Monday 8th May 1665
Up very betimes, and did much business before I went out with several persons, among others Captain Taylor, who would leave the management of most of his business now he is going to Harwich, upon me, and if I can get money by it, which I believe it will, I shall take some of it upon me.
Thence with Sir W. Batten to the Duke of Albemarle’s and there did much business, and then to the ’Change, and thence off with Sir W. Warren to an ordinary, where we dined and sat talking of most usefull discourse till 5 in the afternoon, and then home, and very busy till late, and so home and to bed.
12 Annotations
First Reading
Terry Foreman • Link
"Captain Taylor...would leave the management of most of his business now he is going to Harwich"
Capt. John Taylor’s assuming his position as resident Navy Commissioner in Harwich.…
Robert Gertz • Link
"And the money kept rolling in...From everywhere.
Sam's prettily dressed arms reached out and they reached wide. Now you may think a little of the cash did go astray...But that's not the point, colleagues.
As the money comes rolling in, Sam keeps books...And we can tell he's doing well by them and his happy, grateful looks. It's only a small percentage that ends going his way...Name anyone who does for the King as much as Samuel Pepys.
Money, money, money...Money, money, money...Money, money, money...Money, money, money...Rolling on in, rolling on in...On in..."
(Now we sing the verse about the money rolling out to the poor and destitute of all complexions, sir? Hewer asks brightly.
Hard stare from said addressed employer...
"Well that's all the time we have. So lets end on that delightful 'rolling on in' note. Back to work gentlemen.")
Jesse • Link
"leave the management of most of his business ... and very busy till late"
From a strict time standpoint seems like Pepys is already fully booked. Probably a shuffling of priorities might be in order. "[I]f I can get money by it..." Damn straight.
Australian Susan • Link
In the annotations on Captain Taylor, there is ambiguity about who he is and, therefore, what the nature of the business is in charge of which Sam is being left. So, is there clarity as to whether this is a shipbuilder or a Commissariat? If the former, not sure how Sam could get money, but the latter! Well, dealing with stores and supplies - lots and lots of opportunity to slice a little bit off the top.
Terry Foreman • Link
Australian Susan, Capt. John Taylor is the shipbuilder at Chatham replaced by Phineas Pett, and thereafter at Wapping described in the Encyclopedia, but has been made a Commissioner and (SPOILER) will serve as one at Harwich until 1668, while Pepys overseees the Wapping yard's business with the navy
(so the L&M Companion and sundry footnotes).
In wartime, we (the navy) are short-handed.
dirk • Link
The Rev. Josselin's diary entry today:
"at the visitation, with respect, heard of success against Smyrna fleet, the countenances of many ministers sad to eye, lord heal our manners, sermon was pressing to labour and holiness."
Phil • Link
Managing a private ship building company while working for the Navy in a purchasing capacity during war time - potential conflict of interest?
At an ordinary "where we dined and sat talking of most usefull discourse till 5 in the afternoon..." Sam had been so focussed on his work, is he about to slide over to the excess in entertainment side of life.
Todd Bernhardt • Link
re: "potential conflict of interest?"
You betcha! "and if I can get money by it, which I believe it will, I shall take some of it upon me"...
JWB • Link
re: “potential conflict of interest?”
Think of it as Web 2.0.
Australian Susan • Link
re dirk's annotation:
"visitation" here refers to the regular visits of the Archdeacon mainly to check up on parishes and make sure they are doing all the right things. Archdeacons are butt-kickers for the Bishop of the Diocese. In those days, this could be a serious matter: you could end up being thrown out of your benefice if the ArchD gave a bad report of you back to the Bishop and lack of conforming to the norms of liturgy could cause the Archdeacon to sniff a taint of papacy or, conversely, anti-episcopal sentiments and that could lead to a charge of treason. But it seems the Revd J found the occasion to be one to get news (and probably gossip as well, but that did not go in his diary).
Second Reading
San Diego Sarah • Link
Sunday, 7 May, 1665 (Lord’s day). Rev. Josselin, "I began to expound things out of the church catechism for the information of youth, ..." You started those classes just in time!
Tonyel • Link
Managing a private ship building company while working for the Navy in a purchasing capacity during war time - potential conflict of interest?
Yes, of course, but not always such a bad idea - thinking of WWII Liberty ships which were a fine example of private enterprise that actually worked. Unlike our present UK navy which has several billion pounds worth of new ships in dock because they don't operate in warm climates! Where is today's Sam when we need him?