Tuesday 12 July 1664

And so rose, called up by my Lord Peterborough’s gentleman about getting his Lord’s money to-day of Mr. Povy, wherein I took such order, that it was paid, and I had my 50l. brought me, which comforts my heart.

We sat at the office all the morning, then at home. Dined alone; sad for want of company and not being very well, and know not how to eat alone. After dinner down with Sir G. Carteret, Sir J. Minnes, and Sir W. Batten to view, and did like a place by Deptford yard to lay masts in. By and by comes Mr. Coventry, and after a little stay he and I down to Blackwall, he having a mind to see the yarde, which we did, and fine storehouses there are and good docks, but of no great profit to him that oweth them for ought we see.1

So home by water with him, having good discourse by the way, and so I to the office a while, and late home to supper and to bed.

29 Annotations

First Reading

MissAnn  •  Link

Well, well, looks like I'm first up today. A beautiful sunny but chilly morning here in Sydney town.

Sam has a very up & down sort of day, it started well with the 50L being paid but then took a wobbly turn with no-one to eat his lunch with (a sad solitary little diner he was) but then things looked up with the trip to Deptford and then on to Blackwall with Coventry - so things didn't turn out so bad.

I think he's starting to miss the Missus already.

Robert Gertz  •  Link

"Dined alone; sad for want of company and not being very well, and know not how to eat alone."

Where's Will? Does he head off to lunch on his own or with the guys? Or is he such an obsequious presence Sam takes no notice of him?

Robert Gertz  •  Link

All right, who is this faithful depressive and what has he done with our Sam?

jeannine  •  Link

"and know not how to eat alone"

Sam's culture & job involve interactions with SO many people -via actual face to face contact that it is rare for him to eat alone. When I first read this, I sarcastically thought-"you don't know how to eat alone-you just pick up the fork and stick the food in your mouth!", but then I started to realize that his work doesn't involve internet connections , phone calls, conferences, etc. where you can actually sit in one place and 'connect' virtually with people. I'm often eating lunch with a phone line on mute, email shooting in and a call going on with people from different countries who I will never meet. He actually connects physically, which in many ways is sadly gone from our culture, yet we'd never think of it as being "sad and lonely" as it's what we know. Perhaps we're all used to it as technology has changed so much in terms of how people actually interact.

cape henry  •  Link

"...fine storehouses...good docks..." And yet, "...but of no great profit to him that oweth them for ought we see."Somewhat contradictory, but I take it to mean that the owner was not a good business man.Pepys tends to have a shrewd eye for these sorts of things.

Australian Susan  •  Link

"....did like a place by Deptford yard to lay masts in..."
At Chatham Historic Dockyard, you can still see the long thin stone trenches where prepared masts were left to season before use - sometimes for years. See http://www.chdt.org.uk/ for link to Dockyard.

I agree with RG - Sam's attitude this time Elizabeth has gone away is very different from previous trips: he's quite melancholic. Wonder how long it will last?

Jesse  •  Link

"... and know not how to eat alone"

Initially it seems rather curious. However, even though he's "at home" is he really "alone"? There's what, someone preparing/serving his lunch, perhaps waiting on him. Thus he may feel somewhat more self conscious. I briefly found it awkward to eat alone at restaurants when on business travel, till I figured gee, I could bring something to read.

Cumsalisgrano  •  Link

Eating alone while kitchen skivey be standing demurely waiting for 'is laudship to make a move or the Cook call out fo fetch 'is worrship's his vit[u]als.

It is amazing how one adapts to the changes.
Must keep up appearances. New staff, [familiarity breeds contempt]
Have seen this so often.

JWB  •  Link


With recent 400 year anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown in mind, note that the three ships of the Virginia Co. left Blackwall docks in 1606.

JWB  •  Link

"... and know not how to eat alone."

Lean over the kitchen sink Sam.

Robert Gertz  •  Link

You're traveling into another dimension...A dimension not only of sight and sound...But of mind. That's the signpost up ahead...Your next stop,

You guessed it...


