Wednesday 18 November 1668

Lay long in bed talking with my wife, she being unwilling to have me go abroad, saying and declaring herself jealous of my going out for fear of my going to Deb., which I do deny, for which God forgive me, for I was no sooner out about noon but I did go by coach directly to Somerset House, and there enquired among the porters there for Dr. Allbun, and the first I spoke with told me he knew him, and that he was newly gone into Lincoln’s Inn Fields, but whither he could not tell me, but that one of his fellows not then in the way did carry a chest of drawers thither with him, and that when he comes he would ask him. This put me into some hopes, and I to White Hall, and thence to Mr. Povy’s, but he at dinner, and therefore I away and walked up and down the Strand between the two turnstiles, hoping to see her out of a window, and then employed a porter, one Osbeston, to find out this Doctor’s lodgings thereabouts, who by appointment comes to me to Hercules pillars, where I dined alone, but tells me that he cannot find out any such, but will enquire further. Thence back to White Hall to the Treasury a while, and thence to the Strand, and towards night did meet with the porter that carried the chest of drawers with this Doctor, but he would not tell me where he lived, being his good master, he told me, but if I would have a message to him he would deliver it. At last I told him my business was not with him, but a little gentlewoman, one Mrs. Willet, that is with him, and sent him to see how she did from her friend in London, and no other token. He goes while I walk in Somerset House, walk there in the Court; at last he comes back and tells me she is well, and that I may see her if I will, but no more. So I could not be commanded by my reason, but I must go this very night, and so by coach, it being now dark, I to her, close by my tailor’s, and she come into the coach to me, and je did baiser her … [and tocar her thing, but ella was against it and laboured with much earnestness, such as I believed to be real; and yet at last yo did make her tener mi cosa in her mano, while mi mano was sobra her pectus, and so did hazer with grand delight. – L&M] I did nevertheless give her the best council I could, to have a care of her honour, and to fear God, and suffer no man para avoir to do con her as je have done, which she promised. Je did give her 20s. and directions para laisser sealed in paper at any time the name of the place of her being at Herringman’s, my bookseller in the ’Change, by which I might go para her, and so bid her good night with much content to my mind, and resolution to look after her no more till I heard from her. And so home, and there told my wife a fair tale, God knows, how I spent the whole day, with which the poor wretch was satisfied, or at least seemed so, and so to supper and to bed, she having been mighty busy all day in getting of her house in order against to-morrow to hang up our new hangings and furnishing our best chamber.

29 Annotations

First Reading

Terry Foreman  •  Link

Details of the encounter with Deb replaced by the ellipsis.

"and she come into the coach to me, and yo did besar her and tocar her thing, but ella was against it and laboured with much earnestness, such as I believed to be real; and yet at last yo did make her tener mi cosa in her mano, while mi mano was sobra her pectus, and so did hazar with grand delight. I did nevertheless give her the best counsel I could,,...."

(L&M text)

Andrew Hamilton  •  Link

Poor Deb

Michael L  •  Link

"I did nevertheless give her the best council I could, to have a care of her honour, and to fear God, and suffer no man para avoir to do con her as je have done"

The mind boggles. What can possibly add to such a statement?

Dorothy  •  Link

My mind is also boggling to think that the man went home and wrote this all down. I have tried to keep a diary from time to time and know how hard it is to write the truth about something I am ashamed about. He not only does wrong, he also writes it down in detail even though he must know how it would make him look to anyone reading the account. Amazing!

Robert Gertz  •  Link

In the audio Diary, Kenneth Brannaugh is both utterly hilarious and moving here as Sam shifting between unbridled passion and earnest lectures on the proper deportment of a young lady with men. Apparently Deb is not without some feeling for Sam, she could have refused to come...I'm not putting any blame on her end, simply observing that it seems she may be getting into this too deep herself. Not at all surprising in a young and innocent girl awed by the impressive and charming Mr. Pepys. It's clear women do like Sam...He has a knack for winning their affection and friendship, even if some are calculating in their response to his advances.

Uh, Sam...Remember, Bess knows about the good Dr...And if you can find him out...She could be keeping some sort of eye on him.

GW  •  Link

It's interesting to compare Pepys' diaries with James Boswell's diaries a century later. Boswell had a similar degree of unrestrained frankness - and unrestrained amorousness - but he was also a lot more reflective and analytical about himself, and often quite self-critical, especially later in life.

Unfortunately his diaries are not in the public domain, because they were only published in the mid 20th century (as they had been supressed by his family and descendents).

People who enjoy Pepys will probably enjoy Boswell as well, and its interesting to compare them and see the similarities and differences.

