Monday 1 May 1665

For Samuel Pepys Esqr:

at the Navy Office


Sayes Court

1 May 16651


My absence neere 30 miles from my house, when your Letter2 came thither, will, I hope, excuse the slow returne of this answer: Sir, there is neither in our Commission, or Instructions the least mention made of any provision for Sick and Wounded-men in Ireland; our Districts reaching no farther then Plymouth towards the West, and Yarmouth North-East; and the intermedial ports reduc’d to as few as could be, for sundry important reasons: Notwithstanding I conceive it were very fit there should, for the future, be some courses taken for the settling of some Correspondence there for this effect; but our Commission dos take no Cognizance of it: Sir, when my Collegues in Office meete, I will not faile to Communicat this particular to them, and what his Majestie shall be pleas’d to superadd to his other Commands, I know they will be ready to undertake as far as lyes in their power; this comeing onely from


Your most humble servant


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