Annotations and comments

San Diego Sarah has posted 9,412 annotations/comments since 6 August 2015.


Second Reading

About Sugar

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Source of sugar: Spain took the rights to the New World by Papal Bull in 1493.

In 1540 Jamaica was given to the Columbus family as a personal estate, but the island never flourished. Admiral Penn invaded in 1655 as a consolation for failing the Hispaniola raid. According to Ollard's Biography of Henry Morgan, Jamaican planters did not turn to sugar in a large way until 1664.

Barbados was ignored by the Spaniard, so the English colonized it circa 1625. The first planters concentrated on tobacco, ginger and indigo, then turned to sugar, and by 1650 the sugar crop was valued at 3 million pounds.

In 1663 Pepys gives a box of sugar to Mrs. Hunt. After all, you couldn't have your giant sugar cube unprotected ... but I doubt commercial packaging had arrived yet.

About Carriages

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

From Tinmouth to Durham 22 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Sunderland 9, to Durham 13, a City and Bishopric, seated on the River Ware, in the County of Durham.

From Uxbridge to Oxford 35 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Beaconsfield 8, to Wickham 5, to Teftworth 12, to Wheatly 5, to Oxford 5, a City, Bishoprick, and most famous University, in Oxfordshire.

That was more posting than I thought!!! Hope you find it helpful.

From Whitby to Tinmouth 92 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Skelingdam 11, to Gisbrough 10, to Marton 6, to Norton 8, to Sedgfield 8, to Durham 11, to Sunderland 13, to Tinmouth 9, an indifferent large Town, of some Note in Northumberland, fortified with a Castle.

From York to Scarborough 43 Miles, thus reckoned.
To New Malton 19, to Rollington 5, to Sherborn 6, to Seamor 7, to Scarborough 4, a strong well-built town in Yorkshire, almost surrounded with the Sea: It was called Scearburgh by the Saxons, and drives a good Trade; being much resorted to, for its famous Spa.

About Carriages

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

From Monmouth to Llanbeder 68 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Llandelo Crusseny 8, to Abergavenny 7, to Crecowel 5, to Brecknock 12, to Redbrue 8, to Llamindefoy 10, to Llanbeder 15, a small Town, otherwise called Llanbedor Pont Steffan, in Cardiganshire in South Wales; 'tis meanly built, consisting in about 50 Houses, yet affords one very good Inn.

From Nottingham to Grimsby 67 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Newark 17, to Lincoln 14, to Walton 6, to Market Raising 9, to Stanion 5, to Briggesly 7, to Grimsby 5, a Port town in Lincolnshire, near the Sea, where it formerly had a Castle, to secure its now almost choked-up Harbor.

From Oxford to Bristol 68 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Fiefield 8, to Farringdon 9, to Hyworth 6, to Purton 8, to Malmesbury 10, to Lockington 7, to Pucklechurch 10, to Bristol 8.

From Oxford to Cambridge 80 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Burcester 13, to Buckingham 11, to Newport Parnel 13, to Bedford 13, to Gamlinghay 13, to Cambridge 15, a Corporation, Market and Shire Town, and an antient University.

From Prestain to Carmarthen 61 Miles, thus reckoned.
To New Radnor 5, to Bealth 10, to Ludlowvaugh 12, to Llanimodofry 7, to Abermarles 6, to Rue Radnor 8, to Carmarthen 12, the Shire Town of the County of Carmarthen, large and well built on Towy River, over which it has a large Stone Bridge and Key, where small Vessels do arrive to unload their Goods. 'Tis said to have given Birth to Merlin, the British Prophet or Soothsayer, said to be begot on his Mother by an Incubus; and was once fortified with a Wall, and strong Castle, now ruinous.

From Queenborough to Chelmsford 42 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Kings Ferry 5, to Milton 3, to Rochester 5, to Gravesend 8, to Billericay 14, to Chelmsford 8, a Town in Essex, where the Assizes are commonly held for that County.

From Rochester to London 29 Miles, thus reckoned.
Take the Reverse of the Road from London to Dover, where it mentions Rochester; and the like is to be observed of the Dimensuration of any other Place herein set down.

From Shrewsbury to Holywell 52 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Ellesmere 16, to Wrexham 13, to Mould 13, to Holywell in Flintshire 11.

About Carriages

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

From London to Southhampton 78 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Bagshot 29, to Farnham 11, to Alton 9, to Alresford 9, to Twiford 8, to Southampton 9, a Town in Hantshire, having a Key, where Ships of a considerable Burthen may arrive, which makes it a Place of good Trade, 'Tis large, and well built, containing 6 Churches, fenced with a double Ditch and strong Walls, besides having 7 Gates, and several Watch Towers.