"Ah, daughter, so good to see you!" John Sr. beams at the happy, vivacious Bess, eagerly looking round, missing no change or detail to the place since her last visit.

"Father Pepys!" happy pat...Cool nod to Paulina, who Bess notes to herself doth grow old and ugly and must be found a husband. "Mother Pepys." dutiful nod...

"Captain Ferrers." pleased grin... "How good of you to come and welcome me, my boy. How are things at the great house?"

"Daughter? I've got the papers on your uncle-in-law's holding together inside. Would ye be like to take a look whilst we have dinner? Dr. Pepys and Roger will be over to discuss matters shortly."

"In a bit, Father Pepys. Captain, we will be havin' your company at dinner?" gleam at Ferrers...

"Indeed, Mrs. Pepys. And how does your good husband?"

"Samuel? Ah, well, well. Keeping himself busy as ever, poor wretch. I must write him, Father Pepys, remind me."

"Chained to his desk, best way to keep him safe and secure." Ferrers nods with smile. "And how does the King's Navy these days, did he bring your ideas on war mobilization to the Duke? He's a fool if he doesn't...Your plan will be the making of him."

John Sr. beaming...That's me daughter-in-law, always pushin' my Sam along. Would the boy had her fire.

Sigh from Bess. Well...

"He did...But I do fear the poor, dear wretch is willing but not quite able to present as well as I'd like. I do what I can, Captain."

Indeed, Ferrers eyes her... If Creed be right, she's got every victualer to the Navy eatin' out of her pretty little hand.

"Oh, hello..." Bess eyes the rather handsome young fellow now emerging from the house to take her luggage.

"Our new lad, Jonathan." John nods to the boy.

Hello...Jonathan. Bess smiles at the striking lad.

Now...We did take a vow, Mrs. Pepys. Remember the poor, nose-to-grindstone wretch at home.

But God do I have a mind to this one...Another pleasant smile to Jonathan.

Still he might always prove honest and tell...Hmmn...

Well, Ferrers is always good for a bout later.

"Still with those shorthand notes I see, Mrs. Pepys?" Ferrer asks politely as Bess jots down a few lines.

"Always some business to keep track of, our Bess has..." John Sr. beams, offering her an arm.

"Always." Bess nods, pocketing her sheets for later transcription to the journal book brought along. Ought to have a real chance to bring the Diary up to date shortly.

"Oh, Ferrers. Samuel took me to see the new mast trenches at Deptford just before I left. I have to say I don't think they'll quite do. I gave him some suggestions to present to the Duke, I'll give you a copy for my Lord later. So, Father Pepys, tell me how the business proceeds...?"

Robert Gertz  •  Link

"You know I was a mite vexed with Sam'l before I left." Bess notes to John and Ferrers. "He'd forgotten to arrange for my annual cyst feast. It'll be the time just after I return. I do wish you could be there, Father Pepys. Jane Turner's The was so witty at last year's. You at least won't fail me, Captain?"

"Certainly not, ma'am." Lord I hope she didn't bring the thing in its box again like last summer. A real turn-off for sex, curious as it might be.

Bradford  •  Link

Exactly so, Jesse: how many of us would get little time to read if we didn't do so while eating? Multi-tasking was not born yesterday. As for being "alone," didn't Pepys make a concerted effort to pare down the household? He sounds as though he'd be willing to sup even with someone who flung his cloak over his shoulder.

DonB  •  Link

"In the original edition of the authorized version of the Bible we read:..."

AUTHORIZED??? That's the first time I've ever heard there was such a thing as an "authorized" edition of the Bible. So, under who's judgement was it to call one version the "authorized" edition? I realize that footnote was from a 19th century text; but still, that statement seems to show an extremely bigoted attitude, to say the least.

Todd Bernhardt  •  Link

re: Eating while reading

Given how valuable books were then, do you really think Sam would risk getting any "brave sauce" on his newly bound treasures?

