A technical glitch, followed by my lack of attention, has prevented Pepys’ Twitters from appearing since Wednesday. Sorry about that. Rather than flood Twitter with the missing updates, here they all are, and things should continue as normal from the last one… (All times are UK time, and approximate.)

23 July 1666, 8am. My books now growing numerous, and lying one upon another on my chairs, I lose the use to avoyde the trouble of removing them.

23 July 1666, 1pm. Reflecting upon the ease and plenty that I live in, I could not but with hearty thanks to Almighty God ejaculate my thanks to Him.

23 July 1666, 5pm. They conclude this to be much the best fleete, for force of guns, greatnesse and number of ships and men, that ever England did see.

24 July 1666, 12pm. To the office, where little business done, our heads being full of expectation of the fleete’s being engaged, but no certain notice of it.

24 July 1666, midnight. Busy very late, till midnight, drawing up a representation of the state of my victualling business to the Duke.

25 July 1666, 10.30am. By and by come people out of the Parke, telling us that the guns are heard plain. And so every body to the Parke.

25 July 1666, 11am. The guns were plain to be heard; though it was pretty to hear how confident some would be in the loudnesse of the guns.

25 July 1666, 2pm. It astonished me to see my Lord Barkeshire waiting at table, and serving the King drink, in that dirty pickle as I never saw man in my life.

25 July 1666, 5.30pm. Mrs. Martin is in mighty trouble for her husband at sea, when I am sure she cares not for him, and I would not undeceive her.

25 July 1666, 11pm. Set down Mr. Spong in London, and so home and with my wife, late, twatling at my Lady Pen’s, and so home to supper and to bed.


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