From London to Swansea 202 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Brentford 10, to Hounslow 2, to Colebrook 6, to Maidenhead 8, to Henly 8, to Dorchester 13, to Abingdon 6, to Faringdon 13, to Lechlade 6, to Barnesley 5, to Gloucester 18, to Michael Dean 11, to Coverd 5, to Monmouth 5, to Newchurch 12, to Carr's Ash 7, to Newport 10, to Cardiff 11, to St. Nicholas 6, to Cowbridge 6, to Corntwon 5, to Aberavon 13, to Burton Ferry 3, to Swanzey 5, a large and well-built Town on Tawy River, near its Influx into the Sea, and therefore called Abertaw by the Welsh, driving the greatest Trade of any in the County of Glamorgan, especially for Coal, and hath a great Correspondence with Bristol.

From London to Truro 196 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Andover (as in the Road from London to the Landsend) 66, to Amesbury 14, to Shrawton 5, to Warminster 13, to Maiden Brackly 6, to Burton 9, to Weston Regis 10, to Ascot 7, to Bridgwater 9. to Hartrow House 13, to Dulverton 13, to Southmoulton 13, to Barnstable 10, to Torrington 11, to Hatherly 10, to Ivy 10, to Newport 8, to Hall Drunkard 9, to Camelford 5, to St. Endulion 8, to Padstow 6, to St. Columb 8, to St. Michael 7, to Truro 7, a large and well-built Seaport on Foy River in Cornwall.

From London to Wells 120 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Marlborough (as in the Road from London to Bristol) 95, to Devizes 13, to Troubridge 9, to Philipsnorton 5, to Chilcompton 8, to Wells 7, a City, which, with Bath, is a Bishopric, and hath a very stately Cathedral.

From London to Weymouth 132 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Basingstoke (as in the Road from London to the Landsend) 48, to Sutton 13, to Stockbridge 7, to Broughton 5, to Dounton 11, to Cranbourn 11, to Blandford 11, to Dorchester 16, to Weymouth 8, a Seaport Town in Dorsetshire, in which the Chapel stands on a Rock so steep, that 'tis ascended to by 60 steps.

From London to Yarmouth 122 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Colchester (as in the Road from London to Harwich) 50, to Stratford 7, to Ipswich 11, to Woodbridge 7, to Saxmundham 11, to Blyborough 10, to Beckles 10, to Hadsho 5, to Yarmouth 9, a large, strong and well-built Seaport Town in Norfolk, enjoying several Privileges and Immunities; it has a great Fishing Trade, and yields a ready Passage to Holland.

From Lynn to Harwich 76 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Swafham 15, to Stanford 9, to Thetford 7, to Icksworth 9, to Stow Market 11, to Ipswich 12, to Harwich 12.

About Carriages

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

From London to Norwich 108 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Puckeridge 27, to Barkway 8, to Whittleford Bridge 10, to Newmarket 14, to Berton Mills 8, to Thetford 10, to Larlingford 8, to Attleborough 6, to Windham 6, to Norwich 9, a City and Bishopric in the County of Norfolk, encompassed with a Wall, giving Entrance by 12 Gates, and contains 32 Parish Churches besides the Cathedral.

From London to Oakham 94 Miles, thus reckoned.
To St. Albans 21, to Luton 8, to Selsoe 9, to Bedford 8, to Chillington 9, to Wellingborough 9, to Kettering 7, to Rockingham 10, to Uppingston 4, to Oakham 6, the Shire Town of the County of Rutland, indifferently well built, in the Vale of Catmus, having a good Church, Free School, and Hospital.

From London to Portsmouth 73 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Wandsworth 6, to Kingston 6, to Cobham 7, to Guildford 10, to Godalmin 4, to Lippock 12, to Petersfield 8, to Harnden 5, to Portsey Bridge 6, to Postsmouth 4, a large well-built Town in Hampshire, defended by 2 strong Castles, and other Works to secure the Haven; and into this well fortified Garrison and Seaport, which is the usual Station of the Royal Navy, you must enter over 4 Draw Bridges.

From London to Queenborough 44 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Rochester (as in the Road from London to Dover) 30, to Milton 5, to Kings Ferry 3, to Queenborough 5, a Town in the Isle of Sheppey in Kent, where is a Castle built by King Edward 3d, who so named it in Honor of his Queen.

