They were the last group to be hung in England for rioting against the Farmers.[Littleport Riots],The Bishop of Ely, it be rumoured, enjoyed his meal watching the 5 Hangings that took place.
The story be here.
andy • Link
OT but of interest to Sam: the condoms of his time
Australian Susan • Link
Sam and Condoms
Sam seems to be far too careful (or timid?) to need to use a condom for his encounters. Intersting website, though andy!
Tom Burns • Link
I made him almost foxed ...
From Webster Dictionary, 1913
Fox (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Foxed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Foxing.] [See Fox, n., cf. Icel. fox imposture.]
1. To intoxicate; to stupefy with drink.
I drank . . . so much wine that I was almost foxed. Pepys.
An interesting use of the word. I do not have an OED handy and I would be interested in the etomology of that usage.
Aqua • Link
verb starts 1600's Foxed: mention 3 times by SP as part of Aked head, was entered into the OED once then used another expression:
OED:-dial. and slang.
1602 WARNER Alb. Eng. IX. liii. (1612) 239 Insociable, Maleparte, foxing their priuate good. 1646 R. BAILLIE Lett. & Jrnls. (1841) II. 351 The other pettie princes are foxeing alreadie for fear.
2. a. trans. To intoxicate, befuddle. Also (?nonce-use), to redden (one's nose) with drinking.
1611 [TARLTON] Jests (1844) 21 Before they parted they foxt Tarlton at the Castle in Pater Noster Row.
1649 W. BLITHE Eng. Improv. Impr. (1652) 258 It [Cider] serves as well..for men to fox their noses.
1660 PEPYS Diary 26 Oct., The last of whom I did almost fox with Margate ale
[ http://www.pepysdiary.com/diary/1… ]
from the Diary :::{
But no sooner a-bed with Mr. Shepley but my head began to hum, and I to vomit, and if ever I was foxed it was now, which I cannot say yet, because I fell asleep and slept till morning.
and what at dinner and supper I drink I know not how, of my own accord, so much wine, that I was even almost foxed, and my head aked all night
and annots
We shall endeavour to joyne the lion’s skin to the fox’s tail.
dirk • Link
"that the articles are not treason"
High Treason in the 17th c:
* To compasse the death of the King, the Queen his wife, or of their eldest sonne and heir. ...
* To compasse the death of the father or mother of the K. or of any of the Kings Children, although that such compassing be not brought to effect, yet it is Treason, ...
* To compasse the death of an usurper of the Crown is Treason, for which the offendor may be arraigned in the time of another King, ...
* To intend or imagine the death of the King, or Queen, though they bring it not to effect, fc. if they shall declare this by an open act, whereby it may be known, or to utter it by words or letters, is treason.
* To intend to deprive, depose, or disinherit the King, is high Treason, if it may appear by any open act; for no Crown can be taken from a Kings head, without losse of his head and Crown both, sooner or later, as his Majestie hath observed in his just defence of the right of Kings. ...
* And here the intent of the heart is enough, fc. if one shall intend, imagine, will, or seeke any such thing, whether the deed follow, or not, if it may be discovered, it is high Treason in the Kings case.
"The Country Justice", by Michael Dalton, based on a facsimile of the 1655 edition http://www.commonlaw.com/CoJust.h…
JonTom Kittredge • Link
"In NEW England, one goes Down East."
In Maine, especially. I've been told that the origins of this lie in the prevailing winds blowing from the West, in addition to the way the coast runs more East-West than North-South. So in the old days when one traveled from Boston to Maine, one was sailing "down east." Thirty years ago, one still heard older Mainers talk about traveling "up to Boston." I don't know if that's still true.
JonTom Kittredge • Link
"The gulf ... can be traced to the Hundred Years’ War."
No doubt, though it seems like the two kingdoms really diverged during the Tudor period. I get the impression that the roles of the Estates General and the Parlaiment were roughly similar at the start of that period, but by the end Parlaiment has started on a course to real power, while the Estates has practically disappeared, not to be summoned again until the eve of the Revolution.
Why this should be is interesting question. My guess is that part of it had to do with the sequence of Henrys VII and VII and Elizabeth I. The first two established a strong central government, while keeping a (diminished) role for Parlaiment. Under the last, while her reign was long, stable and prosperous, Parlaiment seemed much more assertive with her, as a woman, than they would have dared with her father.
TerryF • Link
Cash for peerages affair, 343 years from now.
Second Reading
Bill • Link
“I made him almost foxed, the poor man having but a bad head”
[I’m not sure if the proverb helps, perhaps implying that drunks are easy to cheat.]
To FOX ONE, to make him Drunk.
He sets the Fox to keep his Geese.
This Proverb reflects upon the ill Conduct of Men in the Management of their Affairs by entrusting either Sharpers with their Money; Blabs with their Secrets; or Enemies or Informers with their Lives; For no Obligation can bind against Nature; a Fox will love a Goose still, though his Skin be stript over his Ears for it; and a Common Cheat will always follow his old Trade of tricking his Friend, in spite of all Promises and Principles of Honour, Honesty and good Faith.
---An universal etymological English dictionary. N. Bailey, 1724.
Bill • Link
It appears one does not fox oneself, but is foxed by someone else.
To fox, Enyvrer, faire tant boire quelqu'un qu'il soit soul. [to intoxicate, to make someone drink so he becomes drunk.]
---The Royal Dictionary Abridged … French and English. English and French, 1755.
Terry Foreman • Link
"This day I hear the judges, according to order yesterday, did bring into the Lords’ House their reasons of their judgment in the business between my Lord Bristoll and the Chancellor; and the Lords do concur with the Judges that the articles are not treason, nor regularly brought into the House, and so voted that a Committee should be chosen to examine them; but nothing to be done therein till the next sitting of this Parliament (which is like to be adjourned in a day or two), and in the mean time the two Lords to, remain without prejudice done to either of them."
L&M: According to the judges' view, reported in the Lords on 13 July, no charge of high treason could be brought by one peer against another without the previous consent of the House: LJ, xi. 559.