Australian Susan  •  Link

The 1611 edition of the Bible, commonly called the King James Bible, is more properly called "The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised - Authorised King James version" This would have been the version Sam knew as it was the only one allowed by law to be used in Churches at that time. So he would have heard that variant of "owneth" as "oweth" .Sam also read Shakespeare, although he was not very enthusiastic about performances of the plays.

Terry F  •  Link

"AUTHORIZED??? That's the first time I've ever heard there was such a thing as an "authorized" edition of the Bible."

DonB, look at the title page of the King James Version of the Bible. By his authority it was compiled, and its 1611 title page states that it is "Appointed to be read in Churches" -- sc. Anglican Churches -- , known for 350 years as the "Authorized Version" and the phrase routinely printed on its title page. Google (AV bible).

In fact "The Great Bible [of 1539] was the first authorised edition of the Bible in English, authorised by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England."

Michael Robinson  •  Link

an "authorized" edition of the Bible."

Don B does raise a valid question. Its clear the Wheatley note refers to the 1611 translation, which is its conventional and traditional description. However, what has never been clear is exactly how and when, OR IF EVER this edition was "Authorised."

The second edition, 1540, of the 'Great bible' -- the first to include Cranmer's preface, which was included with all subsequent editions of the Great and Bishop's Bible -- is the first to be mandated and includes "Bible appointed to the Use of the Churches" on the title. It was only in the folio edition of 1583 of the 'Bishop's Bible, 1568, that the phrase "Authorised and Appointed to be read in Churches." first appeared on the title; this continued on the folio editions of 1588, 91, 95 and 1602.

The first appearance of Barker's edition of the 1611 text includes on the title only the phrase "Newly Translated out of the Originall tongues, & with the former Translations diligently compared and reuised, by his Majesties speciall comandement. Appointed to be read in Churches." No record survives of an 'order in council' or any other legal authority 'authorising' the use of this text in addition to or in place of the Bishop's Bible. [The term 'authorised' can not be impliedly derived from the printers license because Barker produced also a licensed edition of the Geneva Bible in 1610-11.]

When revision of the 1611 translation was the subject of reports to and debates in Convocation in 1870 it was admitted that the 1611 translation had won acceptance on its qualities and not by legal enforcement in any form.

[Charles II Act of Uniformity mandates the use of the Prayer Book of 1662. This says absolutely nothing at all about any particular biblical translation in the Preface . In the Book itself the texts of biblical extracts are taken from the 1611 translation, with the exception of the Psalter, the Ten Commandments and some portions of the Communion Service. Convocation's Latin version of the Prayer Book, 1670, took the psalms and scriptures from the old Sarum Breviary and Missal. This is an indication that a broad range of biblical translation was officially acceptable.]

language hat  •  Link

"Don B does raise a valid question."

Inadvertently. What he was doing was flying off the handle because he happened not to know something I would have thought was common knowledge, that "Authorized Version" is a standard way to refer to the King James Bible. Might be a good idea to google things before deciding to call people bigots.

Xjy  •  Link

Jeanine's point on social interaction in relation to being alone is excellent. The busy social lives of the better-off Athenians around 400-300 BCE, and of Roman patricians provide a kind of pattern for Sam's kind of daily round. Business, pleasure, instruction, debate, entertainment all interwoven and mostly face-to-face. Very special extras in the shape of correspondence to friends who were temporarily out-of-reach.

Cicero's quick-fire correspondence gives a first-class example of this. Maybe in a more enlightened future someone will come up with the idea of doing a Pepys Diary a la Phil on dear old Tully's letters. I'd be in there like a shot. Text in Latin (with access to translations in those languages the fans could come up with), and annotations in whatever language a fan wished to use.

Same or even more fun with Goethe and Schiller (German only text there, really), and best of all maybe Marx and Engels with the Text in German (plus at least English and Spanish) and discussion a free-for-all.

I'm sure we don't realize yet just how fundamentally the internet, e-mail and chat has altered our ideas of interaction, public discussion, presence etc, and with this our understanding and appreciation of face-to-face human communication and its many facets.