From London to Rye 64 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Lewisham 6, to Bromley 3, to Farnborow 4, to Sevenoke 9, to Tunbridge 6, to Lambethurst 10, to Newenden 14, to Rye 10, a fair and well-built Town, which is one of the Cinque Ports, with a commodious Haven, fortified and walled in the time of Edward III.

From London to Shrewsbury 157 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Meriden 98, to Birmingham 11, to Dudley 10, to Bridgnorth 6, to Wenlock 8, to Shrewsbury 13, a large Corporation, Market, and Shire Town in Shropshire; called Scrobesbirig by the Saxons, and Pengovern and Yonwithig by the Britons.

About Carriages

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

From London to Holyhead 269 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Barnet 11, to St. Albans 9, to Dunstable 12, to Brickhill 9, to Stony Stratford 9, to Tocester 7, to Daventry 12, to Dunchurch 8, to Coventry 11, to Colehill 11, to Lichfield 15, to Rugely 7, to Haywood 4, to Stone 10, to Stableford Bridge 6, to Ware 6, to Namptwich 8, to Torperly 10, to Chester 9, to Harding 7, to Northop 5, to Denbigh 14, to Aberconway 20, to Beaumaris 12, to Boddedar 19, to Holyhead 8, a Town in Anglesey in North Wales, consisting chiefly of Houses for Entertainment of such persons as are bound for Ireland, or lately arrived thence; 'tis seated directly opposite to Dublin, being the shortest and safest Passage over St. George's Channel.

From London to Ingerstone 20 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Rumford 11, to Burntwood 6, to Ingerstone 3, a large Village in Essex.

From London to Kingston 12 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Vauxhall 2, to Wandsworth 4, to Kingston 6, a Town in Surrey, called also Kingston-upon-Thames, and Regioriunum, as having been the Seat of the Saxon Kings, of whom 3 were here crowned, and before known by the name of Moreford.

From London to the Lands End 300 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Brentford 10, to Stones 8, to Bagshot 10, to Hartley Row 9, to Basingstoke 10, to Andover 10, to Salisbury 17, to Shaftesbury 19, to Sherbourn 15, to Crookhorn 14, to Axminster 13, to Honiton 9, to Rockbew 10, to Exeter 6, to Chudleigh 10, to Ashburton 8, to Brent 7, to Plympton 13, to Plymouth 4, to Lowe 16, to Foy 8, to Trewardreth 3, to Tregony 12, to Phily 6, to Marketjew 4, to Penzance 3, to St. Burien 6, to Senan 4, a Village on the utmost Promontory or Cape, called the Lands End in Cornwall, washed with the West Sea.

From London to Lynn 98 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Enfield Wash 10, to Hoddesdon 7, to Ware 4, to Puckeridge 6, to Barkway 8, to Fowlmere 7, to Cambridge 9, to Stretham 12, to Ely 4, to Littleport 5, to Soutbery 6, to Downham 6, to Seeching 7, to Lynn 5, an antient, large and well-built Town in Norfolk, containing 3 Parish Churches; encompassed with a Wall and deep Trench; and otherwise called Lyn Regis, also Bishops Lyn, and Llyn by the Welsh, signifying a Lake, seated near the Mouth of Owse River.

From London to Montgomery 158 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Campden 87, to Evesham 7, to Worcester 10, to the Hundred house 9, to Tenbury 10, to Ludlow 7, to Bishops Castle 14, to Montgomery 8, the Shire Town of the County of Montgomery in North Wales.

From London to Newhaven 56 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Streham 6, to Croyden 4, to East Grinsted 19, to Lewes 20, to Newhaven 6, a small Town in Sussex, inhabited chiefly by Maritime People, having a Key on the E. side of it, where Ships may ride secure in foul Weather; it is situated at the Mouth of Owse River, but the Name of the River is now obsolete.

About Carriages

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

From London to Chichester 63 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Guildford (as in the Road from London to Portsmouth) 30, to Godalmin 4, to Chidingfold 6, to Midhurst 10, to Chichester 11, a City and Bishopric in Sussex.
From London to Derby 122 Miles, thus reckoned.

To Stony Stratford (as in the Road from London to Holyhead) 53, to Kings Grafton 4, to Northampton 8, to Bricksworth 7, to Haverborough 10, to Great Glenn 8, to Leicester 5, to Mountsorrel 5, to Loughborough 3, to Kegworth 5, to Derby 10, a large and well-built Borough Town in Derbyshire, containing 5 Parish Churches, situated on the Derwent River, and drives a considerable Trade.

