Saturday 15 May 1669
Up, and at the Office all the morning. Dined at home and Creed with me home, and I did discourse about evening some reckonings with him in the afternoon; but I could not, for my eyes, do it, which troubled me, and vexed him that would not; but yet we were friends, I advancing him more without it, and so to walk all the afternoon together in the garden; and I perceive still he do expect a change in of matters, especially as to religion, and fits himself for it by professing himself for it in his discourse. He gone, I to my business at my Office, and so at night home to supper, and to bed.
7 Annotations
First Reading
Terry Foreman • Link
"vexed him that I would not" --- L&M.
E. • Link
Creed has perhaps been dining with the Vicar of Bray and taking counsel there.
Robert Gertz • Link
This has a frosty sound...Settling accounts with Creed,
Terry Foreman • Link
"I perceive still he do expect a change in of matters, especially as to religion"
Creed was a Puritan, as he also affirmed on 3 May: "Creed...makes no doubt but that all will turn to the old religion"…
Mary • Link
"a change in our matters" per L&M.
Mark S • Link
For anyone who isn't familiar with 'The Vicar of Bray', here's a version of the song:…
and the lyrics:…
Second Reading
Terry Foreman • Link
Is 'The Vicar of Bray' a model for any number of Gilbert & Sullivan tunes: "I Am The Captain Of The Pinafore "; "I Am A Pirate King"; "Major General"?…