See the first volume of Boswell's diaries…

Robert Gertz  •  Link

I assume Tom is not with Sam...But one never knows. If so Sam's obsession has reached dangerously self-destructive proportions.

Whoa, met her by his tailor's? It has reached dangerously self-destructive proportions, regardless of whether he brought Tom. Sam...

Jane in hooded cloak, hanging on to coach from behind, waving off frowning driver, glancing back...Listening intently.

Andrew Hamilton  •  Link

Robert, I share your suspicions. Why would Elizabeth hand out hints to Sam on how to find Deb if she was not testing him? Of course (to be seen) it may be that she didn't know what she was doing. But given her aroused awareness and jealousy, it seems to me that she would guard any knowledge of Deb's whereabouts from Sam with particular care, and if she didn't it would have been for a reason.

Clement  •  Link

Elizabeth has also felt a tremendous loss of control and was already without much economic or social power in their relationship, so dropping hints could have simply been an attempt to demonstrate to Sam that she holds a few secrets of her own.
I think she has been too distraught to devise a test that involved confederates in close confidence.
That being said, if she had, Sam is certainly reckless enough now to take the bait hook, line and sinker.

Robert Gertz  •  Link

Even if Bess doesn't have eyes and ears out to track her wayward boy...To meet by his tailor's, even at night? What is he thinking? Surely his tailor lives at his shop and someone among his family could notice one of his best and most important customers meeting a young girl in a coach. Not to mention the whole neighborhood probably knows the famed Mr. Pepys quite well. I have to wonder if Sam wants Bess to find him out and kill this dangerous passion.

Or perhaps, kill him...

AnnieC  •  Link

I would guess Deb climbed into the coach naively expecting some tender hand-holding and concern for her situation. As Andrew Hamilton says, poor Deb.

Maurie Beck  •  Link

“I did nevertheless give her the best council I could, to have a care of her honour, and to fear God, and suffer no man para avoir to do con her as je have done”

'The mind boggles. What can possibly add to such a statement?'

From the perspective of biology, giving such counsel is not mind boggling at all. Sam is simply mate guarding, though he is unaware of it himself. By giving counsel to poor Deb he is attempting to increase the odds that she will not have sex with any other man.

In evolutionary biology the name of the game is to pass on more of one's genes to future generations than those of competitors. Sam is well aware of potential competitors. Every time he looks at other men (of power?), he sees himself. This is why he was and is so jealous of other men showing interest in his wife.

Unfortunately, Sam is involved in an evolutionary tradeoff; should he guard his mates or seek new copulations? He can't do both at the same time (unless he has multiple wives living under the same roof).

As I mentioned before, Sam and most people are unaware of the dynamics involved, only that their feelings impel them towards certain behaviors that increase their reproductive success. The fact that Sam is (almost certainly) infertile is nothing more than irony.

Tom C  •  Link

This completely honest documentation of such a lie to the most important person in Sam's life is really quite striking.

Second Reading

psw  •  Link

Maurice Beck pretty near nails it noting the Fast Thinking Pepys is doing what he is doing without fully understanding he is doing it. On automatic: Just swing through the trees looking for .... "love".

Have not counted but Pepys overtly (diary) has said he loves Deb many times...more so than any other of those he has desired.

Terry Foreman  •  Link

"I away and walked up and down the Strand between the two turnstiles,"

L&M: Possibly two of the narrow cuts running south from the Strand had turnstiles at their heads to prevent use save by foot passengers.

Sobhan  •  Link

where can I find the unabridged version of his diary, that is without ellipsis?

London Lynn  •  Link

As Andrew says ‘Poor Deb’. Samuel’s behaviour is something else!

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Pepys doesn't see anyone at Whitehall today because they are in Council figuring out some quite difficult problems, unlike our Diarist whose behaving worse than a 17 year old.

'America and West Indies: November 1668', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), pp. 622-629. British History Online…

Pages 622-629

Nov. 18. 1668
#1873. Order of the King in Council.
Present the King, Duke of York, Prince Rupert, Archbishop of Canterbury, and 24 others.

On petition of the owners of the Pearl of Bristol, praying for speedy payment of 1,475/. 8s. 8d., for the service of said ship at Nevis and St. Christopher's, and the report of the Lords of the Treasury of 10 June last on same.