From London to Dover 71 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Deptford 5, to Crayford 8, to Dartford 2, to Northfleet 5, to Chalkstreet 3, to Rochester 5, to Sittingbourn 11, to Bocton Street 2, to Canterbury 5, to Dover 15, a Place in Kent, well-fortified both by Art and Nature, and defended by a large and strong Castle. It enjoys large Immunities; is one of the Cinque Ports; and yields a Prospect to Calais in France, to which it is the readiest Passage, the Channel here being but 7 Leagues over.

From London to Edmundsbury 75 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Newmarket 60, to Kenford 4, to St. Edmundsbury 9, a large, well-built Town in Suffolk, so called from King Edmund the Martyr; and was formerly famous for its Abbey, which exceeded all others in England, having 3 less Churches in its Churchyard, of which two remain fair and spacious, but are too few for the numerous inhabitants.

From London to Flamborough 212 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Stilton (as in the Road from London to Berwick) 69, to Peterborough 7, to Market Deeping 10, to Bourn 6, to Morton 2, to Sleaford 14, to Lincoln 18, to Redbourn 19, to Glamford Bridges 5, to Barton 10, to Hull 6, to Beverly 9, to Beleck 7, to Kilman 12, to Burlington 7, to Flamborough 5, a Village in Yorkshire, which at the distance of 2 Miles farther leads, by a Light House, to Flamborough Head, a Place well known by Seamen.

From London to Gigglewick 261 Miles, thus reckoned.
To York (as in the Road from London to Berwick) 192, to Allerton 13, to Knaresburg 4, to Ripley 5, to Boulton 15, to Skipton 6, to Coniston 7, to Settle 8, to Gigglewick 8, a Village in Lancashire, formerly noted for several small Springs, ebbing and flowing almost every quarter of an Hour.

From London to Harwich 71 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Rumford 11, to Burntwood 6, to Chelmsford 10, to Witham 8, to Keldon 3, to Colchester 9, to Manningtree 9, to Harwich 11, a small Town in Essex, but compact and well inhabited; it is a well-fortified Garrison and Seaport, with a commodious Harbor, sometime the Station of the Royal Navy, whence it is the readiest Passage for the Pacquet Boats to the Brill in Holland.

About Carriages

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

From London to Bath 108 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Brentford 10, to Hounslow 2, to Colbrook 6, to Maidenhead 8, to Twiford 7, to Reading 6, to Theal 4, to Woolhampton 5, to Thatcham 3, to Newbury 3, to Chilton 9, to Ramesbury 2, to Marlborough 6, to Caln 12, to Chippenham 5, to
Bath 14, a City in Somersetshire, noted for its Medicinal Waters, and hot Baths.

From London to Berwick 339 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Waltham 12, to Ware 9, to Royston 16, to Huntington 19, to Stilton 12, to Stamford 13, to Grantham 21, to Newark 14, to Tuxford 12, to Doncaster 24, to Wentbridge 10, to Tadcaster 17, to York 9, to Topcliff 23, to Norlhallerton? 13, to Darlington 14, to Durham 19, to Newcastle 14, to Morpeth 14, to Alnwick 19, to Belford 13, to Berwick 15, a Town in Northumberland, but 'tis not so eminent for antiquity, as for being a place of great strength, having the Sea on the E. and S.E. and the River Tweed on the S.W. encompassed with a Wall, and fortified with a strong Castle; 'tis large, populous, and well built, on the N. side of the River Tweed, towards Scotland.

From London to Boston 114 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Stilton (as you may see in the Berwick Road from London) 69, to Peterborough 7, to Widrington 3, to Crowland 7, to Spalding 10, to Setherton 10, to Bolton 6, a Corporation Town in Lincolnshire, commodiously seated on both sides Witham River, near its Influx into the Sea, and on that account, drives a considerable Trade. 'Tis large, neat, and well inhabited, having a stately Market Place and Church, whose Tower is of a great Height, and serves as a Landmark to Sailors.

From London to Bristol 115 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Chippenham (as in the Road from London to Bath) 93, to Marshfield 9, to Bristol 12, a City and Bishopric on Avon River (where it receives the Froom) over which it has a stately Bridge. It contains 18 Parish Churches, besides the Cathedral, founded by Robert Fitz Harding, son to a Danish King, dedicated to St. Austin. It was made an Episcopal See by Henry VIII, and had a Castle in the N.E. part of it, demolished in the late Wars, and since built into fair streets. 'Tis encompassed with a Wall, and 6 Gates; its principal Key is upon the Froom, (whither Ships of 150 Tun arrive) extending from Froom Bridge to the Marsh; the other called the Back, upon the W. side of the Avon, begins at the great Bridge, alias Bristol Bridge, and extends likewise to the Marsh, the greater Vessels riding in Hung Road, about 3 Miles below.

