
Phil Gyford has written four articles:

Annotations and comments

Phil Gyford has posted 773 annotations/comments since 27 December 2002.


First Reading

About Sunday 22 April 1660

Phil  •  Link

They're in the Project Gutenberg text. I don't have L&M to hand to say if they're in there too...

About Tweaks to the site

Phil  •  Link

If you click a word in a diary entry you get to the Background Item for that person, place, etc. Having had a look it seems like you're right -- the Gutenberg text has no footnotes for 11th April.

I'm not sure what you mean by "bring ... footnotes forward into the background info."

About Tweaks to the site

Phil  •  Link

If a footnote is about a particular person or place, etc, then the footnote is put on their Background Items page, where it will be more useful in the future. This probably accounts for the discrepancy.

About Saturday 14 April 1660

Phil  •  Link

L&M and the 1893 edition also vary on which Pierce is referred to the very first time we come across them, 19th January 1659/60. I'm sticking with the 1893 version, although I guess we'll never know either way exactly who was where when!

About Anyone fancy writing essays?

Phil  •  Link

As I've only had one person email me suggesting essays they'd like to write, I wouldn't hold your breath for such a section appearing any time soon!

About Grays

Phil  •  Link

Pepys refers to this town in Essex as Grays Market, or Grayes-market, on at least one occasion.

About Saturday 31 March 1660

Phil  •  Link

The excised annotations have gone forever. I know it might seem like me lacking a sense of humour, but I'm trying to keep this as a useful resource for people who don't have the time to distinguish between jokes and genuine information. And I'd prefer not to have to spend my time going through deleting spurious posts. Thanks.

About John Hill (a)

Phil  •  Link

He lived in Axe Yard, and Latham's Companion says he may have been called John.

About Anyone fancy writing essays?

Phil  •  Link

I meant "editor" in the sense of a person who runs a magazine/ website/ journal, rather than setting any policy in place already!

About Anyone fancy writing essays?

Phil  •  Link

I don't think we should start with too many rules about obligatory deadlines and such. They may be required if things get out of hand, but best to keep things simple to start with (especially as this kind of thing is hard to enforce). I don't think there would be a problem with short essays, as they'd also be a good starting point for discussions.

By the way, I'm also open to having someone else act as editor for the essay section and leave it up to them to solicit, proof read, organise and post essays, if anyone fancies the task! It wouldn't require technical knowledge. Contact me if so.

About Monday 26 March 1660

Phil  •  Link

Can we keep the personal comments out of these annotations please Pawpaw. Thanks.

About Anyone fancy writing essays?

Phil  •  Link

Re: a sign up sheet.

If such a section is created then I'll try and incorporate a sign up sheet. In the mean time, please email me at if there is something you'd like to write about. Then I can judge if there's enough people to make it worthwhile (I'm sure we'd all like to read such essays, but having enough people to write them is not a foregone conclusion!).