That the expense, damage, and freight of said ship should be paid, but besides the want of money in his Majesty Exchequer here, they conceive it should be paid out of his Majesty's revenue in the Caribbee Islands;
and the rather that the demands of petitioners may be more fully examined there, and a better conclusion made than can be at so great a distance, it is thought fit, that order be sent to the Governor of Barbados to settle the accounts with the Council there as low as he can, and cause order of payment to be entered in a register for debts of this kind, to which any creditors may freely have recourse,
and that a register be also kept, to which creditors may also have access, of all his Majesty's revenues, a proportion to be set apart for supporting the charge of the Governor and the remainder for the creditors, according to the order of the register.
This their Lordships hope may tend to the satisfaction of the creditors and make it their interest to discover all frauds which are by some said to be practised.

Ordered that Sec. Lord Arlington cause a letter and instructions according to the above-mentioned report to be sent to Lord Willoughby and Council, to cause the same to be duly executed.
2-½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 82.]
William, 6th Baron Willoughby of Parham MP has been given the governorship of the ‘Charibbee”. See his report of 9 July, 1668…

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

[Nov.] 1668
#1874. Report of the Council of Trade to the King.

They have received great complaints from the merchants and others trading to his Majesty's Plantations, and more especially that of New York, where they are altogether discouraged and withdrawing their estates.

Which complaints are grounded on an Order of Council of 23rd October 1667, whereby three or more ships are authorized to trade from Holland to New York for seven years;
which will carry as much linen, shoes, stockings, clothes, and other commodities as will not only supply New York, but Virginia, Barbados, and New England in a great measure, which if suffered, not only a great part of his Majesty's customs but the principal part of the Plantation trade will be lost.
Which order is said to be grounded on the 6th and 7th articles for the rendition of New York, but the Council do not find that his Majesty has any longer obligation by said articles to grant freedom of trade to the Dutch or any others beyond the first six months after said rendition, nor does the petition of Peter Stuyvesant so much as desire it, but it appears rather a mistake in drawing up said order, which only praying trade for his Majesty's subjects of New York, gains an order for the Dutch nation with three ships for seven years.

Humbly advise therefore that for the encouragement of English trade and manufactures, His Majesty forthwith revoke said order of 23 Oct. 1667, and all passes thereupon granted, and if passes have been granted for any ships already prepared in Holland for that trade, yet if not dispatched before the 10th inst., such passes shall not be of force after that day,
and that if any presume to trade with his Majesty's Plantations that they be dealt with as by the Acts for Navigation and encouragement of trade is enacted and declared.

Signed by Lords Ashley and Carlisle and 15 others.
3 pp. Printed in New York Documents, III., 175, 176, where two lines have been omitted from the original in the last paragraph but one.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 83.]

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Nov. 18. 1668
#1875. Order of the King in Council annulling a previous Order of the King in Council of 23rd Oct. 1667.

Whereas the Council of Trade have represented that the merchants are withdrawing their estates from New York by reason of an indulgence granted to the Dutch by an Order in Council of 23rd Oct. 1667, to trade thither with three ships for seven years;
and allege that it will prevent the exportation of the manufactures of England;
and that his Majesty is not bound thereto by the Articles for the surrender of New York;
and do therefore desire that said Order and the passes thereupon granted may be revoked.

His Majesty approves the same, and hereby orders that said Order in Council of 23rd Oct. 1667 and all passes granted by virtue thereof to any Dutch ships to trade from Holland to New York be annulled;
yet, lest his Majesty's subjects there be in want of necessaries, and reflecting with clemency on those who may have been put to charge in making ready their ships, it is ordered that one of those now preparing in Holland for New York shall have leave to make one voyage thither this year; but no other foreign ship whatsoever henceforth, otherwise than according to said articles of surrender.

The Governor of New York and all others to cause the same to be duly observed.
Immediate notice is to be given to Sir Wm. Temple, his Majesty's Ambassador in Holland.

1-½ pp. Printed in New York Documents, III., 177, 178.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXIII., No. 84.]
Richard Nicolls (born 1624, Ampthill, Bedfordshire — died May 28, 1672, in the Battle of Solebay in the North Sea), the first English governor of the province of New York. Nicolls resigned the governorship in 1668 and returned to England, where he resumed his post as gentleman of the bedchamber to the Duke of York. Upon the outbreak of the Third Anglo-Dutch War in 1672, Nicolls volunteered to fight and was killed at Solebay.…

Many English colonists did not like Nicolls because they thought Oliver Cromwell had been their savior.

Francis Lovelace (c. 1621–1675) was an English Royalist and the second Governor of New York colony. The Duke of York appointed Lovelace in 1668 after the departure of Richard Nicolls. While in office he purchased Staten Island from the local Native Americans, among whom he sent Church of England missionaries, granted 'freedom of conscience' to the English, Dutch and Swedish populations of the colony, organised infantry and militia companies and expanded New York City's defences. During his time in NY, he ran and operated the King's House tavern (also known as Lovelace Tavern) in lower Manhattan.…

Vincent Telford  •  Link

'So I could not be commanded by my reason'

Thanks Maurie Beck for the biological perspective. I to think Sam is driven by sexual hormonal and hard coded within our ape brain forces which he only dimly aware of and which he can't restrain himself from following without them incessantly tormenting him.