From London to Buckingham 60 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Acton 8, to Uxbridge 10, to Amersham 11, to Wendover 9, to Ailesbury 5, to East Claydon 9, to Buckingham 6, the Shire Town of the County of Buckingham, containing about 300 Houses, by the Owse River, over which it has a Stone Bridge of 6 Arches.

About Carriages

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

From Faringdon to Oxford 21 Miles, thus reckoned,
To Abingdon 15, to Oxford 6, a City, University and Bishopric in Oxfordshire.

From Gloucester to Coventry 58 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Cheltenham 9, Winchcomb 7, to Campden 11, to Stratford 11, to Warwick 8, to Coventry 10, a City seated near the middle of England, on Sherbourn River, whose Water is peculiar for the blue dye. It hath 3 Parish Churches, and was enveloped with a strong Wall (demolished anno 1662) near 3 Miles in Compass, with 12 Gates and 26 Turrets.

From Gloucester to Montgomery 70 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Huntley 6, to Ross 8, to Muchbirch 7, to Hereford 5, to Pembridge 12, to Preston 6, to Knighton 4, to Cluna 5, to Montgomery 12, a Town in Montgomeryshire in North Wales, taking its Name from Roger de Montgomery, its first Founder, and formerly of more note than now it is, having had a strong Wall and Castle, now ruinous. At present, it scarce contains 100 houses.

From Hereford to Leicester 86 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Frontshil 11, to Worcester 12, to Droitwich 6, to Broomsgrove 5, to Alchurch 4, to Solihul 5, to Merider 6, to Coventry 6, to Woolney 9, to Shamford 4, to Leicester 10, the Shire Town for Leicestershire, of more antiquity than beauty, said to be founded by King Leir, 844 years before the Birth of Christ, and called Cair Lerion; where he likewise built a Temple to Janus, and placed therein a Flamen, or High Priest. However, it is certain that it was in Request under the Romans, and was made an Episcopal See Anno Christi 680, by Ethelred, King of the Mercians; re-edified, and encompassed with a Wall, by the Lady Edelsled, in the Year 914; which, with its Castle, are long since fallen to ruin.

From Huntington to Ipswich 71 Miles, thus reckoned.
To St. Ives 5, to Erith 6, to Sutton 5, to Ely 6, to Soham 5, to Bury 18, to Walpit 8, to Needham 8, to Ipswich 9, an antient Corporation Town in Suffolk.

From Ipswich to Norwich 43 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Claydon 4, to Thwait 12, to Osmondston 7, to Long Stretton 9, to Norwich 11, a City and Bishopric in Norfolk.

From Kendal to Cockermouth 43 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Stanley 5, to Ambleside 8, to Keswick 16, to Cockermouth 14, a Town of good Account in Cumberland, seated on the Rivers Derwen and Coker; and it is adorned with a fair Church and strong Castle.

From London to Arundel 55 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Tooting 6, to Ewell 7, to Leatherhead 5, to Dorking 4, to Stonestreet 5, to Billinghurst 11, to Amberley 9, to Arundel 4, an antient Borough Town in Sussex, on the N. W. of the Arun River over which it has a fair wooden Bridge, where Ships of 100 Tun may ride. The Castle, famous in the Saxon Times, having the Honor of an Earldom entailed upon the Possessors of it, is seated on the E. of the Tame River, and reputed a Mile in Compass.

About Carriages

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

From Calisle to Berwick 80 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Brackenhill 9, to the Entring Scotland 9, to Castleton 5, to Jedburg 22, to Kelso 10, to the Reentring England 5, to Cornhill 4, to Wessel 3, to Berwick 10, a Town in Northumberland, the possession of which, during the Discords between the two Kingdoms before the Union, was vigorously strove for by the opposite Parties. 'Twas taken by the King's Forces from the invading Scots, and 25,000 of their numerous Army were slain, in the 25th Year of Edward I; but since the Reign of Edward IV, it has been constantly possessed by the English.

