Monday 13 June 1664

So up at 5 o’clock, and with Captain Taylor on board her at Deptford, and found all out of order, only the soldiers civil, and Sir Arthur Bassett a civil person. I rated at Captain Taylor, whom, contrary to my expectation, I found a lying and a very stupid blundering fellow, good for nothing, and yet we talk of him in the Navy as if he had been an excellent officer, but I find him a lying knave, and of no judgment or dispatch at all.

After finding the condition of the ship, no master, not above four men, and many ship’s provisions, sayls, and other things wanting, I went back and called upon Fudge, whom I found like a lying rogue unready to go on board, but I did so jeer him that I made him get every thing ready, and left Taylor and H. Russell to quicken him, and so away and I by water on to White Hall, where I met his Royal Highnesse at a Tangier Committee about this very thing, and did there satisfy him how things are, at which all was pacified without any trouble, and I hope may end well, but I confess I am at a real trouble for fear the rogue should not do his work, and I come to shame and losse of the money I did hope justly to have got by it.

Thence walked with Mr. Coventry to St. James’s, and there spent by his desire the whole morning reading of some old Navy books given him of old Sir John Cooke’s by the Archbishop of Canterbury that now is; wherein the order that was observed in the Navy then, above what it is now, is very observable, and fine things we did observe in our reading. Anon to dinner, after dinner to discourse of the business of the Dutch warr, wherein he tells me the Dutch do in every particular, which are but few and small things that we can demand of them, whatever cry we unjustly make, do seem to offer at an accommodation, for they do owne that it is not for their profit to have warr with England. We did also talk of a History of the Navy of England, how fit it were to be writ; and he did say that it hath been in his mind to propose to me the writing of the History of the late Dutch warr, which I am glad to hear, it being a thing I much desire, and sorts mightily with my genius; and, if well done, may recommend me much. So he says he will get me an order for making of searches to all records, &c., in order thereto, and I shall take great delight in doing of it. Thence by water down to the Tower, and thither sent for Mr. Creed to my house, where he promised to be, and he and I down to the ship, and find all things in pretty good order, and I hope will end to my mind. Thence having a gally down to Greenwich, and there saw the King’s works, which are great, a-doing there, and so to the Cherry Garden, and so carried some cherries home, and after supper to bed, my wife lying with me, which from my not being thoroughly well, nor she, we have not done above once these two or three weeks.

35 Annotations

First Reading

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Terry F  •  Link


berate, scold (L&M Select glossary)


harry, rebuke (L&M Select glossary)

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Terry F  •  Link

"writing of the History of the late Dutch warr...sorts mightily with my genius"

Pepys identifies his pigeon-hole.

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Cumsalisgrano  •  Link

"...some cherries home..." I did too Samuell, buy, they cost me 6d [12c] each too. Ah! Inflation.

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Patricia  •  Link

"after supper to bed, my wife lying with me, which from my not being thoroughly well, nor she, we have not done above once these two or three weeks."
At last the mystery of why they were sleeping apart sorts itself out. But Mrs. P is bought cheaply, by a few cherries, in spite of Sam's churlish behaviour to her yesterday. This is always the way with lovers: when your lover hurts you, you have no one else to turn to for comfort.

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Cumsalisgrano  •  Link

Charles II does not agree " you have no one else to turn to for comfort." In fact the whole of Palace be not mindfull to that problem.

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Australian Susan  •  Link

Here means particular gift or talent pertaining to him - not like the modern meaning.

"wherein the order that was observed in the Navy then, above what it is now, is very observable, and fine things we did observe in our reading"
Oh Sam! Sam! 'Tis always the way - it was always SO much better in the olden days! So hard to cast off those rose-tinted spectacles of nostalgia. There is also the truth universally acknowledged that when one is writing down a history of certain practices, one always puts the best gloss on it and maybe writes what should have been not ACTUALLY what woz.........

"....bought cheaply by a few cherries...." well, I think she's waiting to see how things go, before springing on Sam the request for new lace or a gown or a petticoat or an outing or maybe a combination thereof...

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tel  •  Link

I hope may end well, but I confess I am at a real trouble for fear the rogue should not do his work, and I come to shame and losse of the money I did hope justly to have got by it.

Isn't that always the way? You do a bit of business on the side with a couple of lying rogues - and then find you can't trust them!

