Annotations and comments

john has posted 352 annotations/comments since 14 March 2013.


Second Reading

About Friday 15 November 1661

john  •  Link

Draft horses had a better life (urban and rural) in that they seem to have been reasonably fed and cared for. Urban carriage horses were treated horribly. I recall reading that over 40 dead horses were removed daily in late 19th century New York City and that most were worked to death in three years. I suspect that same in London. The coming of the horseless carriage eliminated much suffering and cruelty.

About Sunday 3 November 1661

john  •  Link

Bill: "A physique [that] must have been quite harsh."

Indeed, anyone who has undergone the mandatory cleansing before a colonoscopy can attest to that.

About Thursday 19 September 1661

john  •  Link

Today's entry made the OED:

horse, v. [f. prec. n.]
2. intr. To mount or go on horseback.
1661 Pepys Diary 19 Sept., Then we all horsed away to Cambridge.

About Tuesday 17 September 1661

john  •  Link

Odd that Sam would not have seen Elizabeth ride before now. I know no one who has ridden side-saddle (including me, of course) but, Australian Susan, have you actually ridden so and for so long?

About Sunday 15 September 1661

john  •  Link

@Louise: Of course, he was a snob. That was the accepted manner of behaviour in 17th century society.

About Sunday 11 August 1661

john  •  Link

"the King tired all their horses ..."

Whilst Charles probably rode three-point (or even two-point), I imagine many of the party leaning back, slapping their horses' backs on every stride. That sort of pounding will tire out a horse very quickly.

About 16, 17, 18, 19 July 1661

john  •  Link

Ah, vincente, your comments on haying reminds of the days of my youth, standing on a stooking sled pulled behind a baler, hoisting bales to make 6-bale pyramids, which were released by press of a pedal. (Eventually, the farmer could afford to put a motorized conveyer on the baler.) I also recall many a farmer taking chances putting steaming-hot bales in the loft.

Renting out land also allows the landowner to pay agricultural tax rates.

About Saturday 6 July 1661

john  •  Link

A corpse in the garden would be fair game for many scavengers (pigs, canids, birds).

About Wednesday 19 June 1661

john  •  Link

Eric, it is not so much that medicine is inexact as its practitioners do not heed warnings. In his Nobel lecture (1945), Fleming said: "The time may come when penicillin can be bought by anyone in the shops. Then there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non‐lethal quantities of the drug make them resistant."

About Monday 13 May 1661

john  •  Link

@A. Hamilton (if you ever read this a decade later), the delay may have been for several reasons: Sam was not a good estimator; or the hole between floors may have been awkward (requiring unforseen collaring and so on, even given the redundancy of that time period).

About Sunday 12 May 1661

john  •  Link

Lancing abscesses back then was risky due to infection but leaving them risks collateral damage.

About Thursday 9 May 1661

john  •  Link

Up to now, I assumed that "dirt" meant plaster dust and sawdust. Given that the house is old and behind the walls of century-old houses one finds all manners of rodent and insect detritus, dirt may have been dirty indeed.

About Thursday 2 May 1661

john  •  Link

With respect to dead links, I have faith that the Wayback Machine will still be around in 2024.

About Tuesday 30 April 1661

john  •  Link

"This morning, after order given to my workmen"

Methinks this entry hints at why Sam was so much amongst his workmen, namely to arrange for the day's work in the absence of architectural plans.

About Monday 22 April 1661

john  •  Link

JWB wrote: "If you've ever ridden gussied-up horses, you know they're as vain as Sam in his velvet coat."

They also rode stallions, not mares or geldings, so the analogy fits well.

About Saturday 20 April 1661

john  •  Link

Martin, in his well-written comment: "but you can still encounter it in some places, e.g. the House of Lords,"

Indeed, I recall being a bit bemused when I first read certain legal judgements that started wih "My Lords!" and sometimes noted what "their Lordships" would think.