Annotations and comments

San Diego Sarah has posted 9,553 annotations/comments since 6 August 2015.


Second Reading

About Saturday 15 November 1662

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Pepys worked until 10 at night, then home for supper, and then read a play before going to bed. I wonder who stayed up to feed him. It must have been after 1 a.m. when he hit the sack. That's a lot of candles, which were expensive. I wonder what Elizabeth was up to all that time. No wonder she was bored.

About Wednesday 5 November 1662

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

And the Diary continues "... and that he was very angry and hot, and said he would speak to the Duke. To which, knowing that all this was but to scare me, and to get him to put off his resolution of making up the entry, I did tell him plainly how I did not value his anger more, than he did mine, and that I should be willing to do what the Duke commanded, and I was sure to have justice of him, and that was all I did say to him about it, though I was much vexed, and after a little stay went home; and there telling my wife she did put me into heart, and resolve to offer him to change lodgings, and believe that that will one way or other bring us to some end in this dispute."

I read Pepys as saying that he recognized this gossip was designed to upset Sam, provoking him into doing something stupid. However, Pepys called Penn's bluff by saying he was so sure of the Duke's sense of Justice he was willing to offer to swap housing. However, Pepys was upset by the conversation and cooled his heels in the garden before going home and persuading Elizabeth that this was the only way to kick the argument far enough upstairs that the dispute could be ended in their favor. A gutsy move.

About Wednesday 10 September 1662

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

For once we have no "and so to bed" today. Plus the last paragraph appears to be a note added later, and applies to today and not yesterday ... or there is no reason why SP would have gone to Tom's house and been surprised that he was not home.

About Saturday 23 August 1662

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

She got in, and Charles after her, followed by the Duke of York and the Princes Edward and Rupert, and the Countess of Suffolk as lady-in-waiting.

Who is Prince Edward?

About Friday 22 August 1662

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Pepys says he went to My Lord's. He usually says he went to the Wardrobe. Does Sandwich live at the Wardrobe, or is it just "the office address" while the family lives at Montagu House?

About Frances Butler

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Frances Stewart, who was enchanting Chas II at Court at the time, was called "La Belle Stuart". James Butler, Duke of Ormonde's family name was also spelled le Boteler and le Botiller. The surname has its origins in the hereditary office of Butler of Ireland. So Frances Butler's pet name is a play on words (remembering that spelling and consistency were not 17th century necessities ... how they knew who was who is beyond me).

About Wednesday 20 August 1662

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

When Pepys visits Montagu, I'm guessing he visits him at the Wardrobe. Or is the Wardrobe an "office" address, and the family sleep and entertain privately at Montagu House?

About Wednesday 13 August 1662

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

The flag issue has been brewing for a while: Tuesday 29 July 1662 -- This morning among other things I broached the business of our being abused about flags, which I know doth trouble Sir W. Batten, but I care not. ... and in the evening walked to Deptford (Cooper with me talking of mathematiques) ... and to see the difference between the flags sent in now-a-days, and I find the old ones, which were much cheaper, to be wholly as good. So I took one of a sort with me, and Mr. Wayth accompanying of me a good way, talking of the faults of the Navy, ...…

About Monday 11 August 1662

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Since the roof is now tiled, I presume the interiors will have to be finished, doors hung, floorboards polished, never mind rain damage repaired. Lots to be done before Elizabeth, Wayneman and Sarah can come home. Will they still be able to walk on the roof after this?

About Three Crowns (Cheapside)

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

I found this filed under John Boys: Per L&M Companion -- Boys was a wholesaler at the Three Crowns, Cheapside. In Aug. 1662 he married Elizabeth, daughter of John Bligh, citizen and salter, later an Irish M.P. Elizabeth Bligh Boys' mother was Catherine Fuller Bligh, sister of Pepys' friend Dean William Fuller.

About Friday 8 August 1662

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Yesterday "This morning I got unexpectedly the Reserve for Mr. Cooper to be maister of, which was only by taking an opportune time to motion [it], which is one good effect of my being constant at the office, that nothing passes without me; and I have the choice of my own time to propose anything I would have. "

Maybe Sam wonders if Coventry's advice about being suspicious of people wanting things is a warning that this transaction hasn't gone unnoticed after all. A little paranoia when you are the new boy on the block is understandable.

About Sir John Millicent

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Terry F. -- Since Sir John was "fool" to James I, who became King in 1603, your Sir John Millicent must be the father or grandfather of the gentleman referred to here.

About Tuesday 5 August 1662

San Diego Sarah  •  Link

Where is Will Hewer ... last we heard of him he was fetching SP's shoes. Perhaps he got sent home for forgetting them? I don't recall him being mentioned otherwise in all these adventures.