3 Annotations

Second Reading

Bill  •  Link

CURLE, Edmund,-- was appointed commander of the Little Mary in 1661; and is also unknown in any other respect.
---Biographia navalis. J. Charnock, 1794.

Third Reading

Barnie Razzell  •  Link

He can in fact be found to be 'known' as Captain of several vessels throughout most of the Interregnum including the Mary Flyboat, the Sparrow pink, the Vulture, and the Maria (Mary prize). See Syrett, Winfled, Anderson, etc

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Barnie Razzell, would that be the David Syrett who, with R. L. DiNardo, wrote "The Commissioned Sea Officers of the Royal Navy 1660-1815", in 1994?

Searching for Syrett, Winfled, Anderson brings up a funeral home, and just Winfled Anderson brings up nothing.

Can you give us a bit more as a reference, please.

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