Cumsalisgrano  •  Link

Jane be in the house along with the other girl, Sam failed to get their attention and now when he be eating alone, he has no contact with serving class unlike the good old days when he did not have an extra pot [** **** **].
Sam has progressed, from knees above the ankle to knees in knotted tree.
Note the the four Journeys to wilds of 'untington. Last time, Poor Mistress had to ride outside in the smoggey air.
Having extra cash does provide nice amenities.

Cumsalisgrano  •  Link

"...but still, that statement seems to show an extremely bigoted attitude, to say the least..."
These were bigoted times, 'twas why there be an uprising and a few heads were removed, and guts spilt, fortunately for those that survived they went to the land of opportunity to practice their version of life.
As the saying goes "do it my way, or take the hyway ...[to heaven or hell thy choice] still a popular method, used by those that think that they be right, 'twas why Des Cart es be invented, ever3y thing be opining if it can not be QEDed.

Pedro  •  Link

Indian President awarded King Charles II Medal
12 Jul 2007

The Royal Society has awarded the King Charles II Medal to President Kalam of India. The medal is given in recognition of the President's extraordinary contributions to the promotion of science and science in society in India. He is only the second person to receive the prestigious accolade.
The award, which is only for heads of state, was previously given to Emperor Akihito of Japan in 1998.
"President Kalam has led India at a time when science and technology investment in the country has radically increased. He has played a major part in preparing a road map for transforming India from developing status into a developed nation. As a scientist himself he has also made a great contribution to scientific advances in his country." Said Martin Rees, President of the Royal Society
A ceremony to award the King Charles II medal, to be held in Delhi and London on Friday 13 July, has unfortunately been postponed, as a result of the death of former Prime Minister, Chandra Shekhar. A ceremony will now follow at a later date, after the upcoming Indian Presidential elections.

Second Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

""....did like a place by Deptford yard to lay masts in.....and fine storehouses there are and good docks, but of no great profit to him that ow[n]eth them for ought we see."

See http://www.pepysdiary.com/diary/1… The yard was owned by Henry Johnson, who built most of the E. Indiamen of this period: see Henry Green and R. Wigram, Chronicles of Blackwall Yard. (Per L&M footnotes)

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Authorized Version

The Authorized Version was meant to replace the Bishops' Bible as the official version for readings in the Church of England. No record of its authorization exists; it was probably effected by an order of the Privy Council but the records for the years 1600 to 1613 were destroyed by fire in January 1618/19 and it is commonly known as the Authorized Version in the United Kingdom. The King's Printer issued no further editions of the Bishops' Bible, so necessarily the Authorized Version replaced it as the standard lectern Bible in parish church use in England. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kin…

Louise Hudson  •  Link

The monarch is the head of the Church of England and would have been in a position to choose a bible to be the authorized version. The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church and the English monarch is the head of the Anglican Church. They make the rules.

Bill  •  Link

“but of no great profit to him that oweth them for ought we see.”

To OWE. … 4. To possess, to be the right owner of.
---A Dictionary Of The English Language. Samuel Johnson, 1756.

I am not worthy of the wealth I owe,
Nor dare I say 'tis mine, and yet it is;
---All’s Well that Ends Well. Shakespeare.

Clark Kent  •  Link

Poor Sam, not knowing how to dine alone. Pity he didn't have access to Bruce Jay Friedman's "Lonely Guy's Guide to Life."

Chris Squire UK  •  Link

Re: ' . . of no great profit to him that oweth them . . '

'owe, v. < Germanic . . < the same Indo-European base . . as Sanskrit īś- to possess, own.
I. As a main verb. * In senses expressing possession.
1. trans. a. To have belonging to oneself; to possess; to be the owner of; = own v. 1. Now chiefly Sc., esp. Irish English (north.).
. . 1664 S. Pepys Diary 12 July (1971) V. 202 Fine storehouses..but of no great profit to him that oweth them . . ‘

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