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Robert Gertz  •  Link

"...but I confess I am at a real trouble for fear the rogue should not do his work, and I come to shame and losse of the money I did hope justly to have got by it." Indeed Tet, I think the real source of Sam's anger, and sudden discovery of Taylor's nature after dealing with him for a while is the simple fact that he is quivering with fear at being so dangerously close to being busted. Though of course he did expect the Captain to do his job properly.

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Robert Gertz  •  Link

"...History of the late Dutch warr, which I am glad to hear, it being a thing I much desire, and sorts mightily with my genius; and, if well done, may recommend me much." The ambitious plans of youth...

Of course Susan our boy could be staring in a mirror, strutting like Napoleon..."Gad, I truly am such a genius. First, I shall draw up a battle plan that will win the Second Dutch Warr, then I shall write a glorious history of the First...Then... But, no...Leave those dark, ambitious plans for undermining Coventry, the Duke, the King himself for the future. When one day Samuel Pepys will triumph over all and come into his proper own. Ah, ha, ha, ha...Ah? Bess?"

"Sam'l? Are you with that mirror again? Leave off and come to bed with me, I'm feelin' better tonight."

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Bradford  •  Link

And when in his daily schedule does he plan to wedge in the writing of a history which "may recommend me much"? Pen in one hand, cherries in the other?

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Robert Gertz  •  Link

...And his foot doing something untoward with Mrs. Lane?

But then, what is Hewer for?


"Hold the cherries, Hewer."

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Terry F  •  Link

"And when in his daily schedule does he plan to wedge in the writing of a history...?" When he leaves off spending entire mornings building ships to sail the seas of his imaginings.

The construal of two words in today's entry -- the first and last in the phrase "sorts mightily with my genius" -- might have made the OED.

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Cumsalisgrano  •  Link

"only the soldiers civil," Would the Tars be civil? having been removed from their favourite pub, and now are trying to understand how the sayles unfurl, while Tommy Atkins await a hammock as they be there for the trip to the La Mare Med.

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Paul Dyson  •  Link

"only the soldiers civil"

What does this mean?

1)"only the soldiers were civil" i.e. not the sailors, officers etc"
2)all out of order "except that the soldiers were civil"
or possibly
3) "but at least the soldiers were civil"

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Terry F  •  Link

"to Greenwich, and there saw the King's works, which are great, a-doing there"

Wonder what royal properties and activity this refers to??

I do not find a good online source on "the King's works" per se. The phrase evidently refers to the royal properties. Chaucer was for a time "Clerk of the King's works." Inigo Jones was the Surveyor of the King's Works (1615 Inigo Jones appointed Surveyor of the King's Works. 1616 Queen's House at Greenwich, the first Classical building in England, designed by Inigo Jones.… ). Sir Christopher Wren held that title beginning in 1665 "thanks to Evelyn."…

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Cumsalisgrano  •  Link

Greenwich it be, the Royal residence that became the home to The Naval Observatorie and still be famous as the mean time line.[GMT]

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Cumsalisgrano  •  Link

On the restoration of King Charles II, in 1660, this manor, with the park and other royal demesnes, again reverted to the crown. The King, finding the old palace greatly decayed by time and the want of necessary repairs during the Commonwealth, ordered it to be taken down and commenced the erection of a most magnificent palace of freestone, one wing of which was completed (now forming, with additions, the west wing of the University of Greenwich Maritime Campus) and where he occasionally resided, but made no further progress in the work. The Architect he employed was Webb, son-in-law of Inigo Jones, from whose papers the designs were made.

lifted from:…

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Dave  •  Link


could the "Kings works" be refering to the King Charles building in what is now the Royal Naval College?

In 1664 Charles ordered the destruction of the decrepit Greenwich Palace and intended to build a new Palace employing architect John Webb, but only one wing was ever built,it remained unfinished until in 1694 the site was acquired to build a Royal Navy hospital for sailors and between 1696-1700 a further block was added by Sir Christopher Wren and Nicholas Hawksmoor who both gave their services for free.

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Dave  •  Link


My apologies. I type so slowly I completely missed your posts.

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Cumsalisgrano  •  Link

My take be it be a grouchy morning with much cussing while Sir Arthur Bassett being pleasant he being a civil person along with the Squaddies, but the Tars be another matter, in a most unpleasant mood. Just a thought.
A comic scene for our resident 'play right'
I'm alrite jack.