Deb is possibly happy he has hunted her down as it shows Sam's feelings are genuine and she's not been just used as a sexual convenience; though a bit of hand holding, a kiss, some money, an offer of future support if needed and advice regarding what might be their last meeting was enough Sam!

It's a good job Sam was almost certainly infertile otherwise biology would have taken it course and then there would have been fireworks.

A bit like our current PM; Sam is highly sociable and highly intelligent, ignores social conventions when it suits him, likes a challenge, wants many simultaneous sexual partners, enjoys being the life and soul of the party and enjoys taking risks - in short he's an extrovert who surprisingly wrote it all down in great detail for posterity.

Maybe Sam thinks he might like to examine it all in a future time and/or just gets immediate therapy and clarification from reviewing and then writing down his day's events.

Stephane Chenard  •  Link

Sam, on intelligence that the Target is in somewhere about Lincoln's Inn Fields (mapped at…) paces the Strand (…) in hope of seeing Her at a window. Scant hope indeed, though there is a thin section of the Strand where, perhaps maybe, one could sight the back windows of some building that could be described as "on Lincoln's Inn Fields". Another sign of the patient not being completely rational at this point, though still rational enough not to go 'round the Fields instead, which could have improved the odds but for the Fields apparently being a good place to get mugged by vagrants.

Apart from that, for any problem in London, trust to your wily, all-knowing porter... special rates for gentlemen seeking to (har har) pass a note to a gentlelady to ask how she is. Discretion guaranteed, even for those customers well known around the village that is Whitehall. Why, if Sam had tried the next porter down, he'd have run into this new fellow, one Fygaro, who knows just how to get a note inside the Doctor's house, and could have slipped Sam inside, perhaps dressed as a soldier with papers to claim he's billetted there. Can fix your wig, too.

JB  •  Link

There is still a rather short street on Staten Island known as Lovelace Ave.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

The volume of Domestic State Papers covering correspondence from Oct. 1668 to Dec. 1669 is at…

Nov. 18 1668.
John Huntington, master of the Adam and Eve, to the Navy Commissioners.

Being near the Humber on the 15th, a storm came suddenly upon them, and split the seams, which taking in much water, it washed the ballast all over the hold, and staved two butts of beer.
Got into Yarmouth, leaving anchor and cable behind.
Returned by land to Winterton, took a boat, and has recovered the anchor and cable;
hopes to be ready to proceed in 2 days.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 249, No. 108.]

Nov. 18 1668.
Victualling Office
Sir Denis Gauden to the Navy Commissioners.

Considering the charge of freight, hazard at sea, &c., of victuals delivered to ships at Tangiers and Cadiz, hopes they will allow him 9d. a day per man, being the amount it lays him in.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 249, No. 109.]

Nov. 18 1668.
John, Lord Frescheville, to Lord [Arlington].

The particulars of the quarrel between 2 soldiers in my troop, in which one was slain, are that Swan came expressly to affront Hodgson - who is a civil man, and served the late and present King - gave him great provocation, and drew upon him.

I think Hodgson should be delivered, though violently prosecuted by Swan's friends, and by those too who wish the King had neither soldiers nor sword, and who more numerous than at present.
[2 pages. S.P. Dom., Car. II. 249, No. 111.]
Sir Henry de Vic, FRS and Lady Margarite Carteret de Vic’s only daughter, Anna Charlotte, married John Lord Frescheville, MP, Baron of Staveley in Derbyshire (1607 – 1682) in 1666.

Lord Frescheville’s Parliamentary bio says: “… his third marriage in 1666 failed to produce a male heir. He remained a reliable court supporter in the Upper House, and was appointed governor of York in 1670. But he suffered severely from the stranguary in his later years, and was absent from the division on the second exclusion bill. He died on 31 Mar. 1682 and was buried at Staveley, the reversion of which he had sold to the Earl of Devonshire for £2,600.” Also they say he was a capt. of the Royal Horse Guards (The Blues) 1661-79.

stranguary = a condition caused by blockage or irritation at the base of the bladder, resulting in severe pain and a strong desire to urinate.
Strangely enough, considering how easy it is to find Anna Charlotte’s dedication to her father, mentioning her mother by name, at Westminster Abbey, Margarite Carteret is not mentioned in Frescheville’s bio – she’s invisible again.