From Chester to Cardiff 145 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Wrexham 11, to Sallaty 13, to Llanlylon 5, to Llanvelling 8, to Llantair 11, to Targunnon 6, to New Town 5, to Llanbeder-vunneth 9, to Llanbeder-vaur 10, to Bealth 10, to Brecknock 16, to Cardiff 37, a Corporation Town in Glamorganshire, seated on Taff of Tave River.

From Dartmouth to Minehead 71 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Newton Bushel 17, to Kenford 10, to Exeter 4, to Silverton 7, to Tiverton 7, to Bampton 7, to Bevry 4, to Embercomb 10, to Minehead 3, a Port Town in Somersetshire, whose convenient Harbor occasions an indifferent Trade to Ireland.

From Davids to Holywell 156 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Fistard 16, to Newport 6, to Cardigan 10, to Llanarch 18, to Llanristed 7, to Llanbader vaur 8, to Talabont 6, to Machenleth 10, to Aberangel 10, to Llanam-mouthy 7, to Balla 13, to Bettus 10, to Ruthyn 10, to Holywell 15, a small Town or Village in Flintshire in Wales, so called from St. Winifred’s Well, lying somewhat lower on the N. E. side of it; a place still much resorted to, by those who for their health's sake come to bath there; as heretofore by Pilgrims paying their Devotions to the Christian Virgin Winifred, whose Name signifies a Winner or Gainer of Peace. She was courted by a certain young Prince, who meeting with a Repulse, at last surprised and ravished this beautiful Maid; and afterwards, having killed her, cut off her Head, which rolling down hither (as the Story goes) from an adjacent Hill, gave Rise to the said Well. The Spring is cold, and has a fair Chapel built over it upon Pillars; on the Windows of which is portrayed the History of St. Winifred. It gushes forth in that Quantity, and with so great Impetuosity, that it soon turns a Mill, and empties itself into the Sea, about 1 Mile and a half below. The Moss growing in the Well, of a sweet Scent, is taken for St. Winifred’s Well.

From Exeter to Barnstable 38 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Crediton 8, to Chimleigh 13, to Barnstable 17, otherwise called Barnstaple, a large Corporation Town in Devonshire.

From Exeter to Truro 79 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Dunsford 7, to Chegford 7, to Tavistock 10, to Liscard 15, to Listwithiel 8, to Grampound 13, to Truro 7, a Market Town in Cornwall.

About Carriages

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

These mileages and routes are 60 years after the Diary, but give an idea of how they travelled. I have updated a few spellings for cities I know, but some are beyond my guess:

based on:…

SOURCE: REMARKS ON LONDON, being an Exact Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark... By W. Stow., London, 1722.

From Aberistwith to London 199 Miles, thus reckoned.
From Aberistwith to Riodergowy 28, to Ithon? River 9, to Prestain 13, to Leominster 13, to Bramyard 11, to Worcester 12, to Pershore 9, to Broadway 12, to Mortin in Marsh 7, to Easton 13, to Islip 12, to Wheatly Bridge 8, to Tetworth 4, to Wickham 12, to Beaconfield 5, to Uxbridge 8, to Acton 10, to London 8, which is the Metropolis or principle City of Great Britain.

From Bristol to Banbury 74 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Sudbury 12, to Tetbury 13, to Cirencester 10, to Burford 16, to South Newton 17, to Banbury 6, a Town in Oxfordshire, having a fair and large Church, and noted for being the place where Kenris, King of the West Saxons, put the Britons to flight, for a Battle fought between the Houses of York and Lancaster, in which the Lancastrians had the better, and took Edward IV prisoner.

From Bristol to Chester 145 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Austferry 12, to Chepstow 6, to Monmouth 14, to Hereford 18, to Leominster 14, to Ludlow 10, to Churchstretton 15, to Shrewsbury 14, to Whitchurch 20, to Chester 20, a City in Cheshire and Bishoprick, situated on the River Dee; and under King Edgar was in good Esteem, when seven Monarchs of the Scots and Britons paying him Homage, row'd his Barge from St. John's to his Palace; himself, as supreme Lord, holding the Helm.

From Bristol to Exeter 78 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Bishopschue 7, to Wells 12, to Glassenbury 5, to Grinton 6, to Lyng 8, to Taunton 8, to Wellington 7, to Welland 10, to Bradinch 5, to Exeter 8, a City and Bishopric in Devonshire.

From Bristol to Weymouth 74 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Bishopschue 7, to Wells 12, to Glassenbury 5, to Somerton 8, to Martlock 7, to Crookhorn 7, to Southparret 2, to Frampton 13, to Weymouth 12, which is situated on the furthermost Point of the County of Dorset, near the Isle of Portland.