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Terry F  •  Link

In the Wikipedia, "Surveyor of the King's Works" redirects to "Office of Works," which lists the Surveyors, Comptrollers, etc., 1597-…

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Martin  •  Link

His Royal Highnesse, whom Sam pacifies "without any trouble" is presumably the Duke of York, who is a member of the Tangier Committee. So, he has found Taylor and Fudge to be lying knaves, but it sounds like he has told the Duke things are shipshape, while keeping his finger crossed that it will turn out all right.

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Robert Gertz  •  Link

His stock with both Coventry and York hanging in the balance, this can't be the best of nights for our hero. Thank God Bess is well enough to exchange comfort.

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Cumsalisgrano  •  Link

It be a fudge factor,on my part Dave, your confirmation of work in progress was greatly appreciated especially working for nought and never being finished, due to exterminating circumstances like monies being used for more important problems.

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Terry F  •  Link

sort, v.1

III. 18. a. intr. To suit, fit, or agree; to be in harmony or conformity. Const. with, []to, or []together. Now arch.

(a) 1590 SHAKES. Mids. N. V. i. 55 That is some Satire keene and criticall, Not sorting with a nuptiall ceremonie. 1599 []Hen. V, IV. i. 63 My name is Pistol call'd. King. It sorts well with your fiercenesse. 1610 W. FOLKINGHAM Art of Survey I. x. 33 Dry Marle sortes with moist Soiles. a1652 BROME Queenes Exch. I. i. Wks. 1873 III. 460 Their Petulances sort not with this place. 1699 PEPYS in Diary & Corr. (1879) VI. 215 Of which book it would greatly sort with my Collection that I had a copy. 1709 POPE Ess. Crit. 322 For diff'rent styles with diff'rent subjects sort. 1780 COWPER Progr. Error 446 The text that sorts not with his darling whim, Though plain to others, is obscure to him. 1827 HARE Guesses (1859) 4 The vastness and awfulness of a mere sea-view would ill sort with the other parts of the..prospect. 1858 H. BUSHNELL Nature & Supernat. xi. (1864) 333 The miracles sort with the person of Christ and his mission. 1891 R. W. CHURCH Oxford Movem. xi. 178 However ill it might sort with the current language of Protestant controversy.


3. a. Of persons: Characteristic disposition; inclination; bent, turn or temper of mind. Obs. dSECOND EDITION 1989

1581 SIDNEY Apol. Poetrie (Arb.) 62 A Poet, no industrie can make, if his owne Genius bee not carried vnto it. 1599 B. JONSON Ev. Man out of Hum. II. i. (1600) D4a, I cannot frame me to your harsh vulgar phrase, tis agaynst my Genius. 1663 GERBIER Counsel 36 Those things whereunto their Genius doth tend. 1686 Observ. Chinese Char. in Misc. Cur. (1708) III. 215 There have been various ways thought of for Expressing Significancy, according to the several Genii of the Persons that were the Inventors. 1690 EVELYN Mem. (1857) III. 318 Its being suitable to my rural genius, born as I was at Wotton, among the woods. 1697 tr. C'tess D'Aunoy's Trav. (1706) 83 He immediately discovered the Queens Genius, and easily made himself her Confident. 1713 DERHAM Phys. Theol. V. i. 312 There is the same Reason for the variety of Genii, or Inclinations of Men also. 1761 HUME Hist. Eng. III. lxi. 319 Men of such daring geniuses were not contented with the ancient and legal forms of civil government. 1780 JOHNSON Let. to Mrs. Thrale 10 July, Every man has his genius is always in extremes. 1781 J. MOORE View Soc. It. (1790) I. xvi. 188 The intriguing genius of Pope Julius. 1804 W. TENNANT Ind. Recreat. (ed. 2) II. 162 Operations requiring no effort..and on that account peculiarly suited to the genius of the indolent Bengalese.
(OED online)

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Pedro  •  Link

On this day in the Med...

Both Lawson and De Ruyter had previously agreed peace treaties with the Algerians, who De Ruyter described as rouges and scoundrels. These treaties had been broken and both were sent out to deal with the situation.

On the 13th June 1664 De Ruyter met Lawson's squadron before Cartagena and a disagreeable incident took place. De Ruyter saluted in the normal way, but Lawson did not reply. When De Ruyter lodged a polite protest, Lawson replied that he had been absolutely forbidden to acknowledge the Dutch salute. The Admiral immediately wrote to the States General...Notwithstanding these difficulties, he discussed Med matters with Lawson, who had just been to Algiers to deal with the case of the English Consul.