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Nov. 18 1668.
Hugh Salesbury to Williamson.

The Dutch fleet still continues at St. Helen's Road;
the Edgar remains at Spithead.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 249, No. 112.]

1668. Nov. 18.
Rich. Bower to Williamson.

Several ships have sailed for the Straits,
and one for Cadiz, with lead, tar, and herrings,
and others are lading.

Twelve sail are riding in the Roads, bound for various places.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 249, No. 113.]

Nov. 18 1668.
Speech of Sir P. Musgrave to the mayor and aldermen of Carlisle.

We are met on the occasion of carrying out the order in Council, made on hearing the business between myself and Mr. Aglionby.
I did not petition against the City, only against Aglionby's proceedings.
But in return it was voted that the ground of my complaint could not be reversed. Persons of quality assisted therein, who should be present today rather to countenance the King's order, than an order reflecting on his prerogative and the privileges of garrisons.
All professed to have nothing against me, being forced to use this gloss, or well-meaning citizens would not have been drawn into the snare; but the King saw in it a design to blast my reputation and heave me out of my place.
All imaginable arts were used to find matter against me.
Some were courted and tempted with rewards, and others tried with threats, to bring complaints, and they did not forbear to rake into the ashes of the dead, and the actions of persons done years ago.
Some are malicious enough to call me to account for acts in time of war, getting the King's pardon, &c., but have been unable to fix dishonour upon me, or show any reason for their envy, except my being employed by my Sovereign.
It is of concern to his Majesty that a good understanding should exist between the garrison and the citizens; therefore, forgetting the injuries intended, I will endeavour it by all just means, and hope the citizens will do the like, and discover their displeasure against those factious spirits and hot-headed people that love disputes.
If they will not, I am bound to let them know that it is not the part of good subjects to create misunderstandings because they are angry;
I hope you will endeavour to preserve that opinion which you have gained with sufferings, of being as loyal subjects as in any city in England.
[14 pages. S.P. Dom., Car. II. 249, No. 114.]
Sir Philip Musgrave MP’s (1607-1678) Parliamentary bio says, “... he had been involved in another local dispute with Alderman Aglionby of Carlisle, a henchman of the Lowther interest, who had insulted the garrison. The case was heard by the Privy Council on 21 Oct. [1668], and, ‘after many expressions of esteem from the King of Sir Philip Musgrave’s fidelity and good service’, Aglionby was compelled to apologize.”

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Nov. 18 1668.
Emsworth sloop, Holehaven
Capt. Walter Perry to the Navy Commissioners.

Particulars of the loss of a cask of pork, containing their 3 months' supply, which fell overboard in being hoisted.
Asks for another, as they are wintering, and shall want it.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 249, No. 107.]
Holehaven is identified as being a creek between Canvey Island and Corringham, Essex. No hint of a wharf or harbor being there; as they are wintering, perhaps it was a just a convenient sheltered anchorage?

Nov. 18 1668.
that the King be moved that vacancies which happen by the death of any of the Commissioners of Appeal may not be supplied, but that their number may fall as they die;
also asked whether he thinks fit to bestow a pension of 200/. a year, being the salary of one of them, on Sir Sam. Morland.
Noted as agreed to.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 249, No. 115.]

Nov. 18 1668.
Warrant for Charles, Duke of Richmond and Lenox,
to preserve the game in the whole county of Kent.
Minute. [S.P. Dom., Entry Book 30, f. 89.]

Nov. 18 1668.
The King to the Masters of the Bench of Lincoln's Inn.

Sir Thos. Beverley, Master of Requests, has been fined by you 200 marks for not having read in his course as reader.
This proceeding intrudes on the privileges and immunities of our servants;
we require you to discharge Sir Thomas from the said fine, and leave him to the quiet enjoyment of his chamber, as long as he holds the place of Master of Requests.
[S.P. Dom., Entry Book 31, f. 13.]

Order in the Council of Lincoln's Inn,
that Sir T. Beverley be fined 200 marks for not reading in his course, and, in default of payment, yield up his Bench chambers.
— Lincoln's Inn, 20 April 1668.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 249, No. 116.]

Nov. 18 1668.
Petition of Dame Ann, widow of Sir Richard Fanshawe, late Ambassador to Spain, to the King,

for payment of 1,000/. omitted in a privy seal drawn for 1,000/. instead of 2,000/., for her expenses in bringing her husband's dead body and her children and servants, 60 persons in all, a six months' land journey from Madrid to London;
and also for interest at 6 per cent, for 3 years on the money due to him, which was 5,900/.
[S.P. Dom., Car. II. 249, No. 121.]

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