Wednesday 28 February 1665/66

For Samuell Pepys Esqr

One of the principall Officers of

his Majesties Navy at

the Navy Office:

Sayes Court

28 February 16661


I had immediately yealded obedience to your Commands in going downe to Chatham, and prepard what was necessary to put that affaire in some forwardnesse, if I could have receiv’d the monyes which I have long expected that must enable me to appeare there; not for the carrying on of that Worke, but the discharge of our Sick-mens quarters there, my arreare being so greate, that I dare not shew my face, ‘till I can bring them some refreshment: but so soone as I shall be enabld (and I am daily promisd monye) to appeare amongst them, I shall not retard my journey a moment, and so soone as I have (with the advise of Mr Commissioner Pett) made choyce of a fitting place; I shall either waite on you with the account of it, or transffer the particulars to you, if I find it necessary that my aboade there may more conduce to your Service: Sir, I beseech you be pleas’d to make part of this to the rest of the Principall Officers from2


Your most humble and faithfull Servant


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