Daily email problems (resolved)

Update: Buttondown have now fixed the issue and the email for 13th August was sent out successfully. If you expected to receive it but didn’t, email me.

If you’re subscribed to the daily diary emails you may have noticed there haven’t been any for the past three days. Apologies for this – I’ve contacted Buttondown’s support and am waiting to find out what’s gone wrong.

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Shorter URLs in annotations

You might have noticed, when reading annotations on a screen with a narrow width, like a phone held vertically, that a handful of annotations were slightly mis-aligned and some of their text disappeared off the edge of the screen.

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We're on a new server

If you’re reading this, then you’re seeing the site on a new server. I think everything is working OK, but if you come across anything that’s unusually broken do email me to let me know.

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