From Bristol to Worcester 62 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Acton 9, to Dursley 12, to Whitminster 7, to Gloucester 7, to Tewkesbury 10, to Severnstoke 8, to Worcester 7, a City in Worcestershire.

From Buckingham to Bridgnorth 81 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Banbury 17, to Nether Pellerton 12, to Stratford 8, to Coughton 9, to Broomgrove 11, to Kederminster 9, to Quot 9, to Bridgnorth 4, a large and well-built Town in Shropshire, containing several good Inns.

From Cambridge to Coventry 80 Miles, thus reckoned.
To Elsley 11, to St. Neots 5, to Great Stoughton 5, to Highamferries 12, to Northampton 15, to Watford 11, to Rugby 8, to Coventry 11, a City and Bishopric (with Lichfield) in Warwickshire.

About Carriages

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Travel by coach took for ever in 1662. This describes the trip by wagon with produce and people aboard, not an expensive people-coach:

Highlights from…...

During the entire medieval period of English history the roads were so wretched the only practical means of transport for goods was on the backs of pack-horses, and strings — sometimes containing as many as 30 or 40 of these patient animals, their leader wearing a bell around its neck — were common sights in the country. For their accommodation, special bridges were built over streams as time went on, narrow bridges with low parapets that would not interfere with the low-hung loads. The well-known "Piscator's Bridge," in Dovedale, Notts., is a good example of a pack-horse bridge. By degrees proprietors of these horses and other charitable folk paved tracks for them to walk along, and traces of these trackways can be found all over England. There is an excellent specimen near Kirklees, Yorks.

By the 17th century, wheels were coming into general use, and huge cumbrous wagons of immensely strong construction were dragged about the country by teams of six and more horses. In addition, these wagons had great baskets slung at their rear for the accommodation of passengers, and their usual rate of progress was three miles an hour, four miles an hour being considered extraordinarily rapid. The wheels of these monsters played havoc with the already awful surface of the roads, and all manner of plans were devised to remedy the evil. Instead of improving the roads, our forefathers tried to stop the wagons, and also introduced regulations encouraging the use of wide wheels, until eventually rollers were tried instead of ordinary wheels.

One hundred years later the most comfortable mode of travel, and the one usually employed, was still horseback. Some idea of the magnitude of the horse-hire trade can be gained from the fact that in 1750, 400 saddle-horses were available in Nottingham (that's one for every 29 persons in the town). Many of these horses could be hired at about threepence a mile, with an addition of fourpence per stage for the post-boy who acted as guide (presumably a little less in Pepys' time).

About Monday 28 July 1662

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Travel by coach took for ever in 1662. This describes the trip by wagon with produce and people aboard, not an expensive people-coach:

Highlights from…

During the entire medieval period of English history the roads were so wretched the only practical means of transport for goods was on the backs of pack-horses, and strings — sometimes containing as many as 30 or 40 of these patient animals, their leader wearing a bell around its neck — were common sights in the country. For their accommodation, special bridges were built over streams as time went on, narrow bridges with low parapets that would not interfere with the low-hung loads. The well-known "Piscator's Bridge," in Dovedale, Notts., is a good example of a pack-horse bridge. By degrees proprietors of these horses and other charitable folk paved tracks for them to walk along, and traces of these trackways can be found all over England. There is an excellent specimen near Kirklees, Yorks.

By the 17th century, wheels were coming into general use, and huge cumbrous wagons of immensely strong construction were dragged about the country by teams of six and more horses. In addition, these wagons had great baskets slung at their rear for the accommodation of passengers, and their usual rate of progress was three miles an hour, four miles an hour being considered extraordinarily rapid. The wheels of these monsters played havoc with the already awful surface of the roads, and all manner of plans were devised to remedy the evil. Instead of improving the roads, our forefathers tried to stop the wagons, and also introduced regulations encouraging the use of wide wheels, until eventually rollers were tried instead of ordinary wheels.

One hundred years later the most comfortable mode of travel, and the one usually employed, was still horseback. Some idea of the magnitude of the horse-hire trade can be gained from the fact that in 1750, 400 saddle-horses were available in Nottingham (that's one for every 29 persons in the town). Many of these horses could be hired at about threepence a mile, with an addition of fourpence per stage for the post-boy who acted as guide (presumably a little less in Pepys' time).

About Financial transactions

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

The English private banking industry owes its start in part to Charles I who, in 1642, decided to steal the deposits left in the Tower for safe-keeping by London merchants.