The English consul at Algiers had been imprisoned in the bagno (LH ?), scandalously treated, and compelled while in chains to drag a cart loaded with stones, for the amusement of the Algiers mob. After the arrival of a new English squadron under Lawson the consul's treatment improved but he was still kept under supervision in his own house.

(Info from The Life of Admiral De Ruyter by Renier)

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Cumsalisgrano  •  Link

ref Bagno: Only in Algiers there were six "bagnos" (baths) hosting the human prey caught ... French took over Algiers, there were still 120 white slaves in the bagno. ...……

Friday 8 February 1660/61 (Pepys' Diary)The English word "bagnard" used here is a phonetic equivalent of "bagno", ... 1660-1 Pepys Diary 8 Feb., Stories of Algiers and the.. slaves there. ...

Second Reading

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Terry Foreman  •  Link

"I rated at Captain Taylor, whom, contrary to my expectation, I found a lying and a very stupid blundering fellow, good for nothing, and yet we talk of him in the Navy as if he had been an excellent officer;"

?? The man had a rap sheet: L&M note John Taylor had been Master-Shipwright at the Chatham dockyard until his removal (by the Duchess of Albemarle's influence) in 1660: CSPD 1664-5, p. 68.

Maybe the tars' tales favored him over her?

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Terry Foreman  •  Link

"with Mr. Coventry to St. James’s, and there spent by his desire the whole morning reading of some old Navy books given him of old Sir John Cooke’s by the Archbishop of Canterbury that now is;"

Coke had been Deputy-Treasurer of thhe Navy in 1591, a leading member of the commission of reform of 1618, and a Navy Commissioner, 1621-36. For the Caroline naval MSS in Coventry's possession, see Longleat, Coventry MSS 117. Others (which may be Coventry's) are listed in HMC, Rep., 3/183b-184a. These latter include the tracts written by Sir William Monson (d. 1643), published by the Navy Records Society in 1902-14. How the MSS Pepys read had come into Archbishop Sheldon's possession possession is not known; but William Juxon, Sheldon's predecessor at Canterbury, had also been a Navy Commissioner.
(L&M footnote)

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San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Thanks, Terry - L&M for ever!

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Terry Foreman  •  Link

"it hath been in his mind to propose to me the writing of the History of the late Dutch warr,"

More L&M and EEBO: Pepys collected materials but never werote the history. Many of the MSS survive in the Pepysian Library at Cambridge and the Bodleian Library at Oxford. The proposed history of the First Dutch War grew into an unfulfilled project for a general history of the navy. Similarly, Evelyn undertook to write a history of the Second Dutch War, but published only the preface in 1674: Navigation and commerce, their original and progress containing a succinct account of traffick in general : its benefits and improvements : of discoveries, wars, and conflicts at sea, from the original of navigation to this day, with special regard to the English nation : their several voyages and expeditions, to the beginning of our late differences with Holland : in which His Majesties title to the dominion of the sea is asserted, against the novel, and later pretenders / by J. Evelyn ...Evelyn, John, 1620-1706.
London: Printed by T. R. for Benj. Tooke ..., 1674.
Early English Books Online [full text]…

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Terry Foreman  •  Link

"and so to the Cherry Garden"

A pleasure-garden at Rotherhithe, the site being now marked by Cherry Garden Pier and street. In Pepys's day Cherry Garden Pier gave access to it. (L&M note)

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Chris Squire UK  •  Link

Re: ’ . . "to Greenwich, and there saw the King's works, which are great, a-doing there" . . ’

‘work, n.< a Germanic base cognate with ancient Greek ἔργον piece of work . .
. . 13. b. Chiefly Brit. In pl. Building or engineering operations.
. . 1660 J. Evelyn Diary anno 1641 (1955) II. 58 The new Citadell was advancing with innumerable hands... I was permitted to walke the round, and view the Workes . .

14. Mil. A fortified building or other defensive structure, a fortification. Also (frequently in pl.): any of the sides, walls, etc., of such a structure. Cf. bulwark n.
. . 1669 P. Staynred Compend. Fortification 4 in S. Sturmy Mariners Mag. There may be..occasion in Forts to raise..Platforms, or Batteries, to command all the other Works . . ‘

Re: ‘ . . sorts mightily with my genius . . ’

‘genius, n. and adj. < classical Latin . .
. . 7. b. Natural ability or capacity; quality of mind; attributes which suit a person for his or her peculiar work. Also: an instance of this.
. . 1729 B. Franklin Modest Enq. 17 Different Men have Genius's adapted to Variety of different Arts and Manufactures . . ‘

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