Saturday 7 March 1667/68
Up, and to the office, where all the morning, at noon home to dinner, where Mercer with us, and after dinner she, my wife, Deb., and I, to the King’s playhouse, and there saw “The Spanish Gipsys,” the second time of acting, and the first that I saw it. A very silly play, only great variety of dances, and those most excellently done, especially one part by one Hanes, only lately come thither from the Nursery, an understanding fellow, but yet, they say, hath spent 1000l. a-year before he come thither. This day my wife and I full of thoughts about Mrs. Pierces sending me word that she, and my old company, Harris and Knipp, would come and dine with us next Wednesday, how we should do-to receive or put them off, my head being, at this time, so full of business, and my wife in no mind to have them neither, and yet I desire it. Come to no resolution tonight. Home from the playhouse to the office, where I wrote what I had to write, and among others to my father to congratulate my sister’s marriage, and so home to supper a little and then to bed.
10 Annotations
First Reading
Terry Foreman • Link
Saturday, March 7.
[Debate on the Supply resumed.]
Sir Cha. Wheeler.] The Duke of Ormond has lately had granted to him 50,000 l. for his own use, and above 100,000 l. more in the Butler's land granted to him, for which he had no pretence of evidence at all—He has had more granted to him from the King than any subject in England, except Lord Clarendon—Would have that enquired into for raising the King's supply.
(The lands the clergy have by dint of favour and Canon Law itself questioned.)…
nix • Link
Too bad the letter to Papa Pepys hasn't survived -- I'm picturing 3,000 words on Your 'Umble Son's parliamentary triumph, with a "P.S. -- By the way, ain't it a relief to be rid of Pall" at the end.
walkley • Link
Unfair! That todays entry makes no mention of the triumph does him credit - some lesser beings would still be retelling what Lord so and so said or at the very least Sir Gawden's suggestion that Pepys should be Speaker
Fern • Link
"Mrs. Pierces sending me word that she, and my old company, Harris and Knipp, would come and dine with us"
To my ears this sounds very presumptuous. But perhaps "would" means "wishes to". Clarification from an expert, please.
Terry Foreman • Link
"an understanding fellow"
UNDERSTAND: to conduct oneself properly (L&M Select Glossary)
Robert Gertz • Link
True enough as to holding on selfpraise and yet...
Look at tomorrow's.
I'm still more interested in what wedding planner Bess' reaction to Pall's nuptials was...
"My deer Father-in-Lawe,
Happi am I to knew deer Pallina is qui-- quite marr'd and that the Weddin Cerimoni was well. As you and she shewd well knew I did plan much and did much purchase of goods to make deer Pal's day a fine one. I would I had been maid awere that Pal was to be marr'd to Mister Jer--Jackman so soon. A wud or too wud have suffericed after my manifod labors but I will say nat as to that. I do hope deer Pal enjoyed the fruits of my labors and Sam'l and I do send or veri Best Wishs.
Your honor'd and obed't dauther-in-lawe,
Elisabeth Pepys."
Australian Susan • Link
Spanish Gypsy
Other than that I recall seeing it (Bristol Old Vic over 30 years ago), I can recall nothing else. So perhaps it is a "very silly play" as Sam judges it.
Second Reading
San Diego Sarah • Link
"Mrs. Pierces sending me word that she, and my old company, Harris and Knipp, would come and dine with us"
I don't think it was presumptive ... it would have been if Harris or Knipp had been the ones suggesting coming to dinner.
Mrs. Pierce is an old old friend, and apparently tone deaf to Elizabeth's discomfort. She didn't know they were persona non grata at the Pepys abode. Mentally I insert the word "like to" in "would ... come and dine with us" as in the friends were missing seeing the Pepys, and they assume the work load is keeping him at home, which I think is closer to the meaning of the tale.
Poor Elizabeth. Good manners make these things difficult.
Mary K • Link
Am I misremembering, or has Sam's opinion of Haynes's abilities risen sharply in recent days?
San Diego Sarah • Link
Hi Mary K ... according to the Encyclopedia, this is the first mention of Joseph Hayes, the dancing author. Do you have info about him from another source?