I found a story of how banking emerged in Nottingham to give us an idea of how this change occurred over time. Pepys Diary is written in the middle of the change, and (at least at the beginning of the Diary) and he hasn't yet found an alternative to his cellar:

for more information, see:…

In 1658 Thomas Smith (1631-1699) purchased for £210 a house and shop at the east end of South Parade on the corner of Peck Lane, Nottingham. Here he started a mercer business (meaning he was a dealer in any kind of goods or wares), and through industry and fair dealing secured the confidence of his customers.

He found he needed more capital to expand, and as his customers had nowhere they could deposit money, they began to bring him their spare money for safe keeping. He gave them promissory notes and allowed them interest, and then either loaned out his customers' money, or gave them credit. Financial matters grew, and rents and taxes were collected. Over time he found he needed to make better provision for taking care of money and securities.

Before 1642 the merchants in London had been in the habit of depositing their bullion and cash in the Tower for convenience and security, under the guardianship of the Crown; but King Charles, in order to pay his debts, seized their property to the amount of £30,000. This caused great consternation, and the merchants decided in future to keep their capital under their own control.

Mr. Easton in the "History of a Banking House," p. 57, says this is precisely what Thomas Smith did in Nottingham. He lived on the premises, and underneath the shop was a basement kitchen. Beneath this he made three cellars in the sandstone rock, approached by a trap-door and ladder, and another set of cellars below them approached by steps. The basement wall shows there was once access to the basement of the adjoining house, as the increased business over time meant additional room had to be provided. Then the two kinds of business — the mercery and the banking -- had to be divided, and other premises were secured ...

Banking was born.

About Sunday 1 November 1663

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Pepys gets lots of credit for teaching Elizabeth new things, but he wasn't alone in doing this.

After the defeat at Marston Moor in 1644, Queen Henrietta Maria and her court fled into exile in France, including maid-of-honor Margaret Lucas.

In France, Margaret met William Cavendish, then Marquiss of Newcastle, and the couple married in 1645. They lived in comparative poverty during the Interregnum, first in Paris then Antwerp. During this time Lady Margaret received informal lessons in science and philosophy from both her husband and his brother, Sir Charles Cavendish.

I think Pepys (and Cavendish) found this an entertaining way to keep their women occupied at home during times of great boredom. Plus they have something challenging to them both to talk about.

for more information, see…

About Friday 30 October 1663

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Louise - he writes in French shorthand. Maybe Elizabeth is a difficult outline, and "my wife" is a flowing quick and easy squiggle? It would be in English Pitman.

About Tuesday 27 October 1663

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Ah, washday ... October, cold, nothing outside or it gets rained on ... you are right, stuff all over the house "airing" as my mother would say.

About Leads

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

A shout-out to Pepys Diary and information about leads, consolidated from…

Willoughby House is a magnificent house in Nottingham built by the Hon. Rothwell Willoughby between 1730 and 1740.

When it was built, the view from the roof was regarded as a great asset and walkways covered with lead were made around the edge, easy access to which was arranged by means of internal stairways. To prevent accidents, parapets were set up and the good folk of the 18th century -- and even earlier -- used to spend a good deal of their leisure on these "leads" as they called them. Readers of Pepys Diary will find references to evenings spent upon the leads engaged in singing and talking.

About Saturday 31 October 1663

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Why isn't Pepys walking more? As I recall it rained for months on end this year. Mud, water and cloth -- never mind velvet and periwigs -- don't mix. His experiences with being recognized at the Exchange by the one-eyed solicitor, nearly being arrested at the office (and having to escape over the roof to his colleague's house), and so many underpaid sailors wandering around town, have made him cautious of crowds. And when your wife merits a companion as well as a maid and a girl, well, things have changed. People in the public eye have always had these challenges -- but as Elizabeth experienced last week, the carriage can also make you a target. I wonder if she'll demand a bodyguard next.

About Architecture

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

About the "leads" where Elizabeth and Sam spent their evenings:

Willoughby House is a magnificent house in Nottingham built by the Hon. Rothwell Willoughby (brother of Lord Middleton) between 1730 and 1740.

When it was built, the view from the roof was regarded as a great asset and walkways covered with lead were made around the edge, easy access to which was arranged by means of internal stairways. To prevent accidents, parapets were set up and the good folk of the 18th century -- and even earlier -- used to spend a good deal of their leisure on these "leads" as they called them. Readers of Pepys Diary will find references to evenings spent upon the leads engaged in singing and talking.