This text was copied from Wikipedia on 13 January 2025 at 5:10AM.
On 30 January 1649, Captain William Hewlett was the officer in charge of the soldiers at the execution of Charles I.[1]
After the Restoration, Captain Hewlett was convicted on 15 October 1660 for his part in the regicide of Charles I on 30 January 1649, but was not executed along with the other men who were tried with him: Daniel Axtell and Francis Hacker.
- ^ Hewlett Genealogy sourced from a book by the Reverend William King (Vicar of Astley 1947–1973), titled "Bells and Pomegranates"
Further reading
1 Annotation
First Reading
JWB • Link
William Hulet, alias Howlet, hold up thy hand, thou art in the same condition, what canst thou say for thy self why Judgment, etc.
Hulet. Truly my Lord, I have little further to say, If you had been pleased to give me further time, I should have cleared myself, I call God above to witness upon this account, that I am as clear as any man, I submit to the mercy of the Court.…